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Today's the Day! Canadians Needed in Ottawa NOW!!! NO CHILDREN!!

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posted on Feb, 18 2022 @ 02:16 PM
a reply to: just4fun

The way the leftists talk about killing "Nazis" or anyone disagreeing with their ideology and the commonality of said rhetoric, if a world leader were to suddenly give the green light to actually start killing political rivals, you can bet your ass that most of these people would throw themselves right into it..

Many of those people whom have been placed in positions of power (police, military) and other occupations would dutifully conduct a genocide, with the mindset that the dear leader has deemed it necessary for the good of the nation.

Make no mistake, it is just as likely to happen i a modern, western nation as it is in some far off banana republic. And it has..!! Germany, Italy, Poland, Romania just to name a few modern, civilised nations that have taken part in the genocidal tendencies of a megalomaniacal, unstable leader. Trudeau is a prime candidate in my

All it takes is one person at the very top to say the word and those under him, who admire and worship him will follow the order.
edit on 18-2-2022 by Ironclad1964 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 18 2022 @ 03:46 PM

originally posted by: Ironclad1964
a reply to: just4fun

The way the leftists talk about killing "Nazis" or anyone disagreeing with their ideology and the commonality of said rhetoric, if a world leader were to suddenly give the green light to actually start killing political rivals, you can bet your ass that most of these people would throw themselves right into it..

Many of those people whom have been placed in positions of power (police, military) and other occupations would dutifully conduct a genocide, with the mindset that the dear leader has deemed it necessary for the good of the nation.

Make no mistake, it is just as likely to happen i a modern, western nation as it is in some far off banana republic. And it has..!! Germany, Italy, Poland, Romania just to name a few modern, civilised nations that have taken part in the genocidal tendencies of a megalomaniacal, unstable leader. Trudeau is a prime candidate in my

All it takes is one person at the very top to say the word and those under him, who admire and worship him will follow the order.

JT thinks he can make the protestors get violent,and thats why he has snipers on the roof tops to kill people and make examples of them if they resist.

posted on Feb, 18 2022 @ 04:09 PM
By midafternoon, at least 70 people had been arrested, mostly on mischief charges, and nearly two dozen vehicles had been towed, including all of those blocking one of the city’s major streets, authorities said.

The crackdown on the self-styled Freedom Convoy began in the morning, when hundreds of police, some in riot gear and some carrying automatic weapons, descended into the protest zone and began leading demonstrators away in handcuffs through the snowy streets as holdout truckers blared their horns.

AP link

posted on Feb, 18 2022 @ 05:12 PM
a reply to: ColeYounger

Or perhaps freeze their their assets???


posted on Feb, 18 2022 @ 05:24 PM

originally posted by: thebtheb

originally posted by: Bloodworth
Canada is using Chinas book.

Surround the protesters, have dozens of check points.

They will get each person and make an extreme example out of them.

This abuse of power by the Canadian government is disgusting and should be condemned by everyone.

What type of person can vote for someone like Trudeau?

Whatever happens today, Trudeau's reputation and the police's reputation is ruined, here and worldwide.

The damage is done.

How can those police treat those people like that?
Absolutely disgusting the tactics that were used.

posted on Feb, 18 2022 @ 07:33 PM

originally posted by: Bloodworth

originally posted by: thebtheb

originally posted by: Bloodworth
Canada is using Chinas book.

Surround the protesters, have dozens of check points.

They will get each person and make an extreme example out of them.

This abuse of power by the Canadian government is disgusting and should be condemned by everyone.

What type of person can vote for someone like Trudeau?

Whatever happens today, Trudeau's reputation and the police's reputation is ruined, here and worldwide.

The damage is done.

How can those police treat those people like that?
Absolutely disgusting the tactics that were used.

Because they do not see them as people. they see them as law breakers.

posted on Feb, 18 2022 @ 07:33 PM
What’s this about? those arrested dropped off in the middle of nowhere

posted on Feb, 18 2022 @ 07:36 PM
a reply to: violet

prolly hoping they will freeze to death.

posted on Feb, 18 2022 @ 08:54 PM
a reply to: violet

Maybe because they couldn't charge him with anything or the people who arrested him aren't actually police officers.

posted on Feb, 19 2022 @ 12:03 AM
The old lady they trampled with horses is dead.

posted on Feb, 19 2022 @ 12:04 AM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

Is this confirmed?

posted on Feb, 19 2022 @ 12:24 AM

originally posted by: vNex92
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

Is this confirmed?

I don't know, but I've read it many places, and also some old guy had a heart attack and they just left him there.

posted on Feb, 19 2022 @ 01:38 AM
It's about time these people stopped blocking workers and the public from living their lives, and took their tantrum elsewhere.

Don't like the rules? Get a different job and stop holding everyone else to ransom.

These minority of truckers are no better than antifa.

Tow the lot of them and send them the invoice.

posted on Feb, 19 2022 @ 03:58 AM

originally posted by: yuppa

originally posted by: Bloodworth

originally posted by: thebtheb

originally posted by: Bloodworth
Canada is using Chinas book.

Surround the protesters, have dozens of check points.

They will get each person and make an extreme example out of them.

This abuse of power by the Canadian government is disgusting and should be condemned by everyone.

What type of person can vote for someone like Trudeau?

Whatever happens today, Trudeau's reputation and the police's reputation is ruined, here and worldwide.

The damage is done.

How can those police treat those people like that?
Absolutely disgusting the tactics that were used.

Because they do not see them as people. they see them as law breakers.

Just dumb pawns.....the cause was law breakers in the gov and upperclass with their mandates. The effects were the peaceful demonstration.

They seem to have selective blindness when it comes to who the law breakers are. the freezing of funds, the release of names of who donated, the attack on those donators, the threats of seizing pets and children. Scary abuse of power.

posted on Feb, 19 2022 @ 10:17 AM
a reply to: ConcernedCanadian

I'll introduce myself as a disabled UK citizen whose views on the liberal & ultra elitists who are responsible for the genesis & implementation of the faked plandemic for the purpose of poisoning & murdering/ maiming as many people as possible throughout the world, would get me downgraded under new plans for credit reports linked to online activity & other non-financial attributes, such as what presently has evolved in China, to the eternal sorrow of its citizens. My opinions would be wildly unpopular with most persons in government, and with most persons in powerful corporate environments.

However, I'm not a leftist, but neither am I a true blue Conservative - I consider myself libertarian in some manner, though one could also say 'conservative with a small c'. Despite my politics & views on life generally, I haven't turned out to protests in the UK because of the highly detrimental effects of my disability. However, if what is currently unfolding in Canada were happening here in the UK, I would kiss/hug my wife & sons goodbye & somehow make my way to the capital complete with chains & padlocks, and I would gladly padlock myself to the gates of Parliament in solidarity with the doubtless hundreds of thousands who would be there in support of the same freedoms which Canadian protestors are desperately trying to protect at this time.

I would do this despite the severe pain & massive inconvenience/ threat to long-term health which would be caused by such actions, and I would endeavour to give interviews expressing just how much I'm willing to sacrifice in order to protest such heinous, criminal plans being levelled by the government against its citizens, regardless of the actual political colours of the government of the day. 'I hope Canadians will rally to Pat King's call to action & travel there to hold the line with their contemporaries, true Canadians who love their country & believe in freedom, in libertarian values.

Here in the UK we are under a Conservative government at this time, which is proving something of a mixed blessing as the pandemic measures filter out of public life in these days, when it seems the government are content to try to let COVID die its own death, for the benefit of the freedom of the nation, to be economically productive again. However, the powers which caused & sustained the pandemic are still alive & well, doubtless regrouping & strategising/ applying political pressure to re-establish their superiority in the ways by which the government responds to the hoaxed threat of COVID. Many in government are ignorant of these wiles, many in government are aware of these wiles.

Now it becomes a matter of personal choice at every level - do they continue to go along with the ultra-elitists who spawned the pandemic & the deliberately toxic vaccines, or do individuals, bit by inexorable bit, begin to demonstrate true courage in the face of seemingly overwhelming power, in order to resist the eugenecist playbook which has been opened upon the entire world, to some extent or another.

Individual bravery at the various nodes of action is what will be required to tip the balance of power in the favour of free, righteous, noble pursuit of the highest good for our civilisation.

May God be with each one of them as they summon their courage.

posted on Feb, 19 2022 @ 10:44 AM
a reply to: TerryMcGuire

Surely by now you will see that these peaceful protestors wouldn't be willing to do this extreme action, if there were not an imminent threat to their nation? This is not about a simple trucker's mandate - Trudeau was selected & groomed by the World Economic Foundation for just such a time as this - it is his job to push in the powers needed for the preparation & emplacement of a New World Order under the WEF and other similarly aligned organisations of the elites.

These truckers are literally firing up the minds & hearts of people all over the world to recognise the coordinated fifth column actions against their own sovereign nations, and by their lights people are fighting back against the COVID restrictions which are the initial crowbar to shoehorn the NWO into place. This is no longer a matter of simple domestic or even international politics - this is about a concerted effort to implement powers of control, and to pacify the nations against the measures which ultimately will see their democracies & republics ripped out from beneath them, replaced by a totalitarian & true fascist NWO which will control absolutely the lives of every citizen on Earth, using advanced versions of the track & trace systems which have been so ably trialled in other susceptible nations, such as Australia, which nobody can now deny is a fascist power under the aegis of the WEF.

Those rulers in many such affected nations also went through the WEF grooming process, and now they all are become the silver-tongued devils which are oppressing & even imprisoning their people in abysmal internment camps for those who simply will not comply, and basically indeed for anyone who even remotely came close to being a contact of an alleged COVID patient. Do you not see how all of this is connected, and how dire our true situation actually has become?

Truckers in Canada are doing a fine job of keeping the WEF controlled totalitarian uber-state restrained - for now.

How long until the jackboots truly come down, and we all wake up one day wondering why we're not in Kansas anymore?

posted on Feb, 19 2022 @ 11:53 AM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

You make a solid summation here. The edifice of belief is credible and you express it clearly so thanks.

We have been watching, some of us who are old enough anyway, these international organizations emerge for decades and some will say even the League of Nations was to some degree an early one that rose briefly to prominence. The UN was organized and promoted as a tool to end world wars and lift all the peoples of the world into better lives and harmonious international cooperation. But we now know and have known for a long time that the fingers of the elites were instrumental in the organization of that body as well as it's directions over the years. Yet even today I cannot accept that it was completely under the control of only those elitists. That there were indeed those amongst them, people who's best intentions were for the fulfillment of those lofty goals hampered not only by those elitists but simply by the ineptitude of human bumbling.

I have most always cheered the grassroots that have sprung up calling out these attempts as global control. That long list of international agencies and agreements to foster better trade for instance, the WEF being one of them. I do and have for a long while recognized the current of domination that has coursed beneath the pretty words they have always used in their attempts to sell it all the the public.

It seems to me that each time a grass roots rises it becomes usurped. And as much as my own aging revolutionary spirit thrills with this current grass roots we see exemplified by the Freedom Convoy my spirit chokes and sputters over one major sticking point. One point that is so off kilter, so out of the box of ridiculousness that I have to completely question the viability of accomplishing the goals of freedom set before us. That one major sticking point is the embrace by American revolutionaries of Donald Trump. He is a complete mad man and allowing him any influence in the directions that this current revolutionary fervor is commanding will surely be it's undoing.

posted on Feb, 19 2022 @ 01:37 PM
This small minority group needs to stop acting like antifa and get back to work. Lazy whining rednecks.

posted on Feb, 19 2022 @ 01:39 PM
I think it needs to be announced
Civil war has begun in North America.

When the language of force is preferred over peaceful dialogue
When peace is met with violence over fundamental rights and freedoms
even at the cost of political ruin.
Clearly there is no intention on returning them.

Unfortunately i cannot see this going any other way.
edit on pmSaturdaySaturday20300000002pm2 by all2human because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 19 2022 @ 04:48 PM
Didn’t realise the Fidel trudeo was a redneck!

He’s a disgrace to a cultured society.

a reply to: fencesitter85

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