posted on Feb, 16 2022 @ 08:57 AM
If I were in the shoes of a Latino who wanted to leave their corrupt, broken, open latrine country, the U.S. could be my final destination, or it
might not be where I want to end up, but be a way to continue on to some other country. Either way, I'd look for any opportunity to get the hell out
and wouldn't hold that against poor, honest and hard working people.
That doesn't mean I favor an open border policy that let's a massive volume get in Scott free, however, it's seems similar to the Ellis Island
procedures that allowed my Czech grant parents to get into the U.S. as poor, under educated farmers. Go back far enough in U.S. history and our
borders were truly open, but that doesn't make it a good idea now in the 21st century.
These "undocumented migrants" need to be vetted, sorted out, and put through the citizenship process first or humanly sent on their way some where
else IMO.