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Saw the Dumbest thing I’ve ever seen

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posted on Feb, 15 2022 @ 10:16 AM
a reply to: JAGStorm

April of 1980 I wanted to watch the first Shuttle launch, but, I'd be in school when that happened. I made a remark to my Mother that I'd be sick that day and stay home. The day of the launch I really didn't feel that well and told my Mother. Well they postponed the launch from Friday until Monday. My Mother had made a Doctor's appointment for me to call my bluff on being sick. If the Doctor said that there was nothing wrong with me I was in trouble. Well I had Walking Pneumonia and we'd caught it at the start. I was down for two weeks. If she hadn't tried to prove me wrong and not taken me to the Doctor it could have been much worse.

posted on Feb, 16 2022 @ 02:35 PM
I'm going to wear a mask just to be stupid for the rest of my life and I'm 47 and I will still be walking around wearing a mask brainwashed I have become and if someone ask me why I still have it own I will tell them the virus is not dead.. lol they are tricking everyone now and hushing it up..

posted on Feb, 16 2022 @ 03:25 PM

originally posted by: justdust
Some of don't mind wearing a mask. It hides about half of my face, so I don't have to wear makup. I'm old and my face is not nice to behold, so I am treating the mask as an accessory and wear ones that match my clothing.

And there is that too. I never noticed being in the Middle East a lot just how pretty eyes can be if that is all you can see.

posted on Feb, 16 2022 @ 07:56 PM
a reply to: Jobeycool

Your choice and I support your Right to do that. I may question your common sense but I support your right.

posted on Feb, 16 2022 @ 09:24 PM
I had to wear a dumbass mask in Columbus, Ohio today. Mayor apparently still has a mandate. Not very happy considering I haven't worn a mask in over a month where I live in Dayton, Ohio.

posted on Feb, 17 2022 @ 07:49 AM
a reply to: The2ndComing83

Had to wear a mask today until I got to my office. Will have to wear a mask and sit six feet apart at a meeting I have at 10 AM. We'll finish the meeting at Noon and then go outside, take off our masks, get into the same car and go to Lunch. Then when I get back, put the mask on until I get back to my office.
It isn't our group mandating this. It comes from Global.

posted on Feb, 17 2022 @ 08:04 AM

originally posted by: JIMC5499
a reply to: The2ndComing83

Had to wear a mask today until I got to my office. Will have to wear a mask and sit six feet apart at a meeting I have at 10 AM. We'll finish the meeting at Noon and then go outside, take off our masks, get into the same car and go to Lunch. Then when I get back, put the mask on until I get back to my office.
It isn't our group mandating this. It comes from Global.

Same here. I sit in my office with no mask with the HVAC system sucking up my exhales and piping them into all the other areas on my floor.

posted on Feb, 17 2022 @ 08:11 AM

originally posted by: JAGStorm

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: JAGStorm

How many times did you tell your parents you didn't feel good only to have them be skeptical of your claims? I did once and then got to school and puked all over everywhere.

I had to be on death's doorstep before my parents took me seriously that I was ill.

If i had a fever I got to stay home. Ive seen kids at school that look like they should be going to the ER they were so sick. All I could think is what kind of monsters would send their kids in? I’ll tell you, it was a school employed person!

Ah, see ... I seldom run a fever. My body temp is naturally low. For me a fever is anything close to 99 degrees because I run about 97 naturally. For most people, they're just a tad overheated at that temp. For me, I'm actually reasonably sick.

posted on Feb, 17 2022 @ 08:15 AM

originally posted by: JIMC5499
a reply to: The2ndComing83

Had to wear a mask today until I got to my office. Will have to wear a mask and sit six feet apart at a meeting I have at 10 AM. We'll finish the meeting at Noon and then go outside, take off our masks, get into the same car and go to Lunch. Then when I get back, put the mask on until I get back to my office.
It isn't our group mandating this. It comes from Global.

Yes. Work is the only place where I still have to wear a mask. We weren't having to until omigawd came round and few employees either got it themselves or had family members who did. Then HR went hysterical crazy, masked us and instituted worse/stupider quarantine rules than the CDC. Now, everyone wears a mask inside and promptly takes it off as soon as they exit leading to just what you describe.

Even funnier, if you go on official business outside the office and you are riding together in the car on that business, you all have to wear your masks while traveling. So you immediately know who is leaving to go to an offsite meeting and who is just leaving to go grab lunch off the clock. Just look at who has the mask on and who doesn't.

HR guidance tried to tell us all to wear our masks at all times, on and off clock, but NO ONE paid any attention to that. I should be one of those people wearing my mask in my car by myself and even at home with my family, but they can bite me.

posted on Feb, 17 2022 @ 08:16 AM

originally posted by: ketsuko

originally posted by: JAGStorm

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: JAGStorm

How many times did you tell your parents you didn't feel good only to have them be skeptical of your claims? I did once and then got to school and puked all over everywhere.

I had to be on death's doorstep before my parents took me seriously that I was ill.

If i had a fever I got to stay home. Ive seen kids at school that look like they should be going to the ER they were so sick. All I could think is what kind of monsters would send their kids in? I’ll tell you, it was a school employed person!

Ah, see ... I seldom run a fever. My body temp is naturally low. For me a fever is anything close to 99 degrees because I run about 97 naturally. For most people, they're just a tad overheated at that temp. For me, I'm actually reasonably sick.

I didn't have a fever when I had Covid. I was hospitalized for five days, but never had a fever.
I got a fever after both Covid vaccines, which I now wish I had never taken.

posted on Feb, 17 2022 @ 08:18 AM
a reply to: butcherguy

If I had omigawd around Thanksgiving, it didn't give me a fever.

I don't know about the first shot although it gave me hellacious muscle and joint aches for about 6 hours, and I mean terrible, as in my in tears, and nausea. But I did run a low grade fever for a few days with the second.

And like you, I am sorry I got the shots. I don't think they did anything beyond make me miserable for a few days, but the draconian push to force everyone to have them makes me suspicious now about why everyone has to have them.

posted on Feb, 17 2022 @ 01:01 PM

originally posted by: LSU2018

originally posted by: JAGStorm
First let me preface this by saying I’ve always been somewhat pro mask. It was widely accepted to wear masks when YOU are sick in Asia so you don’t spread it to others. I also think in the early days of Covid we probably should have been wearing them, but we were told not to.
I don’t think they work as a widespread measure for various reasons, ill fitting, poor masks, touching your face to adjust etc. I think in a controlled environment with good masks, proper fitting, it would most definitely have helped.

So with
All that being said, I saw the absolute most dumb thing I could have laid my eyes on this weekend. I was at the pool.
You know what I’m about to say……….

A lady was wearing a mask….with water, at the pool.

They go to new heights for extreme stupidity. Look at this horn tooter. I mean, you could make plenty of dirty memes, alone, out of this.

Just imagine if they all put their energy, time and money to something productive instead of this nonsense? Imagine all the tax dollars spent on pure made up laws/rules etc...actually went to places that could use it or better yet improve things that everyone could benefit from. can't steal that way.

posted on Feb, 17 2022 @ 01:12 PM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: JIMC5499

Then you have the politicizing of masks. There are some who wear them because they don't want to be seen as Trump supporters. Those are the real DUMB ones.

Agree, people have kept wearing them as a form of virtue signalling to show they are not like the others who were not wearing them in the

This all reminds me of grade school...the uber rule followers were always so proud to be falling in line and were rewarded for following the rules while the "bad" kids sometimes disobeyed and of course were ratted out by the obedient ones. That is what memory this has all brought back. The difference is however that those do gooders got theirs either during recess or after school and that usually took care of the problem. Kinda feel like taking care of some problems myself from time to

posted on Feb, 17 2022 @ 09:51 PM
Hopefully everyone totally gives up their lives for a now cold like virus. It makes total sense.

posted on Feb, 18 2022 @ 12:31 PM

originally posted by: JAGStorm
First let me preface this by saying I’ve always been somewhat pro mask. It was widely accepted to wear masks when YOU are sick in Asia so you don’t spread it to others. I also think in the early days of Covid we probably should have been wearing them, but we were told not to.
I don’t think they work as a widespread measure for various reasons, ill fitting, poor masks, touching your face to adjust etc. I think in a controlled environment with good masks, proper fitting, it would most definitely have helped.

So with
All that being said, I saw the absolute most dumb thing I could have laid my eyes on this weekend. I was at the pool.
You know what I’m about to say……….

A lady was wearing a mask….with water, at the pool.

My best friend sent me a video of a porn scene where the woman has a mask on lmao
edit on 18-2-2022 by holydarkness because: (no reason given)

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