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Givesendgo hacked for raising money for convoy, donors doxxed

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+3 more 
posted on Feb, 14 2022 @ 06:56 AM

GiveSendGo, the Christian crowdfunding website used by the Freedom Convoy, was hacked Sunday night and was redirecting to the domain

A video of the song "Into the Unknown" from the Disney film Frozen 2 was displayed on the site with a manifesto scrolling over the video condemning the website and the Freedom Convoy.

A file was also posted which was allegedly containing tens of thousands of names of donors to the Freedom Convoy.

Shortly after the hack was noticed and began trending on social media, the website was restored and as of time of publication it appears that GiveSendGo has corrected for the hack.

So far we have people in Canadian government call for freezing this money. Then we had Gofundme themselves stop this money and try to steal it. Now this.

Which group did this? It could be left wing activists as the article claims. It could be government actors for all we know.

Certainly though any on the left have cheered this and the other measures to remove money from the convoy on. This is right of there will self proclaimed Antifa members marching and rioting FOR lockdowns

The lines have never been more clear of who is cheering on government authoritarianism, and who is fighting it.

posted on Feb, 14 2022 @ 07:02 AM
a reply to: Grambler
How it looks now, the real antifa core should be really angry and speaking up this. Not that I think any better of those, but yeah. It's like the opposite of what they fight for on so many levels, what is currently happening.

Antifa being full of left, liberals, even anarchists also nihilists cheering for government mandates and taking away freedom?

Did I change dimensions or time lines somehow and did not notice???

posted on Feb, 14 2022 @ 07:08 AM

originally posted by: Grambler

GiveSendGo, the Christian crowdfunding website used by the Freedom Convoy, was hacked Sunday night and was redirecting to the domain

A video of the song "Into the Unknown" from the Disney film Frozen 2 was displayed on the site with a manifesto scrolling over the video condemning the website and the Freedom Convoy.

A file was also posted which was allegedly containing tens of thousands of names of donors to the Freedom Convoy.

Shortly after the hack was noticed and began trending on social media, the website was restored and as of time of publication it appears that GiveSendGo has corrected for the hack.

So far we have people in Canadian government call for freezing this money. Then we had Gofundme themselves stop this money and try to steal it. Now this.

Which group did this? It could be left wing activists as the article claims. It could be government actors for all we know.

Certainly though any on the left have cheered this and the other measures to remove money from the convoy on. This is right of there will self proclaimed Antifa members marching and rioting FOR lockdowns

The lines have never been more clear of who is cheering on government authoritarianism, and who is fighting it.

I see what your doing and I can and will call you out.
So please defend this movement and how financially this entire protest helped anyone?
I'll wait just because I can be nice.
Yet this charade you have is about to come to a complete end.

+14 more 
posted on Feb, 14 2022 @ 07:22 AM
a reply to: Allaroundyou

you must feel proud fighting on the side of mandates, government control, and oppression. I will give props where they are due, you have remained consistent in your views as a bootlicker.

+8 more 
posted on Feb, 14 2022 @ 07:30 AM

originally posted by: Allaroundyou

originally posted by: Grambler

GiveSendGo, the Christian crowdfunding website used by the Freedom Convoy, was hacked Sunday night and was redirecting to the domain

A video of the song "Into the Unknown" from the Disney film Frozen 2 was displayed on the site with a manifesto scrolling over the video condemning the website and the Freedom Convoy.

A file was also posted which was allegedly containing tens of thousands of names of donors to the Freedom Convoy.

Shortly after the hack was noticed and began trending on social media, the website was restored and as of time of publication it appears that GiveSendGo has corrected for the hack.

So far we have people in Canadian government call for freezing this money. Then we had Gofundme themselves stop this money and try to steal it. Now this.

Which group did this? It could be left wing activists as the article claims. It could be government actors for all we know.

Certainly though any on the left have cheered this and the other measures to remove money from the convoy on. This is right of there will self proclaimed Antifa members marching and rioting FOR lockdowns

The lines have never been more clear of who is cheering on government authoritarianism, and who is fighting it.

I see what your doing and I can and will call you out.
So please defend this movement and how financially this entire protest helped anyone?
I'll wait just because I can be nice.
Yet this charade you have is about to come to a complete end.


Well thanks for calling me out. Your social credit score just increased 5 points.

posted on Feb, 14 2022 @ 07:32 AM

originally posted by: Allaroundyou

originally posted by: Grambler

GiveSendGo, the Christian crowdfunding website used by the Freedom Convoy, was hacked Sunday night and was redirecting to the domain

A video of the song "Into the Unknown" from the Disney film Frozen 2 was displayed on the site with a manifesto scrolling over the video condemning the website and the Freedom Convoy.

A file was also posted which was allegedly containing tens of thousands of names of donors to the Freedom Convoy.

Shortly after the hack was noticed and began trending on social media, the website was restored and as of time of publication it appears that GiveSendGo has corrected for the hack.

So far we have people in Canadian government call for freezing this money. Then we had Gofundme themselves stop this money and try to steal it. Now this.

Which group did this? It could be left wing activists as the article claims. It could be government actors for all we know.

Certainly though any on the left have cheered this and the other measures to remove money from the convoy on. This is right of there will self proclaimed Antifa members marching and rioting FOR lockdowns

The lines have never been more clear of who is cheering on government authoritarianism, and who is fighting it.

I see what your doing and I can and will call you out.
So please defend this movement and how financially this entire protest helped anyone?
I'll wait just because I can be nice.
Yet this charade you have is about to come to a complete end.

What do you want to know about the word "freedom" ?
I will try and answer , although that does seem like an overwhelming task.
Even for me .

posted on Feb, 14 2022 @ 07:48 AM

originally posted by: Allaroundyou

originally posted by: Grambler

GiveSendGo, the Christian crowdfunding website used by the Freedom Convoy, was hacked Sunday night and was redirecting to the domain

A video of the song "Into the Unknown" from the Disney film Frozen 2 was displayed on the site with a manifesto scrolling over the video condemning the website and the Freedom Convoy.

A file was also posted which was allegedly containing tens of thousands of names of donors to the Freedom Convoy.

Shortly after the hack was noticed and began trending on social media, the website was restored and as of time of publication it appears that GiveSendGo has corrected for the hack.

So far we have people in Canadian government call for freezing this money. Then we had Gofundme themselves stop this money and try to steal it. Now this.

Which group did this? It could be left wing activists as the article claims. It could be government actors for all we know.

Certainly though any on the left have cheered this and the other measures to remove money from the convoy on. This is right of there will self proclaimed Antifa members marching and rioting FOR lockdowns

The lines have never been more clear of who is cheering on government authoritarianism, and who is fighting it.

I see what your doing and I can and will call you out.
So please defend this movement and how financially this entire protest helped anyone?
I'll wait just because I can be nice.
Yet this charade you have is about to come to a complete end.

This movement only helps those in favor of personal autonomy and power.
Government agents and nwo cheerleaders who support forcing people into medical experiments won't understand.

posted on Feb, 14 2022 @ 07:53 AM
a reply to: Grambler

Still not as clever as; and theft to boot.

posted on Feb, 14 2022 @ 07:59 AM
a reply to: Grambler

Look at these fine citizens protesting against Freedom:

Seem familiar?

posted on Feb, 14 2022 @ 08:01 AM
a reply to: Allaroundyou

It's certainly benefited the homeless citizens of Ottawa.

posted on Feb, 14 2022 @ 08:04 AM
a reply to: zosimov

This is still online? lol.

Reminds me of that thing some people did to search machines where you type in like "Bush" and then it comes up with special terms or questions.

posted on Feb, 14 2022 @ 08:22 AM
a reply to: ThatDamnDuckAgain

I think it's set to expire sometime next year

posted on Feb, 14 2022 @ 08:22 AM
a reply to: Grambler

A video of the song "Into the Unknown" from the Disney film Frozen 2 was displayed on the site with a manifesto scrolling over the video condemning the website and the Freedom Convoy.

Lmao true pirates of the modern age, I remember back when hackers actually fought against things like censorship and oppression of human rights. I heard that the truckers are now using Bitcoin to take donations since it goes straight to them and cannot be frozen or stolen by anyone. I guess these "hackers" are also going to write a manifesto against Bitcoin? Like I've said for years, decentralized crypto systems are a critical tool for taking back control of banking and liberty.
edit on 14/2/2022 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 14 2022 @ 08:33 AM

originally posted by: network dude
a reply to: Allaroundyou

you must feel proud fighting on the side of mandates, government control, and oppression. I will give props where they are due, you have remained consistent in your views as a bootlicker.

Oh please save your SJW attitude for someone that feels the same.
Oppressor tactics is a two way road. A successful one either happens when one of two extreme happens.
Clearly those blockers honker wuss people couldn't do either.
Seems like a waste of time and effort.

posted on Feb, 14 2022 @ 08:33 AM

originally posted by: ThatDamnDuckAgain
a reply to: Grambler
How it looks now, the real antifa core should be really angry and speaking up this. Not that I think any better of those, but yeah. It's like the opposite of what they fight for on so many levels, what is currently happening.

Antifa being full of left, liberals, even anarchists also nihilists cheering for government mandates and taking away freedom?

Did I change dimensions or time lines somehow and did not notice???

Antifa is a construct of the Liberal Socialists. It attracts wannabe's who are left holding the bag for their dirty work.

posted on Feb, 14 2022 @ 08:35 AM

originally posted by: Wide-Eyes
a reply to: Allaroundyou

It's certainly benefited the homeless citizens of Ottawa.

Oh because food was distributed freely....
No decking crap they would take advantage of such a thing and they had no choice.
Did anyone provide housing or job programs and part of a conversation to be had????
I'll wait ...
So you used them as human shield..... Weak

posted on Feb, 14 2022 @ 08:37 AM

originally posted by: zosimov

originally posted by: Allaroundyou

originally posted by: Grambler

GiveSendGo, the Christian crowdfunding website used by the Freedom Convoy, was hacked Sunday night and was redirecting to the domain

A video of the song "Into the Unknown" from the Disney film Frozen 2 was displayed on the site with a manifesto scrolling over the video condemning the website and the Freedom Convoy.

A file was also posted which was allegedly containing tens of thousands of names of donors to the Freedom Convoy.

Shortly after the hack was noticed and began trending on social media, the website was restored and as of time of publication it appears that GiveSendGo has corrected for the hack.

So far we have people in Canadian government call for freezing this money. Then we had Gofundme themselves stop this money and try to steal it. Now this.

Which group did this? It could be left wing activists as the article claims. It could be government actors for all we know.

Certainly though any on the left have cheered this and the other measures to remove money from the convoy on. This is right of there will self proclaimed Antifa members marching and rioting FOR lockdowns

The lines have never been more clear of who is cheering on government authoritarianism, and who is fighting it.

I see what your doing and I can and will call you out.
So please defend this movement and how financially this entire protest helped anyone?
I'll wait just because I can be nice.
Yet this charade you have is about to come to a complete end.

This movement only helps those in favor of personal autonomy and power.
Government agents and nwo cheerleaders who support forcing people into medical experiments won't understand.

So number wise who did benefit from this vs the working class that may have loans and those working overtime benefit?

posted on Feb, 14 2022 @ 08:39 AM
a reply to: Allaroundyou

All of humanity will benefit if the freedom fighters succeed.
To the brave facing jail, fines, loss of licenses etc; you make us proud!
Hold the line!!

posted on Feb, 14 2022 @ 08:40 AM
Liberals have a long consistent track record of violating laws and rights against those they disagree with. Add this to the list.

posted on Feb, 14 2022 @ 08:40 AM

originally posted by: Gothmog

originally posted by: Allaroundyou

originally posted by: Grambler

GiveSendGo, the Christian crowdfunding website used by the Freedom Convoy, was hacked Sunday night and was redirecting to the domain

A video of the song "Into the Unknown" from the Disney film Frozen 2 was displayed on the site with a manifesto scrolling over the video condemning the website and the Freedom Convoy.

A file was also posted which was allegedly containing tens of thousands of names of donors to the Freedom Convoy.

Shortly after the hack was noticed and began trending on social media, the website was restored and as of time of publication it appears that GiveSendGo has corrected for the hack.

So far we have people in Canadian government call for freezing this money. Then we had Gofundme themselves stop this money and try to steal it. Now this.

Which group did this? It could be left wing activists as the article claims. It could be government actors for all we know.

Certainly though any on the left have cheered this and the other measures to remove money from the convoy on. This is right of there will self proclaimed Antifa members marching and rioting FOR lockdowns

The lines have never been more clear of who is cheering on government authoritarianism, and who is fighting it.

I see what your doing and I can and will call you out.
So please defend this movement and how financially this entire protest helped anyone?
I'll wait just because I can be nice.
Yet this charade you have is about to come to a complete end.

What do you want to know about the word "freedom" ?
I will try and answer , although that does seem like an overwhelming task.
Even for me .

Ahh and yes please do explain freedom is all of what it means to be free?!?!!!!
Restrictions if freedom means crap in the name of freedom.
Maybe next time get the oil workers to not follow YOUR leadership.

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