this may have been already posted if so then i apologize. Tonight you should be able to see Mars located close to the moon. And whats better, around
the 27 of next month Mars will be closer to earth than it has in the past 50,000 years or so.
I have a cheap meade telestar that i got from walmart so i doubt it will be able to look at anything but maybe some of you have better telescopes and
can take pictures. I want to get a Meade ETX-70AT next month and i think I might.
Are you sure it is 50,000 years. I believe it is a little more, atleast that is what astronomy teacher told me. Try going to the local museum that has
a telescope, they usually have good telescopes and big one too.
I saw it early in the morning perched just above the moon, its quite amazing. Just think, there are signs of human beings on Mars. I wonder what
they might find under the surface around Cydonia.
guess i read wrong wherever i read that. They said 7-17 but i guess it was early morning because mars came in view long before the moon did last
night. I looked at it through my telescope. I could tell it was mars it looked like a star in the sky but through the telescope it rounded it out a
little and could see the orange color better.