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Toronto launches 'Vax the East', Pushes Claim that vax are successful preventing infection

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posted on Feb, 8 2022 @ 01:53 PM
They are just now making up data and things as they keep moving the goal posts. According to the Lying CityNews in City of Toronto. the city's top doctor revealed new data about how successful vaccines are at preventing infection and illness?

That is pure BS when considering the Ontario data is showing the opposite.

Toronto launches 'Vax the East' campaign

posted on Feb, 8 2022 @ 02:20 PM

originally posted by: vNex92
They are just now making up data and things as they keep moving the goal posts. According to the Lying CityNews in City of Toronto. the city's top doctor revealed new data about how successful vaccines are at preventing infection and illness?

That is pure BS when considering the Ontario data is showing the opposite.

Toronto launches 'Vax the East' campaign

instead of North vs South it's East vs West

COVID-19: Alberta premier announces plan to relax public health measures |

posted on Feb, 8 2022 @ 02:31 PM
a reply to: putnam6

I hope they are being honest and serious about easing the public health measures. These public health measures should have never being implanted in the first place.

You never put health officials to run governments for a reason. I know some of those same health officials had high praises how the Chinese had handled their covid respond.

posted on Feb, 8 2022 @ 02:51 PM
a reply to: vNex92

From CDC Director Rochelle Walensky, her own words, December 2021:
Walensky said that vaccines “may not prevent infection” according to data so far.

posted on Feb, 8 2022 @ 02:57 PM
a reply to: vNex92

The problem is that you can't exactly prove them wrong.

All they have to say is, "Yes, we know the vaccines aren't perfect, but without them, there would have been more...."

You can't really dispute that. It cannot be disproven.

posted on Feb, 8 2022 @ 05:08 PM
a reply to: M5xaz

You should check out the FDA/Pfizer what it says about transmission its comical gold lolz.

posted on Feb, 8 2022 @ 05:10 PM
a reply to: BrokenCircles

But you see they are lying then. That is not what they claimed about these vaxs and boosters a year ago. All of the same people still claimed that once you get vaccinated you are not only are yourself protecting yourself but also protecting those around you from not getting infected.

Even Bill Gates said that. So they were lying.

posted on Feb, 8 2022 @ 10:17 PM

originally posted by: BrokenCircles
a reply to: vNex92

The problem is that you can't exactly prove them wrong.

All they have to say is, "Yes, we know the vaccines aren't perfect, but without them, there would have been more...."

You can't really dispute that. It cannot be disproven.


Yes we can.

FDA/Pfizer has chosen to try to hide the "vaccine" data for 50+ years, which the FDA reviewed in 6 months before giving the EUA.

Publicly sharing data for peer review is how SCIENCE works.
Anything else is NOT science. SCIENCE, it is up to the claimant to prove his hypothesis with freely accesible data, not up to the peers to try to disprove a ridiculous hypothesis, e.g "The Earth is flat because I say so. No you can't see my data. Prove my wrong"

That's not a scientist.
That's a brat...

posted on Feb, 8 2022 @ 10:26 PM
a reply to: M5xaz

Publicly sharing data for peer review is how SCIENCE works.

Yes. Sharing data and not hiding data for that long is not science.
What are they hiding that they dont want the public know?

edit on 8-2-2022 by vNex92 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 08:19 AM
a reply to: M5xaz

Exactly which part of my comment was "WRONG !!"?

You say I'm wrong, but then you start talking about 'Science'. I thought we were talking about Government. They don't play by the same rules as science.

Government twists the science and uses whichever parts of it that will work with their narrative. Their narrative is not fully formed by the science.(It should be, but it's not)

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 08:20 AM

originally posted by: vNex92
a reply to: BrokenCircles

But you see they are lying then. That is not what they claimed about these vaxs and boosters a year ago. All of the same people still claimed that once you get vaccinated you are not only are yourself protecting yourself but also protecting those around you from not getting infected.

Exactly. They've been lying the whole time. It's nothing new. They've been continuously changing and rearranging their words. Do you expect them to stop now?

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 09:42 AM

originally posted by: BrokenCircles
a reply to: M5xaz

Exactly which part of my comment was "WRONG !!"?

You say I'm wrong, but then you start talking about 'Science'. I thought we were talking about Government. They don't play by the same rules as science.

Government twists the science and uses whichever parts of it that will work with their narrative. Their narrative is not fully formed by the science.(It should be, but it's not)


I say the glass is half full at these bastards getting caught.
You say the glass is half empty and that they will get away with it.

Place your bets, please, place your bets....

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 11:03 AM
a reply to: M5xaz

Either way, It will somehow end up that we both lose.

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 05:32 PM

originally posted by: BrokenCircles
a reply to: M5xaz

Either way, It will somehow end up that we both lose.

God damn the 00 on the roulette wheel...


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