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A rouge micro-nation is in control of America

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posted on Feb, 1 2022 @ 10:09 PM
I’m a strong supporter of the theory that history has been fabricated and since the beginning of religion, mathematics, linguistics and the early stages of mankind has only been used to facilitate the agenda of what we think is a secret society, but are actually an entire breakaway civilization, If you’re waiting for tanks and battle stations you’ve already lost the war. It’s the future and people don’t seem to understand they’ve been sold, Butchered then sold a like a slab of meat.

A wise man once said a relationship will always end the same way it started whether it’s nations states war ending with war or you and truckstop tammie believe and America was founded on it’s liberation from a much larger machine. Now I’m far from the smartest in the bunch but I don’t think the forefathers of the constitution told the British Kingdom what their plans were, They likely found out eventually, when it was too late.

I hate it for anyone on the right because if Biden actually has a hand up his ass and a democratic election was actually stolen what makes you think it won’t happen again? Let’s play devils advocate and say that people who stormed in were absolutely right in that they were defending their liberty from a democratic election that was usurped and littered with fraud willing to die in the process. They were quickly rounded up like hogs charged with being domestic terrorist. War is different now and all that tree of liberty needs to be filled from time to time crap I believe is out of date thinking

I also hate it for anyone the left because the road to hell is paved with good intentions, And most I know are actually good people and truly believe that they have the best interest of humanity at heart. But they are sadly, sadly, sadly mistaken. They are dealing with a well oiled machine that crosses every t dots every i and it doesn’t skip a beat, Not a single one. And that’s all I can say about that.

This is a video of the micro nation Tuvula I’m only using this as an example this nation of less than 13,000 people is also recognized by the United Nations

It only makes sense. All the Middle East Ukraine, Russia, China crap is misdirection and every value America has ever stood for has been under attack since I know 2001 atleast, every single one why would it all be a coincidence. Why wouldn’t they push mandates? You’ve already lost. Why wouldn’t they humiliate you? Make you wear mask, Why would they care about the future of America. Why wouldn’t they poison your children?

Aren’t the people in Washington D.C Americans? Why would they pushing unprecedented legislation and the disruption of fundamental rights that should certainly have a negative effect on them also shouldn’t it and if not them but surely their children right?, And their children’s children. These aren’t dictators or royal bloodlines don’t they need to be re elected? Don’t after their suits come off they live in the same neighborhood as the rest of you? I don’t believe so. I believe while they may own property in America still, but for all intents and purpose the leaders of the U.S are no longer Americans. But don’t mind me take everything with a grain of salt im just a nut-job conspiracy theorist
edit on 1-2-2022 by thelightwasartificial because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 1 2022 @ 10:56 PM
a reply to: thelightwasartificial

I think there's more stateless entities who carry transnational pull.

And I think their motive isn't propping up one state or hindering another per se. It's merely money and power. Maybe they'll favor one over another in a particular moment, but I highly doubt they have patriotism consistently.

posted on Feb, 1 2022 @ 11:49 PM
Good stuff that rouge .
Wife wears it all the time.
Is it popular enough to have control over the US though ?
edit on 2/1/22 by Gothmog because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 2 2022 @ 04:37 AM
a reply to: Gothmog

Reminds me of the guys in the Army who were recommended for the "accommodation medal". Yes, that really happened.


posted on Feb, 2 2022 @ 05:51 AM
I agree. It’s definitely plausible to me.

a reply to: thelightwasartificial

posted on Feb, 2 2022 @ 09:11 AM
The red......its everywhere damnit!

posted on Feb, 2 2022 @ 09:34 AM
Although the Native Americans got smacked down hard by pale face, they are considered a nation within a nation with self rule and perks like gambling. The Vatican is a nation within a nation. There are a number of examples, but I am not too sure about the United States being under the rule of some other nation within a nation. Interesting and thoughtful idea though, worth consideration to be sure.

I can suspect the United Kingdom of having some rule over us, I might believe that theory if given the legal proof (as in the US is a nation within the UK).
edit on 2-2-2022 by MichiganSwampBuck because: Added extra comments

posted on Feb, 2 2022 @ 10:53 AM
a reply to: thelightwasartificial
dual citizenship

Zionism is a political ideology, not a religion.

edit on (2/2/2222 by loveguy because:

posted on Feb, 2 2022 @ 02:54 PM
a reply to: Dalamax

If you place a frog in boiling water it will say hey man this water is too hot you’re trying to kill me and it will jump out, But if you place it in room temperature water and slowly heat the water to a boiling point it won’t realize what is happening and it will sit there.

U.S is dying. U.S is dying a slow death, A slow gruesome death by a thousand cuts.

If you can put this into perspective everything will make perfect sense, The MSM will make sense, 4 booster shots for your 5 month old makes sense, Printing trillions makes sense, All of it makes perfect sense.

You’ve been bent over backwards and sold it doesn’t mean anything anymore to be American. Why would anyone be proud of being American’s the sooner you can understand the better.

posted on Feb, 2 2022 @ 04:37 PM
a reply to: thelightwasartificial

.. a man sowed good seed in his field; but while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and went his way. But when the grain had sprouted and produced a crop, then the tares also appeared. So the servants of the owner came and said to him, ‘Sir, did you not sow good seed in your field? How then does it have tares?’ He said to them, ‘An enemy has done this.’ The servants said to him, ‘Do you want us then to go and gather them up?’ But he said, ‘No, lest while you gather up the tares you also uproot the wheat with them. Let both grow together until the harvest....

Mathew 13

I think this illustrates what you are saying.

For an enemy to inflict the most devastating blow, they must appear as an intimate insider.

posted on Feb, 2 2022 @ 04:46 PM
a reply to: thelightwasartificial

Aren’t the people in Washington D.C Americans? Why would they pushing unprecedented legislation and the disruption of fundamental rights that should certainly have a negative effect on them also shouldn’t it and if not them but surely their children right?, And their children’s children. These aren’t dictators or royal bloodlines don’t they need to be re elected? Don’t after their suits come off they live in the same neighborhood as the rest of you? I don’t believe so. I believe while they may own property in America still, but for all intents and purpose the leaders of the U.S are no longer Americans.

Your comments above are salient & most definitely I agree, it does seem like those who govern the world (not just the USA) are now a separate class, it's as though they know they've got their documents & bank accounts primed ready to escape to the bugout kingdom - probably somewhere in the vast Argentine steppes, in remote mountain ranges, on specially fortified island paradises - they can jet in, take decisions on the management of the country (read: running the country into the ground) - then jet back to their luxury lifestyle, paid for by the World Economic Forum. Sure, in a sense they would be locked down, with less than perfect liberty - but what if they're simply waiting for us to die in such large numbers that we cannot sustain ordinary society without the 'help' of that extra-territorial nation which they all seem to belong to.

There was a sci-fi called 'The Event, I think back in 2011, which I found to be a great series in itself, which also really made me think - what if there is an ancient but once highly advanced race of pre-human humans, who have technology which extends their lives, means by which they can control the markets & manipulate our economic system, that they're guiding our technological development by whispering in the ears of PhD students who then carry out groundbreaking research, which gets their technology tree up to a certain standard at which they can exercise true global hegemony over the rest of us. What if the UFOs are their personal transportation? They can be on the other side of the world in less than two minutes - they would truly be the 'masters of the Earth', something akin to the ancient gods of Sumeria - before they lost access to all their tech & found themselves stranded here; the Nephilim, the fallen ones.

Interesting times.

posted on Feb, 2 2022 @ 04:48 PM

originally posted by: thelightwasartificial
a reply to: Dalamax

If you place a frog in boiling water it will say hey man this water is too hot you’re trying to kill me and it will jump out, But if you place it in room temperature water and slowly heat the water to a boiling point it won’t realize what is happening and it will sit there.

Sorry, that part is not true

Boiling frog

While some 19th-century experiments suggested that the underlying premise is true if the heating is sufficiently gradual,[1][2] according to modern biologists the premise is false: a frog that is gradually heated will jump out

In 1995, Douglas Melton, a biologist at Harvard University, said, "If you put a frog in boiling water, it won't jump out. It will die. If you put it in cold water, it will jump before it gets hot—they don't sit still for you." George R. Zug, curator of reptiles and amphibians at the National Museum of Natural History, also rejected the suggestion, saying that "If a frog had a means of getting out, it certainly would get out."[3] In 2002 Victor H. Hutchison, a retired zoologist at the University of Oklahoma with a research interest in thermal relations of amphibians, said that "The legend is entirely incorrect!" He described how a critical thermal maximum for many frog species has been determined by contemporary research experiments: as the water is heated by about 2 °F (about 1 °C), per minute, the frog becomes increasingly active as it tries to escape, and eventually jumps out if it can

The boiled-frog myth: stop the lying now!

posted on Feb, 2 2022 @ 05:22 PM
a reply to: UpThenDown

Have you ever read the story of the tortoise and the hare.
edit on 2-2-2022 by thelightwasartificial because: (no reason given)


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