posted on Feb, 4 2022 @ 03:25 PM
a reply to:
I am not the forgiving kind when it comes to the number of innocent people who have died from the jab, all the suicides, the deliberate creation of
mental health issues in children and all the businesses destroyed because of these BS covid measures. I am pretty upfront about my desire to build the
gallows for this liberal/NDP/conservative/green lot and pull the lever a few hundred times for free, as my civic duty. I'm going to hell anyway (if
there is a hell) for all the death I have already delivered for "king and country." I see no point in keeping these traitors and criminals alive, I
really don't. I try to be a peaceful guy, because I have seen horrible torture and great violence, but this bunch of organized criminals just gets on
every one of my nerves.
Now the problem... which trudeau is it? Hard to tell these days...
Cheers - Dave