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Covid: heart problems

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posted on Jan, 28 2022 @ 12:14 PM

originally posted by: nugget1

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
a reply to: zandra

Both of these problems can be caused by covid, and at a much higher rate. They're also caused by anxiety, which in can be caused by listening to too much doom porn.

Data from Israel showed that in younger people at least there is. 1 in 50,000 chance of mild heart effects, and a 1 in 500,000 chance of moderate to serious heart effects.

The risk of these from covid is approximately 10 times greater, plus there is additional risk of respetory or renal failure.

The vast majority of people just feel their heart racing and need bed rest after the vax.

Gosh, it's sad they can't come up with a vaccine to prevent covid......

Here's a study for you to discount, Aaargh......Ivermectin has far better success at treating and precenting covid than anything else to date. ng-pro

I think that maybe you're confusing me with someone else. Other than a couple of comments debunking fake news stories I've largely steered clear of the whole Ivermectin debate.

I haven't read the document thoroughly enough to give an informed opinion on the science or math in it, but there are some clear red flags, such as it being in an open access journal rather than a full peer reviewed one. The It doesn't involve a double blind study, and the fact that there is no control group. It also has some highly problematic statements such as saying that the vax is ineffective and making attributions that I can't see the data behind.

It also claims that Ivermectin can prevent covid infection which isn't supported by fully peer review studies, and which it can't really do without a control group. Most other studies only say that it can reduce the duration of an infection that's already underway.

posted on Jan, 28 2022 @ 12:45 PM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

I think that maybe you're confusing me with someone else. Other than a couple of comments debunking fake news stories I've largely steered clear of the whole Ivermectin debate.

Four of your six signature links are the same verbatim bs this year as last year. Lolz

I've posted several peer reviewed studies dating back to it's discovery in Japanese soil samples.

Stockholm syndrome is evidently your position?

posted on Jan, 28 2022 @ 12:45 PM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

Thank you for your response; I knew you wouldn't disappoint.

You have discredited every bit of information that suggests the vaccine efficacy numbers may have been deliberately skewed, and the true number of adverse reactions deliberately omitted from any official data. We look to you to keep our minds focused on the narrative and not wander to consider the growing number of people who have had harmful experiences from even being considered, since no agency is willing- to document them.

We can now quit following the money and the fact that those in the political machine have made billions from insider trading in the stock market. There's no need to consider any hidden agenda, or enormous profit motive for the 1%; it's all about saving us with an approved- though rapidly tested- completely safe vaccine. I feel so much better know we have the voice of reason from two members keeping us from having to consider any other possibilities other than 'it's for the greater good'.

P.S. How do you propose we keep the sand out of our ears, oh great wise one?

posted on Jan, 28 2022 @ 02:52 PM
It's just Qanon 2.0. all this crap that's going to allegedly happen in the future but never does. You're being strung along.

a reply to: Juicer66

edit on 28-1-2022 by hombero because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2022 @ 04:27 PM
It is hell on a doctor after they report a side effect of a medicine. They have paperwork from hell and have to have full proof of it, which costs the patient lots of money or time and frustration. If I was a doctor, I would definitely avoid making out a report like that, you can't help your patients out if you are busy for weeks on one patient finding proof for the FDA.

Just think how much that would disrupt a doctors schedule, it is about five days out already to see our doctors here. How many people are turned away even if the doctor spends two days working on proving the vax was involved in the condition. Now, I doubt if the insurances people have to cover those tests that are not being used to actually treat the patient either, so who pays for them in the end, the patient?.

posted on Jan, 28 2022 @ 06:14 PM
Chest pains, palpitations and high blood pressure for me.

Started on jab 1
Worse after jab 2

ECG and bloods are fine

Specialist next week.

These side effects aren't rare.

Will report back after seeing specialist.

posted on Jan, 28 2022 @ 11:35 PM
And they're wanting you to take more and MORE "boosters"...I guess they figure if the initial shot doesn't kill you then maybe one of the later "boosters" will....

posted on Jan, 29 2022 @ 01:46 AM
a reply to: and14263
Stop the boosters: they could kill you. Now .... or in five or ten years. /
Yes they can debunk Alex Berenson as much as they want ... but I see what I see ... and I think he is right.
Now in Israel they bought Novavax. A so-called 'old' fashion vaccine -not mrna-. But if -if- the spike is the toxin, I think you are better of with a natural omicron infection. I must say Israel surprizes me. Of course they have a lot of super smart people. But why do they fail to convince? They seem to be the leaders when it comes to experimenting. I hope they are not gambling with peoples lives.
edit on 29-1-2022 by zandra because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 30 2022 @ 10:14 AM

originally posted by: zandra
Thank you.
They have been declared 'healthy' in the meantime, but that you can still die from it after five years worries me.
Sadly there is more. My niece, who has a PhD, went running with my daughter every week. She is (was) very talented, also when it comes to running. She normally runs about twice as fast as my daughter -so to speak-
After the booster: They tried. But ... tiredness. Shortness of breath. Unfortunately, they are two stiff heads and they don't want to go to a doctor. I think my niece knows very well what was going on but she looks the other side. Maybe stupid ... but a person has the right 'not to know' (I understand her attitude).
I think if you're not someone who runs regularly and don't know what distance you can normally run in say half an hour, you never know what's going on.They knew. Even weeks after the booster, they just couldn't run their distance. Especially my niece had problems.There was a big difference in what she could run (before and after the booster). Sometimes they even had to stop to catch their breath. Now they have completely stopped. Fingers crossed.
This exact thing has happened to me with my first Pfizer shot. I had soreness in the arm for a couple of days, nothing I hadn’t experienced from previous jabs. Prior to that I was running 5-7km 5 days a week. I waited 3 days after my dose to go for a run. About 1.5 km in i had to pull the plug. My heart was racing and it actually felt like it was going to explode. Prior to that I felt completely fine. A week went by and I tried to go again, same thing, I said # it and tried again the day after. It was worse than ever. I went to the ER, they ran bloodwork checking for troponin, D-dimer for clotting, X-ray, ECG and ultrasound, I was told I was fine to go home. I said, I don’t feel fine are you sure I should get another dose. This was when case counts were finally starting to happen in Saint John, NB at significant levels. The Dr, said yes, go get your second dose, you are completely fine. Like a fool I went and got another Jab.

This was around Aug/Sept time frame. 11 Aug 1st dose, 22 Sept 2nd dose. My second dose hasn’t seemed to make things any worse, but I still feel constant pressure in my chest nearly 6 months after my 1st dose. Snow blowing the yard and other routine tasks have become extremely challenging. I bought a fit bit to monitor my heart rate. Two weeks ago I was snow blowing the yard and when I finished, I felt fatigue, rapid heart rate and shortness of breath. I sat on the couch for about 40 mins with a heart rate above 140 BPM. I’ve been to the outpatient a half dozen times now. Last results showed that my kidneys were no longer functioning at 100%. This jab has been like a living hell for me. Cue the, I got it and I’m fine so you must be lying posts that will follow shortly from the usual suspects.

posted on Jan, 30 2022 @ 10:20 AM
You can still get Covid after being jabbed. These numbers are bull# anyway, good luck finding a Dr who will link your symptoms to the vaccine. You can get myocarditis from the virus itself, but it doesn’t prevent the risk of getting myocarditis from the vaccine. Every shot you get you have an added exposure whether you’ve previously had the virus or not. The reason for getting the vaccine isn’t so you end up with the same ducking conditions as the virus or why would you get it. These arguments are so ducking dumb. 86% of the children diagnosed were severe enough to be hospitalized. Rare, mild and easily recoverable are all big pharma talking points. Ask your cardiologist how minor myocarditis is.
edit on 30-1-2022 by macaronicaesar because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 30 2022 @ 10:22 AM
a reply to: MiddleInsite
Tell that to my 27 yo employee who, incredibly fit and was an avid fitness and weight lifter, has now been officially diagnosed and told she will have to be on heart medications the rest of her life.

edit on 30-1-2022 by Starcrossd because: spelling

posted on Jan, 30 2022 @ 10:42 AM
No control group, interesting, you mean like Pfizer trial Lolol.

posted on Jan, 31 2022 @ 09:48 AM
a reply to: zandra

People got the vaxx because either they didn't want to get Covid( but in all likellihood already had) or they didn't want to get it again. So they got a vaccine that made many of them as sick as having Covid and they Covid again anyway. I had Covid in early 2020 and then I tested positive for Covid again in December of 2021. Although it may have been the Flu, but it was pretty bad. The only reason I would say it was Covid was that a triple vaxxed coworker had Covid and we got it right after he showed symptoms. But I'm unvaxxed and will stay that way.

posted on Jan, 31 2022 @ 11:06 AM
Had a positive Covid test by the health dept. last week. I already figured I had Covid by the way I felt. I am an avid walker and have been walking over 10 miles every day for well over 35 years. My symptoms were extreme tiredness and slightly short of breath and of course I couldn't do any walking which was torture for me. But, you know what? I am now feeling better and while not yet 100% I can feel my strength coming back! It was kind of like a case of the flu for me but not as bad as I have had in the past. My wife and son were both vaxxed and yet they also now have caught the way, I'm 75 and WILL NOT EVER get vaxxed by this poison come hell or high water

posted on Jan, 31 2022 @ 11:20 AM
I know people who were very healthy pre-jab are now suffering from high BP and heart rate yet blame it on Covid. Trying to convince people they have voluntarily damaged themselves is very, very difficult. Most seem to believe these were side effects of a virus though there is no evidence.
edit on 31-1-2022 by Asktheanimals because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 31 2022 @ 12:57 PM
a reply to: MiddleInsite

Yes but SARS COV2 is stickier and your heart has to work longer and harder to push that nasty disease spreading vaccine out of you. Meanwhile as soon (or sooner) as a healthy person manages to push that crap out of their body, their doctor recommends they get a booster shot and restart the trauma all over again.
edit on 31-1-2022 by InachMarbank because: (no reason given)

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