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A million people hundreds of thousands of trucks decending on Canadian capitol.

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posted on Jan, 26 2022 @ 06:47 PM
To some extent, this is tongue in cheek, but the truck convoy is the biggest on earth three hundred kilometers long. Justin T.has said it's about seven trucks. This could be the big kickback. The truck driver in the vid has done his research and got the sack, his family has had the jab with ongoing issues, his son's girlfriend was rushed to hospital with the booster with the seizures. But none of this really matters if people don't put two and two together., he can't mention the V-word at home, as the arguments always ensue. His original video rant went viral quite fast, I wonder if this will make Trudeau think again I doubt it but he will have to do something as the numbers are becoming to big to ignore, even with a pet media.
edit on 26-1-2022 by anonentity because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 26 2022 @ 06:54 PM
a reply to: anonentity

He has already called them terrorists .

Im just wondering what kind of repercussions these truckers could be be facing .

If the truckers dont budge who can he get to budge them?

posted on Jan, 26 2022 @ 07:02 PM

originally posted by: just4fun
a reply to: anonentity

He has already called them terrorists .

Im just wondering what kind of repercussions these truckers could be be facing .

If the truckers dont budge who can he get to budge them?

Justin Turdough is THE terrorist here. I hope the truckers don’t back down.

posted on Jan, 26 2022 @ 07:08 PM

originally posted by: just4fun
a reply to: anonentity

He has already called them terrorists .

Im just wondering what kind of repercussions these truckers could be be facing .

If the truckers dont budge who can he get to budge them?

Truckers are like bikers, they dont get budged, they do the budging.

Others need to follow their lead. This is the way forward, or you can OBEY.

Its time for people to make their choice.

posted on Jan, 26 2022 @ 07:11 PM
Why is bitchute always pausing every 3 seconds. Does that happen in the States or just overseas.

posted on Jan, 26 2022 @ 07:19 PM
Trudeau attacked the Truckers as far right comparing them to America's/Canada's Jan Six. While still pushing the science narrative yet again.

posted on Jan, 26 2022 @ 07:23 PM
a reply to: anonentity

Just labeling anyone or any group Terrorist of the State if they go against the Government .

That's right out the Communist playbook .

Truck Drivers are a key part in any economy , and these Canadian Truck Drivers have all the Reason and Right to do what there doing and Trudeaus response is the label them Terrorist .

Good Luck Canada
edit on 26-1-2022 by asabuvsobelow because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 26 2022 @ 07:30 PM

originally posted by: asabuvsobelow
a reply to: anonentity

Just labeling anyone or any group Terrorist of the State if they go against the Government .

That's right out the Communist playbook .

Truck Drivers are a key part in any economy , and these Canadian Truck Drivers have all the Reason and Right to do what there doing and Trudeaus response is the label them Terrorist .

Good Luck Canada

Me thinks Trudeau is the terrorist . The truckers seem noble to me . Trudeau uses fear for political gain .

posted on Jan, 26 2022 @ 07:36 PM
a reply to: just4fun

Not sure what you're insinuating.

Try wondering what repercussions tradeau is gonna be facing.

"Who can he get to budge them"

Lmao nobody...

The frame you're attempting to fit is fit for an autopsy, friend.

posted on Jan, 26 2022 @ 07:42 PM
These vaccines aren't good. I have no problems with most of the vaccines they have created, but they were created using long term and appropriate short term testing. These new vaccines were not...they would never have been approved five years ago under the old rules which were necessary to judge safety both long term and short term back then.

I used to say that they were not proven safe, but now I am pretty convinced that they are actually unsafe for a lot of people after seeing the evidence. I curse those who pushed these unproven vaccines for gain of any sort. I hope their life on earth turns to hell for covering things up and twisting the evidence to make them look safe.

Biden lost his supreme court challenge because of lack of proper safety testing on the vaccines, if they were completely safe and effective they would probably backed him, but evidence that is not being accepted by the people who lied about it's safety has been increasing and it can't be covered up much longer. Notice they really are not pushing vaccines as much anymore and are not as concerned about things...because they got caught lying about things, twisting things to make it look much better and safer than it is. To accomplish this those people wanted everyone is like pfizer vaccinating all the test subjects to cover up any future long term effects that show they cooked the books. If everyone is vaccinated then they cannot blame the long term effects on the vaccine, the control is gone.

posted on Jan, 26 2022 @ 07:58 PM

originally posted by: SuicideKing33
a reply to: just4fun

Not sure what you're insinuating.

Try wondering what repercussions tradeau is gonna be facing.

"Who can he get to budge them"

Lmao nobody...

The frame you're attempting to fit is fit for an autopsy, friend.

I am 100% for the truckers Unvaxxed unmasked and untested.

But remember when OZ truckers did the same thing?

Doesnt seem like it worked there

posted on Jan, 26 2022 @ 08:05 PM

originally posted by: TrollMagnet

originally posted by: just4fun
a reply to: anonentity

He has already called them terrorists .

Im just wondering what kind of repercussions these truckers could be be facing .

If the truckers dont budge who can he get to budge them?

Truckers are like bikers, they dont get budged, they do the budging.

Others need to follow their lead. This is the way forward, or you can OBEY.

Its time for people to make their choice.

This guy has it right “You don’t run the country Trudeau, we do”

posted on Jan, 26 2022 @ 08:22 PM
a reply to: anonentity

I hope this is true and people are protesting against the idiotic forced mandates. However where are the videos of the 70KM long convey?

surely if they were able to organize such an event they could atleast spring for a couple of drones or get a farmer buddy with a helicopter to film the whole convey?

So far the sites and articles I have seen have had crappy picture and TALKING about it, but nothing that indicates its a legit huge protest.
edit on 24131America/ChicagoWed, 26 Jan 2022 20:24:23 -0600000000p3142 by interupt42 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 26 2022 @ 08:35 PM
a reply to: interupt42

No argument here, if it grew from about a kilometre long in Edmonton when it passed me to 70 kilometres by the time it reached Calgary three hrs away that’s great but I’m not convinced in a disappointing kind of way.

posted on Jan, 26 2022 @ 08:58 PM
Wow the fascist government in Canada is about to face reality, I hope they forcibly remove his fascist ass out of the capitol, I cannot wait when the US truckers will join their fellow brothers in Canada and start a march to DC.

Time to take back our nations.

posted on Jan, 26 2022 @ 08:58 PM

originally posted by: interupt42
a reply to: anonentity

I hope this is true and people are protesting against the idiotic forced mandates. However where are the videos of the 70KM long convey?

surely if they were able to organize such an event they could atleast spring for a couple of drones or get a farmer buddy with a helicopter to film the whole convey?

So far the sites and articles I have seen have had crappy picture and TALKING about it, but nothing that indicates its a legit huge protest.

Most of the videos aren't great, especially out here in the west as it's all socked in with fog, but there are lots of videos of people crowding the overpasses, onramps, grass between lanes in almost every town. The number of people supporting them is enormous even if the number of trucks stated doesn't pan out.

posted on Jan, 26 2022 @ 08:59 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

The jabs were not about the virus they were about profit making and some hidden agenda, tampering and experimenting with human DNA.


posted on Jan, 26 2022 @ 08:59 PM
I had a heated argument with my mother over this today, the evil truckers are going to do an insurrection(in my mind I'm thinking..GOOD) and the fact that as soon as any mask mandate end, my mask is gone, bye bye, finito. She then tried to guilt me...NOPE, NOT PLAYING THIS GAME! I'm in my 50' are not the boss of me anymore!!

posted on Jan, 26 2022 @ 09:07 PM

originally posted by: TrollMagnet

originally posted by: just4fun
a reply to: anonentity

He has already called them terrorists .

Im just wondering what kind of repercussions these truckers could be be facing .

If the truckers dont budge who can he get to budge them?

Truckers are like bikers, they dont get budged, they do the budging.

Others need to follow their lead. This is the way forward, or you can OBEY.

Its time for people to make their choice.

Yup, bingo.

I hope ALL of North America gets it.

posted on Jan, 26 2022 @ 09:11 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

If these vax mandates/mRNA vaxs had worked why are nurses being replaced with international nurses? why are nurses still getting sick and infected? it makes no sense.

This not what they promised.

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