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Why nurses are leaving.

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posted on Jan, 24 2022 @ 12:50 PM
There were no shortages of nurses around here before covid came. Now there are and the nurses are working too many hours. The response the government pushed caused this shortage, including mandating vaccines and extra time to have testing done before someone gets admitted to the ER. People are going to the ER because they have a cold, they are panicking people, most covid cases are mild. Now that they have available tests out there so people can just go to the drug store and get one maybe it will help to alleviate the burden on the hospitals. The media definitely is not helping anyone, they are pushing fear. Yes this virus is a major issue for some people and caution should be taken, but this is the worst pandemic response ever, it starts at the top at the major health and research agencies, and they are causing the problem. Let the doctors do their jobs and don't push panic. If you are getting real sick, then go to the ER, if you are real sick, chances are you will be waiting way to long because someone with a cold or mild non life threatening case of the virus is making you wait.
edit on 24-1-2022 by rickymouse because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 24 2022 @ 01:07 PM
Still using the lowest common denominator to sell an opinion?

a reply to: AaarghZombies

posted on Jan, 24 2022 @ 01:28 PM
I believe it was the Covid hearing in South Carolina that had the male nurse that came forward and said he basically quit because the protocols being pushed for covid were against all the years of experience and training he had with working on respiratory compromised patients. He felt a large deal of guilt and decided he could no longer go along with hurting people and quit. IIRC he became a travelling nurse and makes more money now and enjoys the job much better, or at least at that time, the video probably close to a year old now.

I would also say how I would feel if I was a nurse and at the beginning of the plandemic and being treated as a hero, having eth president and Governors stating how good a job we were doing and how they were going to get us more pay and then all of a sudden turn their backs on you because of your personal medical decision. I am not a nurse but that would rub me the wrong way and I would most likely tell them to take the job and shove it.

The real issue is there are lots of reasons why they are leaving and that creates a problem because there is no simple solution.

posted on Jan, 24 2022 @ 01:32 PM
a reply to: anonentity
Support groups on the net where people share similar struggles. I assume there is one somewhere geared toward front line workers sharing similar dictates that go against professional medical beneficence. If pooling resources is necessary, the sooner the better?

An open letter addressed to congress supported by signatures of those forced to compromise would open some hearts and minds...

Not until every avenue is exhausted will we save future generations?

For the children who are not yet born, get together and speak truth to power.

here's one

edit on (1/24/2222 by loveguy because:

posted on Jan, 24 2022 @ 04:57 PM

originally posted by: NightSkyeB4Dawn

originally posted by: cmdrkeenkid
a reply to: anonentity

When you can pick up a locums job that doesn't require the jab, pays $5k+ a week, gives good benefits (travel, lodging, health, etc) why wouldn't you skip out on your current job and take that offer?

They will be never stop treating us as slaves, as long as we keep acting like slaves.

So true! I quit my job in a nursery twice last year, still have the job and things have never been better.

First time because when 2020 came around we lost about a third of our staff. Business was so good 2020 that the boss expanded the space and went on a plant buying binge to appease all the new gardener customers who were bogging us down with questions. So the work load went from fast paced to insane in one year and also had lonely elderly coming by to pass the time of day. I totally felt for them as they had been cooped up at home but they took us away from dealing with the plants fully. 2021 and we were down to two staff members and we both were not wanting to quit as it would leave the burden on the other. We had asked many, many times that he hire people but the only efforts were a few part time kids that were more babysitting than help. We then had an almighty heat wave for two weeks and plants were barely surviving yet the boss ordered more. A truck showed up, I yelled "what do you think we are, machines?" at him, in front of customers and went home.

Then he late night ranted on social media about the unvaccinated being the reason "masks are still a thing" and as the guy is super influential in our angrily simmering town, I'd had enough. Worked all through the pandemic with not even a thanks. Pay is the same as what young starting kids are getting despite our years of experience.

They can't treat us this way if we dig in and find our self respect and use it. I know it's nothing like nursing and the abuse they can get from patients but it's that old attitude of treating us like servants.

posted on Jan, 25 2022 @ 09:34 PM
a reply to: igloo

I may be leaving my job soon. I got an email today were a couple of hospitals are trying to demand that all representatives of their vendors are vaccinated, or they will not be allowed entrance in the hospital.

This is a bit of a sticky wicket. My job does not require a vaccine. How do you issue exemptions for a mandate that does not exist? We can't get an exemption from the hospital, because we don't work for the hospital.

Everything is on hold for right now, because the lawyers are hashing it out. My job is super supportive. And they know that they will have to fire me, if the hospitals win, because I will not take the vaccine.

My boss said not to worry, there is plenty of work that has to be done, and most of it is not in the hospitals for us, so there will always be work for me to do.

So, I am taking it as the possibility that I may not get the boot right off. But I am prepared, if that is the way it pans out.

I have resigned myself to this possibility since 03/13/2020.

posted on Jan, 26 2022 @ 05:30 AM
a reply to: DAVID64

I just finished more than one month in the hospital with glandular fever (and a badly mangled knee) and sometimes some of the patients unruly behaviour.

Most of the time it's poor geriatrics or pneumonia, most of the night there was howling, screaming like a banshee, code blacks and so forth. Nurses have to placate patients who wants out but can't, it was beldam.

Shorten the shifts because when being overwhelmed could lead to mistakes.

posted on Jan, 26 2022 @ 07:18 AM

originally posted by: Thecakeisalie
a reply to: DAVID64

I just finished more than one month in the hospital with glandular fever (and a badly mangled knee) and sometimes some of the patients unruly behaviour.

Most of the time it's poor geriatrics or pneumonia, most of the night there was howling, screaming like a banshee, code blacks and so forth. Nurses have to placate patients who wants out but can't, it was beldam.

Shorten the shifts because when being overwhelmed could lead to mistakes.

Hospitals are places to go as a last resort.

Most people don't "want" to go to a hospital. Care is marginal at best. Worse case, they can be deadly.

Now add a bunch of discontented, over worked staff, and you can bet you are going to have some negative outcomes.

Medicine is not what it used to be. Even finding a doctor you can trust, and will do what is best for you, is becoming impossible.

Too many, regardless of how knowledgeable they may be, are strict minions of those that control their pay check. They don't work for their patients. They work for big businesses, and for the establishment.

I have to add that you are right about the behavior of some of the patients and visitors.

I spent the night in a local ER, on Monday.

If I did not know I was in a hospital, I would have thought I was in a snake pit.

It is not a new thing for ERs to be very colorful, busy, crowded, loud, and for people to be boisterous. The atmosphere now is different.

They can still be that way but the music has changed. Cue the ominous music.

I think the problem is, nothing is really new, and nothing is normal. We are being gaslighted, or the planet has flipped, and we have slipped into a Mandela like dimension, or we are truly experiencing a world wide mass psychosis.

edit on 26-1-2022 by NightSkyeB4Dawn because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 08:17 AM

originally posted by: alexandrae
a reply to: anonentity

A lot of Police and Army refuse to take the vaccines and booster shots.

If by a lot you mean less than 1%.. sure..

posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 09:27 AM

You now realize that the Government knows what you know, and they are even advising pregnant women to take it. At what point do the police army and everyone else realize that something is terminally wrong with the way things are going. Then what happens after that realization takes place.?

Hopefully then, the police & armed forces get behind the public & start taking out/ replacing the government & media liars, until they reach a point at which reasonable, decent people are now in positions of power, and we have executed a 'greater reset' in which only goodness & justice propagate in a liberated society, free from deception. Because in several nations, the criminal ruling class are backtracking swiftly, probably following intelligence reports suggesting massive rebellion if they continue with the covid charade.

posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 03:54 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

The military are being gaslighted as well, if there is no problem we would expect transparency, But there is nill transparency, It is a medical procedure being politically driven. The readiness of the American military must now be of concern.The enemies must be looking on with delight.

posted on Jan, 28 2022 @ 01:51 PM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

Where I live we're having a shortage too, but it's because of the low wages, long hours, and the drunks punching them on a Friday night

Wrong , did you happen to miss this members reply ? To get the regular staff to work overtime, they are paying time and a half, plus a $40 an hour bonus. For her, that's a tad over $1700 per shift.

And I can second that because I worked as an RN until 2019 and I left the Field of Nursing purely because of The Pandemic , now I don't speak for all Nurses of course but I have plenty of Nurse Friends still hard at work and they are making Ridiculous Money.

If Nurses were afraid of Drunks punching them in the Face they would have never made it through Nursing School mate

There were shortage before covid, and most of the unvaxxed are support staff like cleaners and administrators. So this is definitely not due to the mandate.

Again wrong are you just making stuff up or what ?

Before the Pandemic there was a waiting list stretching out nearly a Year for every Nursing school in a 100 mile radius of the Hospital I worked at , So don't even say there was a shortage of Nurses before the Pandemic that is a Flat out lie.

There's also a shortage of plumbers, carpenter, tile setters, truckers, and women on the boards of fortune 500 companies. Are you going to try attribute this to vax mandates as well?

There has been a shortage in those Jobs for 30 years , What is your point ?
edit on 28-1-2022 by asabuvsobelow because: More info and Grammar.

posted on Jan, 28 2022 @ 06:37 PM
a reply to: anonentity

No, let me tell you WHY nurses are leaving......Im an RN......just throwing that out there........Nurses are PISSED and burnt out, exhausted and FRUSTRATED because people who are UNVACCINATED are the ones being mostly hospitalized and taking up beds that could be used for true emergencies, cancer patients, children, heart attacks and strokes etc...... Nurses are being assaulted by folks who claim covid is a hoax. Our lives are literally being threatened with death. DAILY!!! We are expected to just tolerate idiots. Look, if you all dont think Covid is as deadly as it is, stay the F HOME. STAY HOME! If you do not trust science or hospitals or medical evidence then WHY come to a hospital. If you think doctors and nurses are out to kill you, then take your own concoctions and ride it out AT HOME!! If you cant breathe ohwell.....STAY HOME...........Yes some nurses are quitting because they dont want the jab.....good riddance. Nurses who stay to save your lives deserve respect and if people cant accept that they are not there to lie or deceive then STAY HOME!! Please spread the word because we are DONE AND TIRED of all the folks who deny deny deny then expect us to work miracles....ARGH!!!!

posted on Jan, 28 2022 @ 06:41 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

TOTALLY UNTRUE There is and HAS been a HUGE nursing shortage for years. Please dont spread these lies. Yes I am an RN.......I KNOW my own industry. Thats all I am going to say.

posted on Jan, 28 2022 @ 06:45 PM
a reply to: Starwise

Seems a few nurses on here, I wonder if they are seeing the same thing that this RN is seeing. It seems management has anticipated a rise in body storage units. How would they be able to know future information?

posted on Jan, 28 2022 @ 08:00 PM
a reply to: Starwise

No, let me tell you WHY nurses are leaving......Im an RN......just throwing that out there........Nurses are PISSED and burnt out, exhausted and FRUSTRATED because people who are UNVACCINATED are the ones being mostly hospitalized and taking up beds that could be used for true emergencies, cancer patients, children, heart attacks and strokes etc...... Nurses are being assaulted by folks who claim covid is a hoax. Our lives are literally being threatened with death.

What !?!?

please tell me your joking , Are you out of your mind ?

Every Nurse I know didn't want the Jab , They simply got it to keep there Jobs and provide for there families . Nurses don't hate the unvaccinated and no they are not the ones being hospitalized the most are you paying attention Omicron is infecting everyone and killing almost no one .

"Stay Home " really are you seriously saying that ? Your acting like it's still the beginning of the pandemic this Virus is essentially a Cold now . I'm not even going to respond to everything else you said , you are Waaaaaaaaaaay out of touch.

Wake up.

edit on 28-1-2022 by asabuvsobelow because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2022 @ 08:00 PM

originally posted by: anonentity
a reply to: Starwise

Seems a few nurses on here, I wonder if they are seeing the same thing that this RN is seeing. It seems management has anticipated a rise in body storage units. How would they be able to know future information?

Nurses are human. We come in all varieties. We don't always see things the same way, therefore we don't always agree.

Just like not all doctors agree on everything, including treatments.

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