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Truck driver vaccine mandate causing food shortages and empty shelves at grocery stores

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posted on Jan, 24 2022 @ 07:24 AM
There are shortages because

a) Empty shelves do not have an adverse affect on their agenda
b) Full shelves do not support their agenda

A unvaccinated driver who is not allowed to haul a load
creates a situation where a fully automated, driverless truck becomes cost effective
and allows for safety issues around driverless vehicles can be exempted from liability
just as long as they are all electric, driverless vehicles.
and that supports their agenda.

It will also be important to have driverless vehicles
for transporting goods across the vast swaths of nuclear wasteland
after the Ukrainian War.

posted on Jan, 24 2022 @ 07:57 AM

originally posted by: vNex92

JT is punishing both the vaxed and un vaxed with these polices that haven't stopped the transmission nor the spread.
Look at Israeli's data.

Liberals punish everyone or nobody. They can't just punish the one who's guilty. That's not 'inclusive'.
Not that they need to punish 'un-vaccinated', I'm 'un-vaccinated'
But I was pointing out their flawed logic/reasoning.
Also at my son school , he's in middle school. There's this kid who terrorized the whole school and nothing gets done ever.
But when he or someone else does something minor the whole class gets punished. That's liberal logic for you.
I'm doing everything I can to start home-schooling btw.

And about the 'vaccine' madates causing shortages, and MSM opening admitting that ... Good.
Now liberals get a tiny taste of that beloved communism of theirs.
Long lines in front of empty shelves, as was so typical during the Soviet Union.

posted on Jan, 24 2022 @ 08:05 AM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

originally posted by: vNex92
a reply to: AaarghZombies

The trucker shortage has been going on for years

Not quite true. There were no supply chain issues no vax mandates no passes to deal with. You seem to defend the mandates and passes dont you?

There were supply chain issues before covid, covid just exasperated them, and if you'd actually read my previous comments you'd know that I'm anti mandate because I'm a libertarian. So please take your Liberal SJW prejudice elsewhere

No , there were never shortages like this before covid. This all started in 2020 and has just been getting worse and worse.
I'm guessing you would love to wait in line for hours in front of empty shelves with your fellow commies .
Don't worry if the US is turned into the Soviet Amerikas your wish will be granted.
Don't forget to kiss your globalist overlord's b*tt or you may be send to the gulags! Usually the blind minions get send first as that's easiest.

posted on Jan, 24 2022 @ 08:17 AM

posted on Jan, 24 2022 @ 08:19 AM
a reply to: vNex92
The headline to the whole article may be improperly
worded... unless a consortium of truckers all with
epidemiology credentials got together and demanded
we all get jabbed. Oh yeah and arrest power.

In the lack of analysis, the truckers are likely being regu-
lated to death in Canada just like Cali. I believe something
is going to give soon-- and hope SOMEONE out there
has it's comfort level disturbed to the awakening point.

PS I HAVE known a couple of OTRs that were easily big
enough to stop traffic without any fancy driving, though.

posted on Jan, 24 2022 @ 08:33 AM
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus

you are correct, this was all talked about before covid. I wonder, do you think covid made it any worse, or did it help?

posted on Jan, 24 2022 @ 08:48 AM

originally posted by: network dude
I wonder, do you think covid made it any worse, or did it help?

I'm sure it didn't help but we have a systemic issue with how truckers are compensated, it's basically slave labor when you analyze how the lease-to-own scam works.

posted on Jan, 24 2022 @ 08:55 AM
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus

yes, I have some friends who drive. Companies are starting to see the light with better compensation. Those will be the one's who emerge much larger and more powerful once this clears out. But it seems like a multi-pronged dilemma. it's a bit more complex than just one thing.

posted on Jan, 24 2022 @ 10:02 AM

originally posted by: sraven
There are shortages because

a) Empty shelves do not have an adverse affect on their agenda
b) Full shelves do not support their agenda

A unvaccinated driver who is not allowed to haul a load
creates a situation where a fully automated, driverless truck becomes cost effective
and allows for safety issues around driverless vehicles can be exempted from liability
just as long as they are all electric, driverless vehicles.
and that supports their agenda.

It will also be important to have driverless vehicles
for transporting goods across the vast swaths of nuclear wasteland
after the Ukrainian War.

I've been giving more consideration to this idea of robotic automation controlled with AI systems being a motivating factor in what people have been referring to as "clown world". It ties into this de-population/NWO agenda conspiracy pretty well.

Just yesterday I encountered a robotic floor scrubbing unit at a local big box home improvement retail store. At first I thought the driver fell off or let it go accidentally, but nope, it avoided me and kept working (even after I looked it over carefully). With robotic vacuum cleaners more common, it's not long before all cleaning and custodial jobs are automated.

A few years back when I worked at a big name warehouse near here, I could swear they were screening us and changing the productivity goals to determine when it would be profitable to switch to robots like Amazon uses. Most of the jobs I did there can be completely automated, it just needs to become profitable to do so.

ETA: Here you go . . .

Dan Kara – Before we begin, perhaps you could briefly describe Avidbots and the company’s offerings?

Faizan Sheikh – At Avidbots our goal is to make robots ubiquitous. We design, manufacture, sell, service and support Neo, our fully autonomous commercial robotic floor-cleaning solution. You can find Neo deployed around the world, with leading companies continuing to choose Neo as their go-to automated floor care solution. Neo keeps a variety of environments clean, including transit stations and airports, warehouses, manufacturing facilities, retail centers and shopping malls as well as hospitals and schools. o-faizan-sheikh/
edit on 24-1-2022 by MichiganSwampBuck because: Added extra comments

posted on Jan, 24 2022 @ 10:20 AM
they need to create a crisis.
a supply chain crisis.
no drivers to move goods.
create yet another new requirement for drivers so the food is not delivered.

we can't have americans starving - especially the liberal voters of the metropolis

they will implement an "experimental" authorization for automated trucking
and exempt the manufacturers and corporate operators from liability

Autonomous trucks are already on the road with safety operators in the cab.
An experimental authorization in a crisis would enable them to operate without drivers

posted on Jan, 24 2022 @ 12:39 PM
well, truckers quitting because they were required to get vaccinated sure did not help the shortages. Sure some of the shortages were caused by some truckers testing positive for the virus, but the vaccine is not going to stop most people from testing positive to the Delta and Omicron viruses. We are talking drivers quitting and being kept out of work for weeks when they had a mild illness, the new five to seven day quarantine if symptoms are gone is much better to help stop shortages.

An experienced truck driver is essential to haul things, just because you can drive a car or van or U-Haul does not mean you can navigate a big rig around the country. It takes experience to drive a big rig in areas that you have never been to before, and people are getting nuts, they are preoccupied with technology and not paying attention to the road, semi trucks cannot stop on a dime and they are on a schedule, give them the respect they deserve...leave home five minutes earlier and quit complaining because the semis hauling supplies are not yielding to your erratic behavior behind the wheel...I hear that a lot, people complaining about having to follow a big truck which slows down on hills if it is full.

I am not a truck driver, and I probably could never have been one because I do not have the attitude to push along for long distances. I respect most truck drivers, yet know there are also a few jerks among them just like there are everywhere. There are more jerks in DC than driving truck by a hundred fold.

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