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Covid demonstration Brussels - Reiner Fuellmich

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posted on Jan, 24 2022 @ 01:21 AM
Yesterday (Sunday 23-1-2022) there was a huge demonstration in Brussels against -among other issues-- the fact that people are not informed correctly by the press abbout covid.
The crowd was immense, an incredible sea of people Almost everyone was peaceful... ordinary citizens, including the elderly. And of course there were rioters. No idea who recruited them. But in the media almost no word about the real reason of the manifestation. The media only seems to care about the rioters. Of course we didn't get to see or hear the speakers (including Reiner Fuellmich). Can this still be called normal? I think the media urgently needs to reconsider, because their hypocritical attitude against a demonstration like this in Brussels will only lead to even more resistance.
Here is the only video clip I found about Reine Fuellmich (filmed yesterday, just before the demonstration started
edit on 24-1-2022 by zandra because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 24 2022 @ 01:25 AM
a reply to: zandra

Yep, also heard they got hit water cannon and tear gas.

The tolerance of the western EU national authorities is once again on display.


posted on Jan, 24 2022 @ 01:31 AM
a reply to: zandra

I've seen footage of crowds around the world gathering in protest of the way covid is being handled; the lockdowns, forced vaccines, mandates, job loss- it's become too much. It looks like the latest variant is quickly sweeping through an area, then fading away.
Most people realize the numbers are being skewed; counting all patients with covid even if they have no symptoms and are hospitalized for a completely different ailment has become impossible to hide.

One very good result is we don't have to see that tiny weasel Fauci's face on the news 24/7. He needs to stay in his hidey-hole until this blows over.

Threats of WWIII isn't scaring people into compliance like they thought it would. People just want to live again.

posted on Jan, 24 2022 @ 04:52 AM
Yes, I'm a fan of Fuellmich, not because I hope he's right. Especially if he were to say that the vaccines are deadly in the long term. But I'm not afraid of the truth. My truth. (Because the truth is an ongoing flexible issue) And to form my truth I need people like Fuellmich. I need all information, the good, the bad and the ugly. Yet another video (subtitled)

posted on Jan, 24 2022 @ 07:40 AM
Watched some live streams yesterday and something felt wrong. First i only found a Ruptly stream. You could see all kind of people, masses of them, way, way more than the officially confirmed 50.000. And all of them were peaceful. Then suddenly the Ruptly stream was disrupted for more than an hour. After an hour i looked for other streams and found some videos of rioting young men in completely black clothes throwing their stones, smashing windows and the cops do nothing or hide into an attacked building. While no other people were around, not one of those peacefully protesting people we could see before.

I told my friend, who was watching the stuff i found, that it looks staged, to have pictures for the presstitutes, pictures of "evil rioting conspiracy theorists and right wing anti-vaxxers together with state-destroying elements/terrorists".

Then we found a few new streams and watched some of them, had a lot of fun because the ice cream seller right in the middle of everything, giving a big F about stormtroopers and watercanons, selling his ice cream. No people in black clothes rioting anywhere but only the same peacefully protesting people in masses we could see in the first stream that got interrupted suddenly. People in costumes playing guitars, the "weedman" was fooling the cops a bit together with his girlfriend and stuff like that. And the ice cream man was selling his ice cream.

Somehow two completely different scenes, the real, peaceful protests and the scenes of rioting young men in black clothes, smashed windows, hiding cops. And guess what, what i saw there in the videos yesterday is on every news site today, the pics of the "violent protests in brussels". Every pic in the news today is from the two video snippets of a few seconds i found on YT yesterday. But somehow the most news spreaders forget to show the pics of the masses of peaceful protesting people, carrying flags of their nations from all over EUrope (not Europe!).

This felt and today feels even more staged to have pics of rioting people because in reality the people don´t do these WEF agents and Event201 players the favor to really riot and smash window, they simply protest peacefully or even just take a walk like in Germany (because anti-corona measures protests are forbidden in "the democratic and best Germany we ever had"). So they have to stage riots and make anti mandatory vaccinations and senseless corona measures protests look like civil war scenes. I really think they, the WEF agents and their bootlickers need protests and riots, maybe even civil wars to establish their new WEF-normal.

Seems like people learned from 1989 and the great resetters and green new dealers, billy boys bootlickers and loudspeakers, WEF agents disguised as politicians, journalists, judges etc, a traitor police that fights against people who fight for freedom, democracy, constitution and against economical-fascism, bio-security terror, ID2020, a chinese like social score system ect, all these Corona players seem not to be amused about peacefully protesting people you can´t even force to become violent with a violent acting traitor police.

Today is monday, today in more than 2000, maybe around 2500 this week, towns and cities in Germany people will take a walk again almost at the same time. Not even enough police to observe them all, in many towns and cities the police is peaceful (the still sane parts of the police as it seems) and even protect the Spaziergänger. The more mandatory vax talking, the more great reset and the more green new deal talking, the more NATO-warmongering about the effing Ukraine of the corrupt political corona profiteers, political hardliners and wannabe dictators and transatlantic+WEF controlled (foreign minister Baerbock, WEF´s Young Global Leader) warhawks, the more peacefully protesting, sorry, walking people german streets will see.

And here it starts to work, some of the pro new normal and "NoCovid" hardliners who love to torture people for nothing, who love to lie and spread fake news, who love to divide the society, who love to undertake human experiments, who love Bills foundation, who love Schwabs WEF and the Davos meetings etc, are trying to row back hard now. They now try to save their poor souls they sold a long time ago to the money and power devil.

The wind is changing, these traitors feel it and now they are suddenly talking about taking restrictions back, giving people their lives and freedom slowly back. I bet they hate that they have to do this now. I bet they hate when the sovereign citizens show their employees who really is boss and who has to work for who in reality. And as we know from history, german "politicians" love to fight wars they lost a long time ago, wasting human material while still dreaming of their Endsieg.

Thats why from week to week more towns and cities and people become part of the peaceful, not centralized but wide spread mass protests of at least a few millions meanwhile, if we count all of them together.

That is how we get them, not only in Germany but all around the WEF infested world!

posted on Jan, 24 2022 @ 09:44 AM
a reply to: DerBeobachter

Well said!

posted on Jan, 24 2022 @ 10:45 AM
If somebody is interested, here are a few live streams from Rotock, Berlin etc. The walk around my corner starts in a bit more than an hour so i have to leave. Look at the stormtroopers army in Rostock, because of peacefully walking people. They are afraid, those that need to use such an army against walkers.

posted on Jan, 24 2022 @ 09:45 PM
I’m amazed that it’s not the whole population. It’s getting to be a litmus test for morons and simpletons. Even mainstream sources admit masks do nothing, masks make you sick, social distancing requires 30 ft and is entirely new and just pulled out of someone’s...there is no Covid vaccine, the shot doesn’t stop infection and causes serious damage, and still in 2022 u have people walking around in masks and telling others to wear them and getting boosters of course from a separate company, can’t sue if you can’t point to which shot did you in, and Covid has still not be seen or isolated oh and the inventor of the pcr test says there’s no possible way his test can detect Covid. It was enough for me when Gates held his secret forum called COVID18 in 2018 or Certificate of Vaccination ID 18 then we had Covid 19 three months later “from a Chinese lab” lol just as the hypothetical scenario discussed at COVID18 which by the way wasn’t about vaccines but creating an injectable digital tag in a so called vaccine the entire world would be payed off, sanctioned, punished and bullied into accepting. It’s bad enough it took anything past that for people to see the BS. I’m mad, not proud. Humiliated for humanity too.


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