There is so much to unpack about this it could make a book. This is the result of 7 months of 24/7 work with a feral cat, sleeping with it, feeding
it, teaching it how to play (meh, only likes the laser) and even how to meow.
We 2 six year old cats, LittleBird and HoobaGary. I had intended at our age (mid 60s) that these would be the last cats we have -
we'll be in our 70s when they die with us not so far behind - both of them are replacements for two beloved cats that died, TedBird and Ambrose
Butterbutt. Both passed in our arms at home. LittleBird and HoobaGary are truly gifts, so much alike the ones they replace.
Behind our condo, we have a large forested valley. We have hawks, squirrels, deer, foxes, raccoons, coyote.
Last May, one of our cats, HoobaGary, was having a fit in the basement at the sliding glass door. Well, there was a little black kitten out there. It
had a bad injury on one leg and was obviously a feral cat from it's behavior (or was abused and ran off). So I set up the live trap and brought her
inside and put her in the room we have set up as a cat nursery. Yeah, we have a bedroom used just for that. The room has a sliding screen door and a
nice window overlooking the forest.
So, the kitten was a hissing, growling mess, wouldn't let anyone come near, hid all the time. But when I set up a catbox for her, she started using
it right away. Interesting.
I took a filing cabinet and set it up against one wall, set out about 6 inches so she could hide under there. I got her used to eating wet and dry cat
food, got a bottle of "Rescue Remedy" (A liquid that actually calms animals - and humans) and put that in her water.
After a month, I could be around her without the hissing and growling. But all that time and not a peep of a meow. Then, I got a mother cat purring
audio file and played that for her for a few days as well as cats meowing.
Now she won't shut up and let me get a word in edgewise. Never should have taught her to talk. Anyways, after 5 months she got to the point where I
could actually show her my hand without her having a hissing panic - I did it by showing her my hand scooping cat food into a bowl. After that she
would sniff my fingers without trouble but NO petting, no sir, keep your grubby monkey paws off me.
I've also identified that she is an American Bombay - those giant eyes! Black pads on the paws, black nose and the little white patch. And the giant
Then I began trying to get her to the vet for her combo test and shots so she could join the other two cats. 5 times I tried. 5 times I failed. I even
bought leather animal handling gloves. That was a disaster of epic proportions. You thought a tornado was bad (been through 2 myself), this was the
cat version.
So, I put her food bowl in the cat carrier. 6th times the charm. So after 7 long months, Cleo got to the vet yesterday (1/21/21). Took 3 of us to hold
her down whereupon the vet says, "Yep, he's a healthy
BOY." Honestly, I've had cats all my 63 years and I didn't see
any......accessories....down there. So
HE had his leukemia test (clean) and got
HIS first round of shots and has an appointment to get
snipped in April.
So I opened the screen door and started taping the entire affair. So far
HE'S come halfway down the stairs. It's so cute watching
exploring a little bit at a time.
HIS name is now Cleophas (look it up) due to the power of prayer that was expended on HIS behalf.
I'll post updates as we go along if there's interest.
PART of my collection of plants on the deck (which is 30 feet above ground level) with the forest in the background.
The valley behind our condo - 5,000 acres - this shot is the valley floor 50 feet below our deck which overhangs it. Those patches with the bushes
overhanging is where the foxes have their dens
Cleophas outside eating some food I set out.
Cleophas after 2 months living with us looking outside. Look at those eyes!
Cleo and HoobaGary visiting through the screen door in the nursery.
3 techs, me and the vet holding Cleo down for the exam. Not happy. We'll talk about this when we get home dad.
Cleo getting his first poke. Now we're really going to have a talk. I hate you humans.
A very timid formerly feral tomcat makes his way down the stairs for the very first time.
And finally Cleo meeting is new sister LittleBird for the very first time.