posted on Jan, 24 2022 @ 11:29 PM
originally posted by: MASHcolonelblake
...... that would mean they procreate. this means every BF sighting of ONE bigfoot would mean it has 2 parents, and those 2 parents have 4
grandparents and so on. at this rate we should be positively overrun by bigfoots all over the world.
There is an aspect not discuss often, but it does (supposedly) happen and there are reports to back this. Human females being raped and then (some
supposedly) delivering the mixed DNA offspring.
About 20 some years ago I came across a report of supposedly a Mother that had given birth to a pair of twins (male and female). The kids never spoke
and had been diagnosed to have Autism and "Hypertrichosis". Which is how the medical profession diagnosed their being heavily hairy. They both
understood English as they were still quite intelligent.
As the report goes, They had love for being outdoors, so their Mother would drive them to the woods for camping, and they'd disappear and go
exploring. When the twins got to be about 13 years old, she would drop them off in the woods (supposedly same woods where the rape occurred). They'd
be gone for hours, then days, then after several years of this, one time she dropped them off, they never came back.
Can't vouch for the authenticity of the report, yet some associates of mine claim they too have come across similar reports. Apparently the urge to
not be with their maternal Mother (in these supposed unique cases) is consistent.
I'm not saying this would make for a difference percentage wise in the procreation department, but I found it as an interesting scenario we don't hear
about much. And one would expect that perhaps in some (supposed) cases, that aborting such would even be acceptable (even to many religions that are
against such). The crime itself by an unknown "thing" would be more than enough to mentally anguish the victim... but then to have the possibility of
an offspring?
These 'victims' apparently aren't just unique to the North America's as many of these reports are from various Global locations. Though in some case
the term is akin to "a Wild Man", "Hairy Devil" (and others).
Things that make you go Hmmm (when you really dig in to the weird).
edit on 1/24/2022 by JohnnyAnonymous because: (no reason given)