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UK walking back COVID restrictions - same as Israel. Is this a sign of good news ahead?

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posted on Jan, 21 2022 @ 12:18 PM

This past week I've had, for the first time in two years, cause to believe with some optimism, to have some hope, that perhaps we are at a stage whereby the architects of the Plandemic have come to a decision to scale back their efforts to bring in the New World Order, at least for the time being..

I'm saying this off the back of several smaller points of consideration, which seem to be stacking up in line with my tentative hopes.

First, we have the head of Pfizer, a senior head at the CDC & a lead bureaucrat in the EU - ALL walking back the noises those institutions had been making for a while regarding the relentless promotion of a multiple ongoing booster program. All of them said the boosters are not as effective as they first thought, and they are unlikely to press for booster after booster, claiming it would be ineffective, and would have a detrimental effect on the immune systems of recipients. This is incredible when you consider just how intensive the propaganda has been over the past nine months & more. You can read a bit about this particular set of incidents in my thread from the other day HERE.

Furthermore, we have the most senior immunologist/ epidemiologist (he's a polymath) in Israel giving a full & frank confession of failures & misjudgements in a 45 minute interview to an excellent alternative media source (UNHERD). He clearly admits that the booster program would not work as intended, would not provide any useful immunity, and would likely damage the immune system of recipients. This is huge, that he was authorised to give this interview - and what is more, it is evidence of coordination between major players, walking back the prior commitment to a massive multi-booster rollout.

And again, there is news in the UK - the government has cancelled the need for face masks, they have cancelled the major restrictions known as 'Plan B', they have cancelled the vaccine passport program, and several senior sources are making noises in the establishment press about the likelihood that the boosters are not effective, and will compromise otherwise healthy immune systems. The government is still officially backing the vaccine program, but my guess is that this position will change in the coming months.

So this morning, the Cabinet concluded that because of the extraordinary booster campaign together with the way the public have responded to the Plan B measures - we can return to Plan A in England and allow Plan B regulations to expire.

As a result, from the start of Thursday next week mandatory certification will end.

Organisations can, of course, choose to use the NHS Covid Pass voluntarily but we will end the compulsory use of Covid status certification in England.

From now, the government is no longer asking people to work from home and people should now speak to their employers about arrangements for returning to the office.

And having looked at the data carefully, the Cabinet concluded that once regulations lapse, the government will no longer mandate the wearing of face masks anywhere.

Mr Speaker, from tomorrow, we will no longer require face masks in classrooms, and the Department for Education will shortly remove national guidance on their use in communal areas.

In the country at large, we will continue to suggest the use of face coverings in enclosed or crowded places, particularly where you come into contact with people you don’t normally meet.

But we will trust the judgement of the British people and no longer criminalise anyone who chooses not to wear one.

The government will also ease further restrictions on visits to care homes and my Rt Hon Friend, the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, will set out plans in the coming days.

Mr Speaker, as we return to Plan A, the House will know that some measures still remain, including those on self-isolation.

In particular, it is still a legal requirement for those who have tested positive for Covid to self-isolate.

On Monday we reduced the isolation period to five full days with two negative tests.

And there will soon come a time when we can remove the legal requirement to self-isolate altogether - just as we don’t place legal obligations on people to isolate if they have flu.

As Covid becomes endemic we will need to replace legal requirements with advice and guidance urging people with the virus to be careful and considerate of others.

Boris Johnson cancels Plan B Covid restrictions

Beyond this, there was a call caught on the record the other day from a doctor describing how there is hush-hush news within the UK NHS that the entire vaccine program will be cancelled at some point in the not-too-distant future, though that won't be announced in the media just yet, it will take a little time. GP Tells Woman That UK Covid-19 Vaccine Program Will Be Stopped Due to Health Risks

Now I'm not saying we're out of the woods yet, but hey, these are incredible & important steps.

It affirms my hope that there is serious opposition to the NWO global resetters, and my hope is firmly held that these powerful types of persons would take coordinated actions to roll back the scale of the entire vaccine rollout, and continue to alleviate restrictions against the freedom of citizens.

Stay frosty, ATS. Keep your eyes peeled for the signs of the times. We cannot choose the times we are born into, but we can choose how we respond to the pressures they bring. Rage, RAGE, against the dying of the light. We do not want an NWO superstate governing our world, and a lot of powerful people feel exactly the same way. Here's hoping that the right people for the job are in the right places, ready to talk to one another & take action - for now is the time.



edit on JanuaryFriday2201CST12America/Chicago-060019 by FlyInTheOintment because: tags

posted on Jan, 21 2022 @ 12:39 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

Never overlook the fact that the U.S. mainstream media and politicians strongly believe that Americans don't pay attention to international news. And as such, they will completely ignore foreign press that contradicts the U.S. narrative. ( i.e. Ivermectin success in many nations around the world 100% ignored by our MSM.)

While other nations are slowly trying to put this manufactured pandemic to bed, the U.S. media is running headlines today such as: book&fb_news_token=8HjHRRMt5pyfRz4qqQ0g9Q%3D%3D.gRIljOOZCbDYvrKUvY964DZJUmFTiSZoJE8m81CBKISUZ0eF6EkfvchouQTjSZ0uyfWncZfSeMYchdh7YYV8mmn8iurg1JA7pOz2lA EP8LIYF9R1TIZzaRLv2bWvuKb0dtn%2BiG9IhYL%2BWZPrflUe34TYlHlf5v64WnBenGW%2BKRcu29oBH0YuN8ChBbHw1003SNPlIzfnCq0h%2Bb3rR68MMXu5%2FFN0ENpyQVo68MeXgEAOKBW0Ox 2rfVwccinjSD%2B0FuZ%2FPZbAbdsgpu%2BT9rajb3F7bOJH%2Bgta%2BwG6fbaZ2nYU7mCj%2BTUdxKA5DL%2Blg2vo0DZuwn1sKG4AdtFL2jw2veiQdFDEacVmjPze%2FocsUU8%3D" target="_blank" class="postlink">Booster shots in U.S. have strongly protected against severe disease from omicron variant, CDC studies show

It's up to us.

posted on Jan, 21 2022 @ 12:49 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

It's a sign that Boris Johnson needs to get as many of his Back Bench MPs back on side because he's in trouble , his Back Bench MPs are against the measures so removing them helps his cause ... maybe / maybe not.

Basically he doesn't have the power to keep the brakes on.

posted on Jan, 21 2022 @ 01:02 PM
All it will take is another Delta-like variant for it to go back to how it was and for certain people to get a 4th shot and support restrictions and passports. So the answer is yes but who knows.

posted on Jan, 21 2022 @ 01:26 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

Maybe the criminal investigation by the Met has got Bunters arse going not his backbenchers.
Quite a list of possible charges including murder,crimes against humanity,war crimes,poisoning and multiple breaches of human rights.
edit on 21/1/2022 by glen200376 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 21 2022 @ 02:04 PM
Well, it certainly is not a bad sign. This thing is not going to be over though, until the next variants and eventual attrition turn this into another flue like virus that we will need yearly innoculations against.

This is another thing that anti-vaxers have to seriously contemplate. It would be great if they could keep out-running this beast but statistics are showing that if they get it, there is a likelyhood that it can have more serious consequences.

Lets just hope this world can heal up so we can socialize and travel again. We have certainly had enough of this.

posted on Jan, 21 2022 @ 02:38 PM
Covid was an American made pandemic and virus, is all there to see, fauci have the truth and he knows how he holds the US government by the genitals with the involvement in the creating of the original virus.

posted on Jan, 21 2022 @ 02:56 PM
a reply to: marg6043

The Canadian current govt and its Liberal Party are still hinge onto the belief that vaccines prevent infection and transmission while ignoring data from Israel and others.

JT and its govt had bought millions of Pfizer doses till 2024.
Its good to see some countries scaling back yet Austria, Canada and few others haven't done so yet. These covid passports haven't able to prevent anything.

edit on 21-1-2022 by vNex92 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 21 2022 @ 02:58 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

Hard to say why they're toning down. Here's a few reasons to consider:

Maybe a loophole in the immunity clause has been found. Perhaps tied to document releases that they tried to delay.

Maybe its just because of campaign season.

Could have reached their inoculation goals.

Maybe, as other people have suggested, too many people are jumping ship behind the scenes.

Maybe recent 5G concerns have highlighted a flaw in the Internet of Bodies plan.

And, we can't leave out the fan-favorite Zombies Apocalypse. They could be encouraging the free mixing of people before they start setting people off with wifi signals.


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