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Australia is a basket case

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posted on Jan, 16 2022 @ 03:47 AM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

..... he emigrated...

posted on Jan, 16 2022 @ 06:11 AM

a reply to: angelchemuel

posted on Jan, 16 2022 @ 07:20 AM
Is this the video? Stumbled across it whilst watching something unrelated.

posted on Jan, 16 2022 @ 07:47 AM
a reply to: anonentity

That entire video is MESSED UP!!


I am seriously like what the absolute *&^%#!

NONE of those people should have been arrested. How the heck? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE IN OZ?!

They pepper sprayed a 12 year old!
The cop wasn't wearing a mask but he wants to arrest someone for not wearing one? THIS IS SCARY!

posted on Jan, 16 2022 @ 09:03 PM
a reply to: Scubalicious

I'm with ya brutha ! Hey if you got any clues as to how we can knock up a time machine to go back & get our diggers off that Gallipoli hell hole , sing out ! My heart aches daily for how those brave boys must feel looking down on our unrecognisable land.
Boys running head long into machine gunfire & a possible bayonet or mustard gas cloud & with pride & determination that theirs & future generations would retain birth rights & continuing, everlasting freedom from tyranny.

Everywhere we look know is a gimp in a car masked up begging to be penetrated nasally coz ' OOH RUNNY NOSE ".
Farkin disgrace !!!!

They'll be pumping their bile into my corpse. Only way I'm being dosed ! Dead set /

posted on Jan, 16 2022 @ 09:25 PM
a reply to: angelchemuel

Yes thts the one.

posted on Jan, 17 2022 @ 01:04 AM

originally posted by: Flyingclaydisk
But, but...Ozland had Mad Max!!

What happened????

Ha Ha now its "Mad Vax" 3,4,5,6

posted on Jan, 17 2022 @ 04:01 AM
Woow what a heroic act five police officers arest grandmother I hope you proud of yourself.

This is a shame she obviously have all documents but they did not even look.

posted on Jan, 17 2022 @ 10:34 AM
a reply to: anonentity
Australia has decided to 'let Covid rip'. Is that a good idea?

In case you were wandering what the rest of the world is being told about Australia, here you go.

posted on Jan, 17 2022 @ 12:30 PM
If you can't watch the video due to be from a restricted country, this has worked for me from The Netherlands.
Choose one of the US fast servers:

The video is insane. Those f#ckin' brainless orcs in blue are sick in their head not realising what kind of evil powers they are supporting. "I was just obeying orders" is not an excuse and it didn't do too much for their nazi predecessors in Nuremberg either. How can they look at the mirror and not spitting on the asshole they are looking at? Do they have no family or friends to tell them how f#cked up they are? Meanwhile more and more info (considered to be conspiracy theory even just a month or so ago) are getting published and confirmed by trusted official sources. Not very surprisingly we hear nothing on the MSM as they're shamelessly carrying on with the "get your next jab or you gonna die" bollox, ignoring the fact that the poison they're pushing doesn't do s#it anymore and the disease has became significantly weaker since it's called "omicron". This fact alone should make their intention more than obvious to everyf#ckin'body... even the very slow ones should get at least suspicious already. Unbelievable.

posted on Jan, 17 2022 @ 05:14 PM
I never knew that many countries restricted what you can watch on the internet.

That's really shocking to me.

As an American, I get censored by Facebook, or Twitter, but never from my own home internet connection to watch a video.

Has literally never happened, and I've been on the internet since, oh man.... the first America Online days on a monochrome mac IIse, so 1990?

People over here like to complain a lot, saying we're not free anymore, and maybe we're not as much as we once were, but that puts it into perspective.

As for this video, it's disgusting. Why they aren't rising up against that kind of tyrannical nonsense is exactly why their Government wanted their guns taken away.

Never going to happen here, no matter how much the left wants it.
edit on 17-1-2022 by poncho1982 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 19 2022 @ 03:09 PM
25.69 million, which is odd because a couple years ago it was nearly 27 million.
And 2843 deaths.

We used to have over 4000 FLU deaths, and another 8000~ from related illnesses like pneumonia. A year.

The problem is Australia might have a reputation of having tough, resilient bad asses as some would say, but its largely a myth.

The population is by andarge controlled.
They are obedient and don't question authority.

Many here still think the media is a source of information and not a propaganda tool.

Yeh, they all think they're free and sticking it to the man when they do something like let off fire works on NYE or break the speed limit.

But in reality, they are all mostly compliant little bitches here in the land down under.

Its called psychological conditioning and brainwashing.
Its proven very effective here.

And you should all be worried.

Because what happens here in Australia, it won't be long before its implemented on a mass scale everywhere else.

Its that bad here, that in the Northern Territory they want to introduce the same social scoring system that China uses.
And the masses act like nothing untoward is going on.

People here actually think that for their jab to work to keep them safe, everyone else needs to get the jab.

When the jab rates are low, the government and media amp up the hysteria and drama. And more people rush off to comply.

Dont worry, we're not all scared of our own shadow pussies in Australia.

Its also one of the two REAL reasons they deported Novak Djokovic.

1 reason - he brought mass attention to Rio Tintos environmental damage in Serbia. Its an Aussie mining company.

2 reason - and this is kind of bs, but they think he will stir up anti jab sentiment and cause civil unrest here.

They dont care if he is jabbed or not.
We now have nurses and doctors being allowed to work while they are testing positive for covid.

And they are talking about letting all essential workers continue working while infected.

Deadly pandemic they say ehh?

They know it won't take much for enough people to stand up and its all over for the current political establishment.
We have federal elections coming up and a few state elections.

But don't worry, they've already got their controlled opposition in place in the form of the United Australia Party led by that far # Clive Palmer, who preference deals (sends votes) to the Liberal Nationals coalition.

Oh and we can't forget Jacquie Lambie, who served in the Defence Force and used to champion the plight of our veterans and anything that was in the national interest.
Shes gone from being against the jab to attacking anyone who doesn't want to take the jabs.
I wonder how much she was paid off to switch sides?

We then have Ricardo Bossi, another ex Defence Force member, apparently ex Commando. Who rants and raves.
Lots of talk about things happening, but no visible action taking place.
He runs the Australia One party. He argues with United Australia Party, its leader Clive and their front man Craig Kelly.

Then there's the One Nation party, a circus.

You know it's that sad here in Australia, that people still believe it's the deadliest pandemic ever.
So deadly so bad, that if you catch it, you get told to stay home for 10 days and take panadol (paracetamol).
So deadly and bad that the symptoms they tell you to look for now are the exact same symptoms of the common cold.

And still the masses stay asleep.

Most people I've spoken to only got the jab because they want to travel still, they want to go the pub or a club, or to go watch the footy etc.

Thats the only reason. They were scared into thinking they wont be able to do anything unless they get the jab.
And now they've got 2 jabs and are lining up for a 3rd, and still haven't got most freedoms back, or threatened theyll lose them if they don't get the 3rd, they still stay asleep.

At this point its wilfull ignorance on their part.

originally posted by: RazorV66

originally posted by: angelchemuel
a reply to: anonentity
Your link comes up with not accessible because "Contains Incitement to Hatred". Maybe it's just for the UK?

Yeah you are getting censored over there, it’s works fine for me here in the USA.
You guys could be next.

To the OP…..
Australia has gone full retard over less than 3000 deaths total in a country of 24 million.
I really can’t believe I am seeing this.
Why isn’t anyone standing up to this sh!t?

edit on 19-1-2022 by mortex because: (no reason given)

edit on 19-1-2022 by mortex because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 19 2022 @ 06:35 PM
a reply to: mortex

Does code Brown men that a politician has # themselves? Have a laugh

posted on Jan, 19 2022 @ 11:26 PM
Lol it means they still refuse to admit they're wrong.

Wrong to stand down tens of thousands of nurses and doctors who wont get the jabs.
Wong to allow infected to keep working while unjabbed perfectly healthy, AND HIGHLY EXPERIENCED nurses and doctors sit at home.

We're even allowing medical students, most of whom are useless millennial with a really bad attitude and arrogance who think they know it all already because they made it to medical school and think they're better then everyone.

In Victoria, where the code brown has been declared, they've even brought in 20 ADF personnel to be passengers in ambulances, and 12 ADF personnel to help man the emergency call centre. But when you read the media headlines, it's as if the whole ADF has mobilised lol.

Noticed what's happening with hospitalisations and deaths now?
Theyve changed the wording slightly.

Now it's reported that those in hospital are there WITH covid, not because of COVID.
Same with deaths, died WITH covid, not from covid.

Meanwhile the UK is dropping mandates, vaccine passports, all restrictions will be gone by late March
Most will be gone within a week.

There's some senior UK officials here right now who SCOMO is going to be having meetings with. Maybe he will take a leaf out of their book of finally seeing common sense, and actually lead the country by putting a stop to all this over reaching bs from state governments who've gotten drunk on their own unchecked power. We can hope. But in reality he won't do much.
Just smoke and mirrors leading up to the election.

a reply to: anonentity

posted on Jan, 19 2022 @ 11:45 PM
a reply to: mortex

You have the UK PM dropping everything after expose. Will Aus will through and do the same and admit its just not working? the boosters arent working the passports arent stopping the varaints? whats the point of them? when they will just delay or cancel flights all together.

What's the point of vaccinating children and youth when they will just get infected with it?

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 04:32 AM
You may catch a cold.
You may be in the .01 % that will die from that cold .
So for your health , we , the fizzer corporation ,( er I mean police)
will even abuse the elderly and or kids ,
because we can , and money .

posted on Jan, 21 2022 @ 08:50 PM

originally posted by: vNex92
a reply to: mortex

You have the UK PM dropping everything after expose. Will Aus will through and do the same and admit its just not working? the boosters arent working the passports arent stopping the varaints? whats the point of them? when they will just delay or cancel flights all together.

What's the point of vaccinating children and youth when they will just get infected with it?

But that's just the thing though, WHAT EXACTLY changed data wise from last week when the " medical advisers " insisted the draconian steps were absolutely necessary to the decision to drop them.
I get that people are so farking over it that collectivelly we'll simply hooray & carry on as if we've scored a victory of some sorts.
I think it is actually now when the biggest push back should come from the people. Face it these clowns are schooled in psychological abuse & are banking on the plebs to pick up the scraps they throw out & for us all to run arounfd high fiving & getting back onto living in what passes as normal today.
But think about it for the boffins or whoever the buck stops with to declare this week as completely different to last week they must be able to show that. & comprehensicelly so. Otherwise surely that must be an admission that last week should have been this week but personal opinion &/or bias &/or ego &/or political preservation was the overriding factor & for that there must be absolute accountability.
It's all well & good them drawing a line in the sand now & saying " from this point on blah, blah, blah & we wont be enforcing masks moving forward " . OK but WHAT EXACTLY is different from a day a week a month a year ago when the people that they finally agree are correct in their logical conclusion regarding masks & aerosol were simply refusing to buy into the whole illogical & nonsensical concept & just wanted to go about their day uninterupted,unaccosted & unapologetically ?
What about the collateral damage these parasites have caused,ordered & insisted upon up until this " gracious " decision to draw the line in the sand now .
People have been driven to off themselves from living with such absurdity up until the point these maggots finally make a rational decision.
So here & now is the new starting point in their mind from where they will begin to take from us or demand more from us whenever they decide to " continue to keep us safe ".
When are we as compassionate people going to demand they erase their insulting line from the sand & back the f*ck right the way back to where it was before they decided to mess with our lives " to keep us safe " ?
We owe it those folk who were destroyed in the myriad of ways whilst these idiots scrubbed out the old line & ran up the beach to scratch todays line to demand accountability .Because for these clowns to suddenly decide those they persecuted but now agree with is irrelevent because " look we are giving you back a bit of freedom " is quite frankly as demeaning & insane as the very views they insisted upon us all to begin with. They are still taking the absolute p*ss out of us !!

posted on Jan, 21 2022 @ 09:13 PM
a reply to: mortex

They can never admit to making a mistake. They have destroyed society. They can not stop or they would be hung. They have a plan which is just in its early stages. I fear we will never get rid of this lot with elections.

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