a reply to:
Good on You!!!
Just a thought, but it definitely applies. Lots of folk stuck in "essential jobs" are also doing tons of mandatory overtime, leaving absolutely no
time for their "to do lists". Finding someone is a literal Godsend, if you aren't "too" picky about what needs done.
For instance where I'm at a local guy had gotten laid off from a oil job.
His kid has "special medical needs" so he went around to see if a few Senior Citizens needed help with their yards? Cause he's a decent guy he refused
to charge more than $30 bucks. Older folk on fixed incomes & all...
Word spread like wildfire!
People who could pay more happily did, in chit-chatting it turned out he was fairly handy so he picked up MORE work.
If it was something he could do, from caulking windows to simple plumbing fixes, he was great with it!
His first job with me was "supposed to be" just a simple mow. I came home to that plus extensive weed whacking , wood stacked and my porch swept off!
Easily a 8-9hr job.
Dunno about anyone reading this, but I don't go to work for free. The dude was in tears when I had him come back to "adjust" his pay. He didn't ask
for it, he certainly didn't expect it and he got a lecture to boot about his time being AT LEAST as valuable as mine.
A true Handyman is the most valuable thing to people who either "can't do" or cause of circumstances are unable to do.
Point being aside from online job's there are underserved people all over the place who are terrified of the bigger contractors, or have legitimate
jobs that larger companies turn their noses up at, or waiting lists 6 months out.
This dude once once word of mouth got out had more work than anyone could do in a work week. Waiting for him to get you in was fine since most of his
other customers, no matter the job, you KNEW were Seniors who didn't have anyone else, nor could they afford anyone else.
Just something to consider.