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CTV:Unvaccinated patients 'having the worst outcomes. Mass psychosis..

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posted on Jan, 13 2022 @ 09:30 AM
a reply to: ketsuko

My mom needs me to be boosted more I need me to be boosted, and what she needs from any booster I get is prevention, not symptom mitigation. She's battling cancer and doesn't need COVID on top of it period.

My mom and I basically lived in the hospital for 6months fighting her cancer. This is when the first strain and Delta was here. Neither one of us go it! We were even in the ICU with Covid patients. We wore masks but she often pulled hers down.

Edit to add, she was a smoker but that doesn't explain me as I am not.
edit on 13-1-2022 by JAGStorm because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 13 2022 @ 10:00 AM
a reply to: network dude

That's the wisest approach. The vaccines weren't created to prevent infection, it was just an additional bonus from it - Omicron evades a big chunk of the protection the vaccine offers, there's still some protection there but eventually a variant will evolve that totally evades the protection the vaccine gives.

Omicron spreads like wildfire but has the same rate of death as a mild flu season (around 12,000 per year in UK) - the very elderly and high risk need protection and wise for those living with/caring for them to get boosters as there's far higher chance of their immune system will respond correctly to the vax then the very high risk who have weakened immune systems and are unlikely to gain much immunity from any vaccines or infection.

I'm taking vitamins myself and getting plenty of exercise to try and keep my body in tip top condition. I usually never take them as I'm not convinced the body can absorb all the nutrition that way (receptors quickly overloaded) but every little helps.

I don't know for sure if the Vitamin D is very important in fightin off Covid infection but annecdotally every mate who was unlucky enough to have had a really nasty case or was in ICU then recovered ended up with huge vit D deficiency and Drs put them on very high doses of Vit D to get their levels back up.These are people who work outside all the time and have never been deficient before. Purely annecdotal but it seems there's some interaction between severe Covid cases and vit D nose diving - it could be very important to take to help prevent severe infection.

How people feel does have a significant impact on immune system health - if people are paranoid or stressed about Covid and have been whipped up in the media frenzy, the stress and sleep deprivation will deplete their immune system and make them more vunerable to any infection.

edit on 13-1-2022 by bastion because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 13 2022 @ 10:05 AM

originally posted by: network dude

I know you are vaccinated and don't like the argument against the vaccines, and given your age, it's the right choice based on the data. But you also need to be aware, based on the data, that the vaccines don't seem to help much with regard to the new variant. I'm not trying to scare you or chastise you for your choices, just want to be sure you know, you should approach things as if you have no vaccine. Be safe, this should be over pretty quick.

The new variant is seen as pretty mild even though it is extremely transmittable for all, so maybe it doesn't matter. I kind of would like to just get it and move on like the old Pox No fear either way with the virus or vaccine for me, so I do what sets me up for the most success in the end.

We are still seeing the vast majority in hospitals as the unvacced and what makes that more concerning is they represent less than 40% of the population now.

posted on Jan, 13 2022 @ 10:09 AM
a reply to: Xtrozero

You are confusing two different stats.

The odds of any reasonably healthy person getting extremely sick and needing hospitalization from c19 are already low. Vaxxed or not. This is a fact.

However, if you happen to be one of the rare bad cases, vaccination does appear to help.

One of the issues I see is there is a complete lack of context that is being provided by Fauci et al. The vast majority of people who remain unvaxxed will be perfectly fine if they catch c19. Just like those who have been Vaxxed.

There was a Harvard study that showed no significant difference in infection rates between vaxxed and unvaxxed. However, they did note that vaxxed appeared to get better sooner than unvaxxed. In the study, vaxxed were sick 5 days while unvaxxed 7....

posted on Jan, 13 2022 @ 10:14 AM
a reply to: vNex92 s/

The latest official health data from the British government shows that “fully vaccinated” individuals are not experiencing the robust protection against hospitalization or death that they were promised, but rather have alarmingly been contracting the virus, getting hospitalized, and even dying at a much higher number than the unvaccinated have been over the past few months.

As of December 5th, the vaccinated have accounted for a whopping 4 of every 5 total Covid-19 deaths in England since August 16th, 2021, according to The UK Health Security Agency’s Covid data.

posted on Jan, 13 2022 @ 10:45 AM
a reply to: AndyMayhew
no numbers of patients.
no reason for being in ICU.

Who are have not ???

This compares to more than 60 per cent who are have not had a vaccine.

Perhaps, it's due to the 2nd jab being the problem.

Researchers at the Statens Serum Institut in Denmark published a pre-print study suggesting that the second doses of Pfizer and Moderna vaccines may increase people’s likelihood of infection after 90 to 150 days.

posted on Jan, 13 2022 @ 10:49 AM
a reply to: ketsuko

It will make no difference if she is jabbed double jabbed and with booster, I never took the jabs, I visited my mother with terminal cancer that was double jabbed and boosterized too, my mother still die from cancer, but I spend time with her, gave her a last hug and I was not jabbed.

It is a hard decision for you, I hope things work out and you make the right decision,

posted on Jan, 13 2022 @ 05:26 PM

edit on 1312022 by Wide-Eyes because: Redacted

posted on Jan, 13 2022 @ 10:00 PM

originally posted by: JAGStorm
a reply to: ketsuko

My mom needs me to be boosted more I need me to be boosted, and what she needs from any booster I get is prevention, not symptom mitigation. She's battling cancer and doesn't need COVID on top of it period.

My mom and I basically lived in the hospital for 6months fighting her cancer. This is when the first strain and Delta was here. Neither one of us go it! We were even in the ICU with Covid patients. We wore masks but she often pulled hers down.

Edit to add, she was a smoker but that doesn't explain me as I am not.

I will add my mom died of cancer and I spent time in hospitals and doctors offices - no one, including my mom who couldn't wear a mask, contracted COVID.

But as a word of warning to anyone with a very ill family member - do try to stay out of the hospital. Not because of COVID but because of the strict visitation. In her first, hospital stay, I pleaded with the nurses to have the doctor do a conference call with any bad news so my mom would have support (at that time at the start of COVID absolutely no visitors were allowed). Apparently this was too difficult for the doctor who told my 90 year old mother, all my herself, that she was going to a hospital downtown to have immediate surgery that might result in her voice box being removed.
(Mom basically told them hell no).

In her second stay at another hospital they allowed one person (it had to be the same person the whole hospital stay) to visit only during certain hours. Of course, to be able to visit with more people during longer hours, we only had to sign the DNR and admit her to the hospital hospice (i.e. agree to stop any treatment). Even then I wasn't with her when she died because only one person was allowed at night (like Covid spreads at night?) and it was my sister's turn.

edit on January 13th 2022 by Daughter2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 14 2022 @ 04:19 AM
a reply to: fernalley

Does seem to be a novel suggestion and quite insane!

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