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Covid is far deadlier than the seasonal flu. Say Experts & Health Officials

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posted on Jan, 12 2022 @ 05:07 PM
They are now pushing the fear mongering of covid far more further than SARS/Swine. On Twitter. They are now saying how Covid is far more deadlier than the flu/common cold.

According to the experts from US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Johns Hopkins University of Medicine. & Health Officials. They claim that COVID-19 and the seasonal flu are caused by different types of viruses that result in different symptoms....
Its clear they have an agenda to fear monger up the variants.

There are even articles claiming that omicron shouldn't be treated as a mild.

COVID-19 and the seasonal flu are caused by different types of viruses that result in different symptoms, experts say. While both viruses can cause severe respiratory disease, COVID-19 is far deadlier than the seasonal flu, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Johns Hopkins University of Medicine.

There were significantly less cases of seasonal flu recorded in the US during the 2020-2021 fall and winter, and experts agree this is largely due to public health measures taken to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus, which would have also been effective at helping percent the spread of the flu virus.

Fact Check-Misleading comparison between COVID-19 and the flu resurfaces
You have MSM experts/health officials wanting you to be scared.

Contrary to what the posts say, COVID-19 is not the “identical twin” of the flu. Reuters has previously addressed similar misleading claims ( here , here , here ).

Interestingly enough they claim that there has being a year of low flu cases i really wonder why there has being a case of low flu cases? maybe because these tests cant tell the difference of covid or flu/cold?

Flu activity was “unusually low throughout the 2020-2021 flu season both in the United States and globally”, according to the CDC ( here ). About 1,675 people (0.2%) of 818,939 respiratory specimens tested by U.S. clinical laboratories were positive for an influenza virus in the period from Sept. 28, 2020, to May 22, 2021, in the United States.

Yes it was a low case of the flu, despite Sep/Oct and long season of Winter being a seasonal year for flu.. Makes you want to question a few certain things.

You have the Mainstream News Media Outlets pushing the fear mongering the omicron variant, claiming that covid is far the deadlier than the flu.

They ignore to mention that covid is deadlier with four or more health conditions.

Since the pandemic had started covid had havent being a threat to the children/youth.
Children who had being infected with it or had died likely had a health condition.
But the Mainstream News Media isn't reporting it.

posted on Jan, 12 2022 @ 05:17 PM
They can say what they want, I'm not playing. Haven't listened to them since the first lockdown.
I've been living as normal as possible, meeting people, not wearing a mask. Got ill with some winter cold and got throigh that just fine.
It's my choice. I wash my hands after having touched doorhanles and shopping carts, but I always did so because I'm a bit of a germophobe.
I'll take my chance with whatever they conjure up.
The worst most scary thing I don't ever want to go near is the clot shot.

posted on Jan, 12 2022 @ 05:18 PM
a reply to: vNex92

Overall, primary covid is more deadly than the flu, per thousand.

posted on Jan, 12 2022 @ 05:25 PM
Yesterday's official statements

Today's official statements

Tomorrow's official statements

Queen for a Day then the serial numbers change ♾️©️💱

posted on Jan, 12 2022 @ 05:31 PM
I'm done believing anything they put out, at this point.

posted on Jan, 12 2022 @ 05:33 PM
a reply to: vNex92

Flu is deadly to children, covid is not, big different, somebody needs to tell the soo call "experts" to shut the mouth hole off, they are not expert of nothing but parrots of big pharma.

We know now what they really are, their day is coming, karma is going to get them all.

posted on Jan, 12 2022 @ 05:36 PM
a reply to: vNex92

I also heard them talk up how many mutations Omicron had, and that Delta was far deadlier than regular covid and only had 1/3 the amount of mutations, just imagine what 3 times more mutations will do ... when we already knew it was extremely mild.

posted on Jan, 12 2022 @ 06:46 PM
a reply to: vNex92

Covid 19 is extinct, it mutated and died off the beginning of the summer of 2020. What's left is an echo and the smell of BS.

Cheers - Dave
edit on 1/12.2022 by bobs_uruncle because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 12 2022 @ 07:25 PM
a reply to: bobs_uruncle

I agree, but those hungry for the power and greed, could not let it go, after the first wave of the experimental jabs covid was brough back to scare the people once again.

And is still on going, too good to let go.

posted on Jan, 13 2022 @ 12:36 AM
I remember reading on this forum in early 2020 that the pandemic and the scare mongering would be never ending. How right those posters were. I mean really prescient.

posted on Jan, 13 2022 @ 06:13 AM
Covid isn’t deadly. Lol, I’ve had it three times ... almost like it’s some kind of seasonal virus that blocks my nose and makes my body feel kinda ‘off’ for a couple of days, once a year.

a reply to: vNex92

posted on Jan, 13 2022 @ 08:36 AM
Riiiight. The flu is "gone". Summer cases of COVID were low. Now that flu season has started, suddenly COVID cases have spiked. But there's still no flu. How stupid do you have to be?

posted on Jan, 13 2022 @ 10:52 AM

originally posted by: vNex92
Since the pandemic had started covid had havent being a threat to the children/youth.
Children who had being infected with it or had died likely had a health condition.
But the Mainstream News Media isn't reporting it.

A few kids under the age of 12 have died from/with COVID in my region. It's a real shame that some people think it's alright for kids with juvenile diabetes to die from a respiratory virus, because they had a health condition.

posted on Jan, 13 2022 @ 02:59 PM
"Covid is far deadlier than the seasonal flu. Say Experts & Health Officials"

Yes, for people 80+ and with more than 4 serious pre-existing conditions at the same time.

Those experts and "health" officials would even say that the sky is full of gods but only when peoples eyes are closed and that this would be the only reason why we can´t see them. If they only get enough money for their lies. Or if they want to be good friend with the anti-democratic, anti-constitutional, anti-freedom and pro dictatorship of the filthy rich-rulers.

Germany, flu wave 2017/18, 25100 people died, nobody cared, no panic, no mass hypnosis, no nothing. Nobody cared for the lives of those people that died from the flu. Because this is normal, this is nature, no reason to kill societies, economies, nations and with that more people than every flu wave could, no matter if it´s called covid or flu.

Germany, 2020, "worst year" of the "killer pandemic", below-average mortality of 2.4%. Allegedly 34000 died from corona, according to the official numbers. Which are complete fantasy numbers to keep the panic level up as we know. At the end with the real numbers, it will be rather 3400 than 34000. We know that if one died from cancer but was tested positive to C19 he will be counted as "dead from covid", as one example how these criminals act.

Let these political WEF agents, let these "experts", these "health" officials tell what they want. Today this, tomorrow the exact opposite from what they told us today. Let them go on with lying and torturing the people. Last week it were more than 1600 towns and cities in Germany were people "took a walk", absolutely peaceful, for freedom, democracy and constitution. 300 more towns and cities than two weeks before, with more people from week to week. People know that Omikron isn´t even a flu anymore but like a mild cold, according to studies from Denmark, South Africa, UK, USA etc.

But here these WEF criminals keep telling us it´s doomsday now, this time for real. Because of Omikron. As if nobody in Germany would use the internet and nobody would know the truth. I don´t exactly know how corrupt, radical and/or megalomaniac these WEF and corona extremists, disguised as politicians, experts, health officials etc, in reality are. But we all know they are. Are they maybe so crazy meanwhile that the really believe Germans only listen and believe to what these traitors tell us and that we don´t get infos from anywhere else? Every time those traitors step in front of a camera and talk about corona measures, restrictions because of Omikron, more people in more towns and cities will be out for a walk tomorrow and especially next monday.

Let them lie, let them try to go on with their game ("Nothing is harder than retreating from an untenable position" - von Clausewitz). They still didn´t realize that they went a few steps too far. Or are simply too afraid to admit it meanwhile. Or they still think they could win and riots, protests and even maybe civil wars are part of the Event201 plan these maniac criminals want to fullfill. Civil wars between the "good again and again and again vaccinated citizens who question nothing and follow the Führer" (same as the third reich bootlickers back in time) and the still self-thinking and questioning "evil anti-democratic fascists and nazis" who protest and fight for democracy, constitution and freedom.

WE are legion as reality shows us live right now. And these criminals are not. Even with all the worlds gold, diamonds, money and whatever else a few thousands of criminals and their henchmen can´t win against millions of angry people with no reason to live anymore because a live in prison, like since 2019, isn´t worth to be lived anymore. But it´s worth to fight for a live that´s at least like before Event201.

posted on Jan, 13 2022 @ 03:01 PM

originally posted by: vNex92
They are now pushing the fear mongering of covid far more further than SARS/Swine. On Twitter. They are now saying how Covid is far more deadlier than the flu/common cold.

According to the experts from US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Johns Hopkins University of Medicine. & Health Officials. They claim that COVID-19 and the seasonal flu are caused by different types of viruses that result in different symptoms....
Its clear they have an agenda to fear monger up the variants.

There are even articles claiming that omicron shouldn't be treated as a mild.

COVID-19 and the seasonal flu are caused by different types of viruses that result in different symptoms, experts say. While both viruses can cause severe respiratory disease, COVID-19 is far deadlier than the seasonal flu, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Johns Hopkins University of Medicine.

There were significantly less cases of seasonal flu recorded in the US during the 2020-2021 fall and winter, and experts agree this is largely due to public health measures taken to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus, which would have also been effective at helping percent the spread of the flu virus.

Fact Check-Misleading comparison between COVID-19 and the flu resurfaces
You have MSM experts/health officials wanting you to be scared.

Contrary to what the posts say, COVID-19 is not the “identical twin” of the flu. Reuters has previously addressed similar misleading claims ( here , here , here ).

Interestingly enough they claim that there has being a year of low flu cases i really wonder why there has being a case of low flu cases? maybe because these tests cant tell the difference of covid or flu/cold?

Flu activity was “unusually low throughout the 2020-2021 flu season both in the United States and globally”, according to the CDC ( here ). About 1,675 people (0.2%) of 818,939 respiratory specimens tested by U.S. clinical laboratories were positive for an influenza virus in the period from Sept. 28, 2020, to May 22, 2021, in the United States.

Yes it was a low case of the flu, despite Sep/Oct and long season of Winter being a seasonal year for flu.. Makes you want to question a few certain things.

You have the Mainstream News Media Outlets pushing the fear mongering the omicron variant, claiming that covid is far the deadlier than the flu.

They ignore to mention that covid is deadlier with four or more health conditions.

Since the pandemic had started covid had havent being a threat to the children/youth.
Children who had being infected with it or had died likely had a health condition.
But the Mainstream News Media isn't reporting it.

And a ford dealer is going to tell you ford is the best manufactured vehicle available today.
I don't believe them either.


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