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CBC:Canada should get enough doses to give two/three more mRNA shots to every Can, every year 2024

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posted on Jan, 12 2022 @ 10:05 AM
This is insane, ricdduls?

This is directly from CBC admitting that their crap shots dont work yet they expect you the lab rat to take two or three more mRNA shots to every Canadian, every year till 2024?

Which begs the question.
Was Justin Trudeau even actually vaccinated with the real mRNA vaccines? i doubt the moron PM would do his stupid fake photo ops every four years.

Its not double for people to be taking shots two or three more mRNA shots to every year whatever its three months or six months

Good to see their admitting that their pandemic of vaxing ends before their 2030 policy agenda is set into motion.

Federal contracts poised to deliver 100 million vaccine doses annually for years
All about money.

Contracts are for 65M doses from Pfizer and 35M from Moderna

Pumpuming up these crap shots for fake variants that mainstream news media had being creating fake names for them already.


The WHO's vaccine technical committee said today vaccines need to become more effective at keeping up with emerging variants.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Monday there will be third and fourth booster doses available in this country if or when they're needed.

The world economic forum contributor of Canada can have all the booster doses.

4th doses questioned
Is it really questioned by the news media? when they just laid out and admitted there will be seven? 12 doses every year every three months?

This is another reason why the un vaccinated will not get vaccinated they see through bullcrap. The polticans can pull as many fake photo ops it wont work.

The polticans following, pushing this 2030 charade haven't released or demanded to release a long term safety and they expect vaccinated to take multiple doses when there is no safety being done?
edit on 12-1-2022 by vNex92 because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-1-2022 by vNex92 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 12 2022 @ 10:17 AM
Look at the demographics it's critical to only the elderly and at risk, it's nothing but control and money grab. The Canadian public isn't falling for it, they have fallen for it. It's over they will be locked down, masked up, vaxxed, and tracked no matter what now.

Ontario's current COVID hospitalizations vaxed vs unvaxed

Confirmed cases of COVID-19 by severity: Ontario

edit on 12-1-2022 by putnam6 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 12 2022 @ 10:17 AM

And as a Canadian going too stay that way. Trudeau and his ilk can have all the doses they have acquired in my name. I am not an experiment and never will be.

Stay strong PureBloods we are many and must stick together!!

edit on 12-1-2022 by SaneThinking because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 12 2022 @ 10:36 AM

originally posted by: SaneThinking

And I’m as a Canadian going too stay that way. Trudeau and his ilk can have all the doses they have acquired in my name. I am not an experiment and never will be.

Stay strong PureBloods we are many and must stick together!!


Pure Blood when I first heard that a while back I kind of scoffed, now Im beginning to think they might be on to something.

As mentioned elsewhere if the vaccinated getting hospitalized and dying continues they have done nothing but injury maim and kill some of their staunchest believers and allies.

posted on Jan, 12 2022 @ 11:14 AM
a reply to: vNex92

Insane, ridiculous, genocidal, etc...

Our government's and their health authorities are complete sell outs to the Great Reset.

Trying to make sense of this in any other context than control doesn't work.

SMH @ Chinada

ETA: Purebloods!!! I like it

edit on 1/12/2022 by MykeNukem because: pureblood in, pureblood out


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