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Fake Poll Slim majority support government lockdowns, restrictions in response to Omicron

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posted on Jan, 11 2022 @ 01:45 PM
According to a poll they claim that a slim Majority support government lockdowns, restrictions in response to Omicron. 56%.

Fake Poll Fake Responders of the poll demand that govt push vaccine passports for malls and other retail outlets, including liquor and cannabis shops but excluding grocery stores.

Its almost like the Mainstream News Media and Govt are making up things as they keep going with this fake charade. Its more hilarious of this piece of crap article at the end mentions these fake pollsters "Well we dont believe that this fake charade,fake variant is a deadly but a mild. But lets keep pushing the vaccine passports just Because"

Slim majority support government lockdowns, restrictions in response to Omicron

Sixty-four per cent of respondents said they supported vaccine passports for malls and other retail outlets, including liquor and cannabis shops but excluding grocery stores. The poll showed 61 per cent of respondents wanted vaccine requirements for public transit users.

I can probably say for certain those respondents who wanted vaccine requirements for public transit users, dont travel very much on public transit.

“The actual support for vaccination is very high, the perceived efficacy is very high,” Bourque said. “Even among the vaccinated, they're saying: ‘You know what? I'm vaccinated, I've done all I could. Let's just live with it.’”

The actual support for vaccination might be high for now, but once the data becomes a little more clear how many of the vaccainted will be dropping off and not getting boosters? or did this poll ask government employers?

Massive complying and reaching 100% vaccination is not going to end all the lockdown, restrictions nor passports. Nor its not going to end the pandemic.

How long till some areas in Canada became like what Gibraltar is experiencing through with the highest of covid cases since the pandemic had begun despite massive vaccination?
edit on 11-1-2022 by vNex92 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 11 2022 @ 01:54 PM
a reply to: vNex92

How long till some areas in Canada became like what Gibraltar is experiencing through with the highest of covid cases since the pandemic had begun despite massive vaccination?

How long till some areas in Canada became like what Gibraltar is experiencing through with the highest of covid cases since the pandemic had begun due to massive vaccination?
Fixed that statement for you .

posted on Jan, 11 2022 @ 05:55 PM
like Ontario vaxxed vs un vaxxed hospital patients even now its virtually tied in ICU patients and Hospital patients it more vaxxed vs unvaxxed


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