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Canadian NDP Political strategist Pushes For Mandatory vaxs & mandates exchange blows on CTV.

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posted on Jan, 10 2022 @ 05:13 PM
CTV had brought a round table of Political strategists whatever vaccine mandates are working. The NDP had brought in a Political strategist not only in favor of vaccine mandates but also had being pushing for mandatory vaccination.

CTV didn't even bother to ask whatever or not if the vaccine mandates are the ones responsible for causing the staffing shortages but in a way they are.

But NDP Political strategist kept pushing and supporting the vaccine mandates.

posted on Jan, 10 2022 @ 05:23 PM
What a load of crap

Ontario Canada current COVID hospitalizations by vaccine status

edit on 10-1-2022 by putnam6 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2022 @ 05:26 PM
a reply to: vNex92

This is a very common thing, fat bastards gravitationally challenged persons of unknown sexual identification around the world calling out healthy non-participants as a threat to their health, and public health generally.

Here's another one.

It also happens with selfish old people. These types would like to see all children experimented on so they can safely buy another investment property.

edit on 10 1 2022 by myselfaswell because: fatness

posted on Jan, 10 2022 @ 05:36 PM
a reply to: myselfaswell

I think he still is more trim then what I see at Walmart these days, and at least he's wearing clothes to cover his body.

posted on Jan, 10 2022 @ 05:55 PM
a reply to: vNex92


Like HEALTH advice from the FAT, morbidly obese, socialist NDP asshole should be listened to...

posted on Jan, 10 2022 @ 07:17 PM
Comorbidity seems to be strong among the pro-vaxers.....

posted on Jan, 10 2022 @ 08:34 PM
a reply to: putnam6

Thanks for posting that Putnam6, I’ve been looking for that data for a few weeks now.

posted on Jan, 10 2022 @ 08:57 PM
a reply to: vNex92

Fat rat bastard Covid monger.
The sky is falling GTFO

posted on Jan, 10 2022 @ 09:12 PM

originally posted by: M5xaz
a reply to: vNex92


Like HEALTH advice from the FAT, morbidly obese, socialist NDP asshole should be listened to...

Hey Canada……hold my beer.

posted on Jan, 10 2022 @ 10:47 PM
a reply to: myselfaswell

Exactly my thoughts, i've been to A+E around 3 times in my adult life, seen a GP no more than 5 times.

I really don't need health advice from diabetic ridden morbidly obese morons. Worry about the self inflicted heart disease rather than my vaccination status.

posted on Jan, 10 2022 @ 10:56 PM
These people can f right off.

posted on Jan, 11 2022 @ 02:27 AM
edit on 1/11/2022 by semperfortis because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 11 2022 @ 02:45 AM
I thought this was a pandemic of those with comorbidities like being morbidly obese? Hey Covid! You missed one!
All the panel is vaxxed and boosted.
Replacements should be easy to find, right?
edit on 11-1-2022 by Asktheanimals because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 11 2022 @ 04:30 AM
This man states pre school vaccines are mandatory. But those vaccines have been through long term testing.

Also, the adverse reactions to Covid vaccines are at a higher rate than those mandatory ore school vaccinations.

So only two minutes in and he has made a weak argument with two flaws.

posted on Jan, 11 2022 @ 04:35 AM
It's. Not. A. Vaccine.


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