posted on Apr, 14 2005 @ 05:46 PM
Remember it was Mr Jerry Falwell himself who blamed "homosexuals" for 9/11 ("when the Lord our god closed his wings of protection over America
because of the gays and their heinous satanic agenda to promote their disgusting lifestyle...polluted our blessed nation...") and other such vomit of
intolerance-of-difference in the US------an attitude which has caused untold horrors of suffering among gay men and women of all ages in America:
What this overweight demagogue never learned in Seminary class was a working knowledge of paleo-Hebrew or even basic Koine Greek derived from Aramaic
He did not know, for instance, that his bearded hero "Jeezzuzz" had a male "disciple whom he loved...who leaned on his breast" during John's
rendition of the Last Supper and with whom he apparently shared whispers about who it was who was going to turn him into the authorities....and
speaking of the Son of David...the Fruit (as they say !) apparently does not fall far from the Tree.
Falwell conveniently forgot (or did not even not know in the first place!) that David, the arch-Adulterer- (Bath-Shebiti) Murderer- (Uriah)-hero of
the Old Testament, wrote some very moving Hebrew homosexual love poetry (as a funereal dirge) to his one time male boy-friend Jonathan, a young man
"whom David loved as his own soul" :
It helps to read it in the original Paleo Hebrew------ but see the kind of trranslated watered down English language edition in the King James 1611
Version and others closer to the original poem:
e.g. II Samuel chapter 1:v. 40ff "Oh Jonathan, Jonathan ! My Passion for you was Full of Wonder ! It far surpassed that of mere Woman !!"
or the infamous dinner tirade in 1 Samuel 20:21-40 from that nosey old man Saul, the Baal worshipping clan-chief-king of "Yisro'el" who once caught
his princely son in bed with David, doing lots more than holding hands, it seems!:
"You son of a peverse and unclean woman! Do you think I do not know that what you have done with the Son of Jesse (David) is Confusion (i.e. cross
dressing) and an abomination to your mother's Nakedness---as well as to your own sexual confusion? How will your kingdom be established (="how are
you going to make sons?") if you continue in this way?"
And yet this same "peverted" David could still be called by YHWH (the viscious Amalekite genocidding clan god of the Jews--whom Jerry Falwell just
loves to pieces) "a man after mine own heart" !
Unfortunately, ignorant swine like Fallwell are still on the American airwaves preaching their ignorant venom of intolerance to gullible masses who
willingly lap it right up without even knowing what they are doing:
And of course once Falwell goes the way of all flesh-------and the worms start their dirty work on his fleshy tissues, there will be others just like
him eager to take his place among the tax free business owners on TV known as "Evangelical preachers" whose key word is not LOVE but rather HATE
especially of anyone who is different from themselves.
The question of the day is:
Does Jerry have enough time left of his squalid life to repent of all his sins of pig-ignorance and untold crimes-of-intolerance which he perpetrated
against humanity?