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How they are BS ing the covid figures in Aussie

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posted on Jan, 7 2022 @ 12:34 AM
Apparently, if you go to the hospital with a broken bone, they test you for covid and if you are positive, you are a Covid case. Which is pushing the figures. The testing is getting too oversubscribed because this guy reckons the whole country has been turned into a load of hypochondriacs. He thinks they will have to invent another variant. But will have to stop the testing. After two years of constant brainwashing via the TV to have a shot in the arm is it possible that life will never feel right unless you can actually have a regular jab. This world seems to be getting stranger as time

posted on Jan, 7 2022 @ 12:42 AM
Save the vid..

posted on Jan, 7 2022 @ 04:07 AM
edit on 1/7/2022 by semperfortis because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2022 @ 05:46 AM

originally posted by: anonentity
Apparently, if you go to the hospital with a broken bone, they test you for covid and if you are positive, you are a Covid case. Which is pushing the figures.

That's factual accurate, because there person actually has covid.

Your asking for separate statistics for symptomatic and asymptomatic, which they do have but its not easy to find.

Just take the asymptomatic percentage and calculate back.

posted on Jan, 7 2022 @ 08:01 AM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

originally posted by: anonentity
Apparently, if you go to the hospital with a broken bone, they test you for covid and if you are positive, you are a Covid case. Which is pushing the figures.

That's factual accurate, because there person actually has covid.

Your asking for separate statistics for symptomatic and asymptomatic, which they do have but its not easy to find.

Just take the asymptomatic percentage and calculate back.

Reportable diseases have full questionnaires that include symptom lists. Reportable disease investigations, even if the pt is never interviewed, include medical records from the reporting physician.

They have the data. The real problem is testing every single person entering a hospital for care. It's purely to run up the numbers, make more taxpayer dollars, and fuel the panic. This seems to be the only disease in existence that we have this policy for. They don't test for any other communicable disease without any clinical indications or pt complaints of symptoms.

posted on Jan, 7 2022 @ 08:50 AM
I'm sure they are gaming numbers multiple ways

Here in the USA they just are using the aging population as cover to gain control

I'm sure this is being done everywhere ... How convenient huh

As Population Ages, U.S. Nears Historic Increase in Deaths

posted on Jan, 7 2022 @ 09:20 AM
Same with UK and USA

They put your down as a covid admission when you admitted for something else. As they test you when you enter the hospital

Most of these people don't even know they have it.

There was a audit done on 100 hospitals in USA and they found 50% of the cases where in fact genuine covid admissions

So just half the number the news tells you and your about there.

But hospitals have to do this to make it look like serious numbers to keep the agenda going

USA republicans already want the data in terms of who was actually admitted and not admitted

a reply to: anonentity

edit on 7-1-2022 by lSkrewloosel because: (no reason given)

edit on 7-1-2022 by lSkrewloosel because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2022 @ 09:59 AM
a reply to: lSkrewloosel

I have a friend that went to the ER about a week ago. He was bitten by a spider and it had become infected, he was afraid it was a brown recluse bite. Thank goodness it wasn't.

While he was there they told him he had to be tested. He refused.

They became infuriated with him and treated him like he was a feral criminal. He told him that the last time he checked, he was still in the US, and he still had some rights. They backed off, put he said they made it clear they were not happy with him.

While they may not be refusing care to the unvaccinated, some places are treating them like they are criminals.

I am not fond of hospitals and I avoid them if possible. Now I give them even a wider berth than ever before.

posted on Jan, 7 2022 @ 10:35 AM
a reply to: Ksihkehe

Let's look at this more logically.

If you slip on a wet floor and smack your head, and they keep you in for a couple of days for observation as your vision is blurry, and you get covid because the guy in the bed next to you had covid and they didn't bother to check him, are you going to be happy about it?

In NYC they didn't check new admissions to care homes for Covid, and they put them in with the general populace, and hundreds of seniors got covid and died. People on this very forum demanded in no uncertain terms that people be checked for covid before entry. And now you're suggesting that doing this very thing is just to "boost the figures"?

If they wanted to boost the numbers surely they'd remove the mask mandates, or close the windows, or just plain put somebody that they know to be sick in with you.

posted on Jan, 7 2022 @ 10:54 AM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
a reply to: Ksihkehe

Let's look at this more logically.

If you slip on a wet floor and smack your head, and they keep you in for a couple of days for observation as your vision is blurry, and you get covid because the guy in the bed next to you had covid and they didn't bother to check him, are you going to be happy about it?

No, but the hospital would be delighted.

You can apply this to norovirus, staph, MRSA, or any other highly contagious disease.

In NYC they didn't check new admissions to care homes for Covid, and they put them in with the general populace, and hundreds of seniors got covid and died. People on this very forum demanded in no uncertain terms that people be checked for covid before entry. And now you're suggesting that doing this very thing is just to "boost the figures"?

Can you link to this? My understanding of the long term care issue was that recovered COVID patients were placed back in general population without sufficient quarantine or isolation. When, since testing become widely available, did they not test new admissions?

Hospitals and long term care are not the same anyway. Testing upon admission is acceptable, though I just posted a thread where Biden's own transition team members say we need to get back to normal. We're not talking just admissions though, we're talking all people that visit the hospital for care. A brief ER visit for a sprained ankle or injured back.

If they wanted to boost the numbers surely they'd remove the mask mandates, or close the windows, or just plain put somebody that they know to be sick in with you.

Or they could just test more people since they know that COVID is now endemic and will be latent in anywhere from 20-40% of the people tested.

I didn't say they wanted to increase deaths or hospitalizations, just the numbers. They want the juice without the squeeze to keep you and your fellow COVID fiends afraid.

posted on Jan, 7 2022 @ 10:58 AM
a reply to: NightSkyeB4Dawn

For someone like me who had gone to hospitals try to avoid them as much possible this year and avoid being tested. If its not serious.

posted on Jan, 7 2022 @ 11:01 AM
That was interesting.. people feel obliged to say yes then I guess. But stand your ground and they will treat you anyway

Appreciate the insight

a reply to: NightSkyeB4Dawn

posted on Jan, 7 2022 @ 11:08 AM

originally posted by: Ksihkehe

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
a reply to: Ksihkehe

Let's look at this more logically.

If you slip on a wet floor and smack your head, and they keep you in for a couple of days for observation as your vision is blurry, and you get covid because the guy in the bed next to you had covid and they didn't bother to check him, are you going to be happy about it?

No, but the hospital would be delighted.

You can apply this to norovirus, staph, MRSA, or any other highly contagious disease.

In NYC they didn't check new admissions to care homes for Covid, and they put them in with the general populace, and hundreds of seniors got covid and died. People on this very forum demanded in no uncertain terms that people be checked for covid before entry. And now you're suggesting that doing this very thing is just to "boost the figures"?

Can you link to this? My understanding of the long term care issue was that recovered COVID patients were placed back in general population without sufficient quarantine or isolation. When, since testing become widely available, did they not test new admissions?

Hospitals and long term care are not the same anyway. Testing upon admission is acceptable, though I just posted a thread where Biden's own transition team members say we need to get back to normal. We're not talking just admissions though, we're talking all people that visit the hospital for care. A brief ER visit for a sprained ankle or injured back.

If they wanted to boost the numbers surely they'd remove the mask mandates, or close the windows, or just plain put somebody that they know to be sick in with you.

Or they could just test more people since they know that COVID is now endemic and will be latent in anywhere from 20-40% of the people tested.

I didn't say they wanted to increase deaths or hospitalizations, just the numbers. They want the juice without the squeeze to keep you and your fellow COVID fiends afraid.

They won't be delighted because they will be blamed. It's terrible PR that could have been avoided.

Yes, I was talking about those old NYC care home cases. There was outrage that they were put among the general population.

posted on Jan, 7 2022 @ 11:16 AM
a reply to: Ksihkehe

I didn't say they wanted to increase deaths or hospitalizations, just the numbers. They want the juice without the squeeze to keep you and your fellow COVID fiends afraid.

So far, nobody has been able to explain to me why anybody would want to boost the numbers because high numbers make you unpopular and make you look like a failure.

Surely it's in the interest of a government to deliberately downplay the numbers. That's what China and Iran have been accused of doing.

If this were about "control", then why are governments that not simply controlling people directly using cheaper and easier means, like crime prevention. That's what they've always done in the past. Remember "Zero Tolerance"?

Boosting the covid numbers make you look bad, controlling them makes you look good. Take a look at Europe, Boris Johnson rode the vax wave all the way to the bank and is weathering some pretty big political storms by being the leader who isn't bringing in more restrictions. In contrast the leaders in Ireland, Wales and Scotland are getting hammered because they're bringing in more restrictions that the people don't think are needed.

Inflating the numbers only makes sense if you benefit from high rates, but Biden's popularity goes down every time the numbers go up, and it's even worse when he brings in more restrictions. Boosting the number in the US only really makes if you're Donald Trump and want to use it as a weapon in the next election.

posted on Jan, 7 2022 @ 11:39 AM
a reply to: AaarghZombies
You're appear oblivious to reason or simply ignorant of how these things work. That's not how it works at all and the statement I made was hyperbole anyway. You could always address the actual comment, which is that you can apply that to norovirus and staph which are both common hospital acquired diseases. Somehow they managed to keep that bad PR for you for all these years it's been happening.

They won't be delighted because they will be blamed. It's terrible PR that could have been avoided.

I stopped on the next reply when I got to

nobody has been able to explain to me why anybody would want to boost the numbers

Many things can be fixed, stupidity and willful blindness aren't among them.

Pharma companies and the many politicians who are heavily invested in them made many billions in the past two years with hundreds of billions on the table in the future. Large corporations took up an even larger piece of the pie as small businesses were closed forever. That's all the reason you need, nevermind the precedent it sets for future tryannical policies they're eager to exploit.

posted on Jan, 7 2022 @ 11:59 AM
Of With Had Has Did Didn't Was Wasn't 👋


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