When you get into esotericism and Gnostic texts, you find the extreme parallels to Abrahamic religions and any other religion for that matter, because
lets be honest, they're all related in one way
Christianity is merely a creation of many past pagan traditions. As I outlined above, you wouldn't be able to give me an original Christian holiday.
But I don't want you to assume these words are dismissal of the Divine, instead we mostly can't grasp the nature and magnitude of It.
The Holy Trinity, or as the Zoroastrians called it...The Three Flames. It's all a cosmic web of story telling about the ones who created the
skies we gaze into every night. It's all a story about your higher consciousness, your inner consciousness, your animistic consciousness and the
divine consciousness.
Lucifer (a Roman Pagan word) is defined as intellect. Lux, which means light, and fer, which means bringer. A bringer of light, or knowledge and
enlightenment. The left brain mentality without consideration for the right brain mentality, and this becomes the illusion where-by you're forced to
see life through one lens. That's the illusion of lucifer, the false light (as Christians call him the Deceiver). This all ties into EVERY religion to
SURPASS this material world in a "spiritual awakening".
We can get into magick, but I'm sure you're already cringing at the word.
Meanwhile, Hollywood creates magick every day. Magick isn't hockus pockus. Magic is you mixing pancake mix, putting it in an oven, and creating
something out of it, basically.
What are witch/wizard wands predominately made out of? Holly.
The writings on the wall. And if you want to close the book and consider your story over, so be it. As for me, this is why I love coming to ATS, to
engage in learning OR healthy debate.
edit on 7-1-2022 by JimmyNeutr0n because: (no reason given)