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Official german figures from the Koch intitute dont bode well.

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posted on Jan, 2 2022 @ 11:04 PM

TextWhat do you mean "working class"?
a reply to: ketsuko

I consider the working class the blue collar workers- the laborers, factory workers, the people who earn an hourly wage. Their lifestyle has been on the decline for a long time, with more and more encroaching on the federal poverty level every year. Wages don't keep up with inflation, and the covid whammy has created a lot more people struggling to survive.

In the future, those at the top will begin to eat their own and get rid of unnecessary corporate executives by replacing them with government oversight. The nations wealth will continue to be funneled into the hands of fewer and fewer elite.

posted on Jan, 2 2022 @ 11:24 PM

originally posted by: anonentity

This is tending to suggest that the intended purpose for the injection isn't to stop a disease as advertised as it clearly does not function for its stated purpose.
Many have stated that the push to get everyone vaccinated, so there is no unvaccinated control group left for comparison, was the reason for the mandates if the purpose of this vaccine was less than benign.
Makes for suspicions that we are I a depopulation program that hasn't taken off yet .

I've taken all of this as a given since spring 2019. No news here to me. It's all as clear as a sunny day to me, has been all along.

posted on Jan, 3 2022 @ 05:18 AM
You have to know that the Robert Koch Institute is subordinated to the state, subordinated to the health ministry. It´s a political tool with the WEF controlled vet Wieler as it´s "boss". The WEF controlled politicians write the musical notes and the RKI instantly starts to play the music. The RKI is just a political and with that WEF tool, nothing else.

The links are unfortunately all in german language, please use a translator:

RKI and World Economic Forum sabotage return to the old normal

"It becomes clear that the RKI, which is subordinate to Jens Spahn, does not want to go back to the old normal. The RKI follows the line of Klaus Schwab, who said that the world could not return to the old normal."

Only thing that changed is the health minister. From evil to worse. Now it´s Karl "Klabauterbach" Lauterbach. The "health" economist who is responsible, together with the Bertelsmann Stiftung, that more and more hospitals got closed over the last two decades, he is one of those responsible for the fact that people who work in the health system are handled like slaves (like almost every worker in Germany meanwhile). They only put people in such positions who do what the WEF wants, what the Great Reset and the Green New Deal needs, what ID2020 needs etc.

Back to the RKI and Lothar Wieler:

Paul Ehrlich Institute, Bill Gates, Lothar Wieler and Hexavac and the concealment of vaccine damage

"BioNTech and AstraZeneca determine the vaccination news in this country, but there are even more vaccines. Guest author Stephan Witte takes a look at the Moderna vaccine in this series of articles. This third article is about the (not always obvious) connections between WHO, Paul Ehrlich Institute, Lothar Wieler (RKI), Bill Gates and Big Pharma, but also about paused vaccination approvals and the concealment of vaccine damage."

The real agenda behind Covid that nobody wants to publish

"In Germany, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) wanted another lockdown in order to advance the Great Reset agenda. A secret paper by the controversial RKI boss Lothar Wieler had leaked that pushed an agenda to re-seal the country and concealed the real goals that had nothing to do with health. From the municipal level in Germany, the general manager of the Association of Towns and Municipalities, Gerd Landsberg, warns the federal and state governments that a renewed Corona lockdown would be devastating for people and also for the economy. Many citizens would hardly accept such a measure, he warned, and this would translate into greater unrest. At the municipal level, you can see that the course of the disease is far less serious than the risk of unrest. The lockdowns are wiping out the younger people unaffected by COVID."

I could go on and on to show the ties between the political actors in the plandemic and the WEF. Every mouth that is propagating for Great Reset measures is state owned and does what the WEF controlled politicians want. Result:

Protests of "Spaziergänger" ("walkers) in meanwhile 1176 german towns and cities at the same time. And protests are getting more day by day, in more and more new towns and cities which add up to the old ones. Seems that the numbers of those that want their old normal back and have enough of Great Reset and political BS are rising day by day.

It´s not looking good for the great transformists and Schwabs project. Very good for the still sane and self-thinking parts of the society!
edit on 3 1 2022 by DerBeobachter because: (no reason given)

edit on 3 1 2022 by DerBeobachter because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 3 2022 @ 08:06 AM

originally posted by: Spacespider
a reply to: iwanttobelieve70

As of now we have the freedom to choose if we take to shot or not, but they can make it damm hard to have a normal family life with saying no thanks. So therefor I have to trust the majority of the world have not gone crazy and want to kill us but want to save us, most experts say the vaccine is safe, not willing to take a chance on a conspiracy.. and possible bring harm to my family.

Nice deflection...

Now, maybe answer the question... ?

posted on Jan, 3 2022 @ 08:09 AM

originally posted by: havok
a reply to: Spacespider

And lots of doctors have taken the vaccine.

To slightly expand on this notion, a poser for you...

Of all of the different lines of work, who would have the easiest time to actually be able to FAKE getting the jabs and get REAL 'papers' proving they are fully jabbered?

Just asking...

posted on Jan, 3 2022 @ 08:14 AM

originally posted by: Lumenari
a reply to: havok

And about your Doctor claim... I have yet to meet a single vaccinated Doctor.

Of course, I am just used to cancer doctors because of the late wife.

They come to me when they have a family member in trouble with that.

A housewife.

What does that tell you about the profession...

Lol! Exactly what I suspect.

As I said, Doctors and Nurses are in an excellent position to be able to FAKE the jabs to get REAL jabber papers.

posted on Jan, 3 2022 @ 08:28 AM
edit on 3-1-2022 by elevatedone because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 3 2022 @ 05:57 PM
a reply to: tanstaafl

This seems to be solid news, an insurance company has calculated that pre-pandemic death rate is up from the pre covid levels, it is a whopping 40% this will affect premiums big time.

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