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January 5 Rally

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posted on Jan, 2 2022 @ 10:35 AM
There is a rally planned for January 5 in New York (January 6 was planned as well).  I'm not going to call it a set up, but there are red flags.
On the world stage, Australia has earned a label of oppressive. This is because they are, currently, a minority in terms of "free" nations; they look nazi unless the rest of the "free" nations do the same thing.  The other governments need a reason to put the boot down.  Then, oppression is just a "necessary" part of the "emergency" response.
You can see on the rally ads that they want people to show up angry; "They're coming after your kids". 

I don't understand why rally organizers choose to focus on people's emotions rather than the falsity of the covid narrative. Maybe they know that more people will show based on emotion, or maybe they want to attract emotionally driven people (sheep).
When people show up "strong" and angry, they are reactive instead of rational.  People become susceptible to group think and easily herded into mob activity.  The individual is replaced, and critical thought is lost. 

The covid fear mongering isn't going to work much longer.  The pressure for boosters and reality not matching media hype are already pushing previous believers the other way.  The powers at be want uprisings...and they need them everywhere.  The scenarios and agendas put out by the likes of the WEF and the UN all include fractured societies and collapse of governments.  So, they are going to turn citizens everywhere against their governments and each other any way they can.
If you attend the Jan 5 rally, record everything and be wary of groups being "herded" into bad situations.  Stay rational and peaceful.
Keep in mind, NY is trying to pass tyrannical legislation at the moment.  This can happen with public support, for which there is none, or because the people have demonstrated that their voices are violent and should be ignored.  The oppressor's cries of "restoring order" will drown out any concerns the people may have, and agents of oppression will be more likely to obey their edicts.  For example, good cops and soldiers will be more likely to go along with oppressive policies when the people are disordered and unruly.
That being said, I don't know if it is a set up.  It could be a legitimate "grass roots" gathering, but it is a bit odd that there is coordination with a website and public transportation. 

"need a ride? Reserve bus tickets at..."

Little strange for NYC public transportation to be coordinating rides to a protest over their own leadership's oppressive legislation.  But hey, could be legit.
edit on 2-1-2022 by Wisenox because: Added space between text and image.

posted on Jan, 2 2022 @ 10:46 AM
Never mind
edit on 2-1-2022 by Karen657 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 2 2022 @ 10:59 AM
a reply to: Wisenox

Decorum and chivalry at all costs. Not a big ask at all. Thanks for the wise words.

None of the typical war mongering patriots will have anything constructive to add, so don't hold your breath for their two cents.

edit on 2-1-2022 by TzarChasm because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 2 2022 @ 11:30 AM

originally posted by: TzarChasm
a reply to: Wisenox

Decorum and chivalry at all costs. Not a big ask at all. Thanks for the wise words.

None of the typical war mongering patriots will have anything constructive to add, so don't hold your breath for their two cents.

Yes of course.
That's what they are most terrified of.

posted on Jan, 2 2022 @ 11:54 AM
a reply to: TzarChasm

So...Fiery but mostly peaceful is ok, right ?

Actually, I think it's high time The People made their voices heard. Not through violence like BLM and ANTIFA, but these "leaders" need to understand that folks are sick and tired of the lockdowns, mandates and vaccines that are obviously not effective.

Unless the goal is to tank the economy and run people out of business, then it's a raging success.

An estimated 60% of U.S. businesses that have closed since the start of the coronavirus pandemic have folded permanently, according to a report published by Yelp on Wednesday.

Yelp said in the analysis, which was based on self-recorded closures in the app’s database, that 163,735 American establishments shuttered between the beginning of March and the end of August, and 97,966 won’t reopen.

"The end of August"
How many more have closed since then and won't be reopening ? How many more will close when New York locks down again ?

If nothing else, Omicron has proven we are not going to avoid this with past/current policies. The lockdowns didn't work, the "wear mask at all times" is a joke and the vaccines aren't working the way people think they do.
You can still get sick, you can still spread it and you can still die from it, despite all the mandates that have been rolled out.

People are tired of following leaders who don't abide by their own rules.

posted on Jan, 2 2022 @ 12:08 PM
I remember when the left was always up the government's azz, didn't ever trust them, now they pretty much like to make the government's tea. Is as well as I can put it to keep below the censoring guidelines.

It's weird because even if I don't agree with a cause or position, I firmly believe in the right to protest, and it's the first thing the authoritarians among us want to curtail.

That said it's New York, would have thought long ago they would have been doing this, honestly, I believe it's too far gone, and too many like-minded people are now in control.

Yes I wouldn't be surprised if there is something that happens that becomes a reason to lockdown or worse

posted on Jan, 2 2022 @ 12:30 PM
a reply to: DAVID64

Unless the goal is to tank the economy and run people out of business, then it's a raging success.

This is exactly the purpose in my opinion.
They are releasing both sides of the information.

"You're going to die if you don't get vaccinated!"
""You're going to die if you get the experimental, gene altering graphene shots you can't know the ingredients of for 5t years!"

Time to corner these political puppets and get answers.
Screw the media spin cycle.
If not, the whole system needs burned to the ground.
If media, corporations, gov can't get back in line the it's go time.

posted on Jan, 2 2022 @ 12:49 PM

originally posted by: DAVID64
a reply to: TzarChasm

So...Fiery but mostly peaceful is ok, right ?

Actually, I think it's high time The People made their voices heard. Not through violence like BLM and ANTIFA, but these "leaders" need to understand that folks are sick and tired of the lockdowns, mandates and vaccines that are obviously not effective.

Unless the goal is to tank the economy and run people out of business, then it's a raging success.

An estimated 60% of U.S. businesses that have closed since the start of the coronavirus pandemic have folded permanently, according to a report published by Yelp on Wednesday.

Yelp said in the analysis, which was based on self-recorded closures in the app’s database, that 163,735 American establishments shuttered between the beginning of March and the end of August, and 97,966 won’t reopen.

"The end of August"
How many more have closed since then and won't be reopening ? How many more will close when New York locks down again ?

If nothing else, Omicron has proven we are not going to avoid this with past/current policies. The lockdowns didn't work, the "wear mask at all times" is a joke and the vaccines aren't working the way people think they do.
You can still get sick, you can still spread it and you can still die from it, despite all the mandates that have been rolled out.

People are tired of following leaders who don't abide by their own rules.

"Unless the goal is to tank the economy and run people out of business, then it's a raging success."

I think in the big cities this is likely happening, Check out these great deals...

posted on Jan, 2 2022 @ 12:53 PM
a reply to: Wisenox

I'll call it a set up.
Because that's what it looks like to me.

posted on Jan, 2 2022 @ 02:27 PM

originally posted by: putnam6
I remember when the left was always up the government's azz, didn't ever trust them, now they pretty much like to make the government's tea. Is as well as I can put it to keep below the censoring guidelines.

It's weird because even if I don't agree with a cause or position, I firmly believe in the right to protest, and it's the first thing the authoritarians among us want to curtail.

That said it's New York, would have thought long ago they would have been doing this, honestly, I believe it's too far gone, and too many like-minded people are now in control.

Yes I wouldn't be surprised if there is something that happens that becomes a reason to lockdown or worse

Midterms are coming around the bend quick. No doubt the fools that are currently in office have something up their sleeve. Their deadline is November and they know it.

posted on Jan, 2 2022 @ 02:41 PM

originally posted by: DAVID64
a reply to: TzarChasm

So...Fiery but mostly peaceful is ok, right ?

Actually, I think it's high time The People made their voices heard. Not through violence like BLM and ANTIFA, but these "leaders" need to understand that folks are sick and tired of the lockdowns, mandates and vaccines that are obviously not effective.

Unless the goal is to tank the economy and run people out of business, then it's a raging success.

An estimated 60% of U.S. businesses that have closed since the start of the coronavirus pandemic have folded permanently, according to a report published by Yelp on Wednesday.

Yelp said in the analysis, which was based on self-recorded closures in the app’s database, that 163,735 American establishments shuttered between the beginning of March and the end of August, and 97,966 won’t reopen.

"The end of August"
How many more have closed since then and won't be reopening ? How many more will close when New York locks down again ?

If nothing else, Omicron has proven we are not going to avoid this with past/current policies. The lockdowns didn't work, the "wear mask at all times" is a joke and the vaccines aren't working the way people think they do.
You can still get sick, you can still spread it and you can still die from it, despite all the mandates that have been rolled out.

People are tired of following leaders who don't abide by their own rules.

How long are you going to bang that drum until you realize that 50 reckless idiots with guns is not the same as guns are bad?

Protest means a calm cohesive gathering with signs, mantras and t shirts educating the community about injustice. Whataboutism is a tired old tactic for trying to promote mob behavior or elevate your platform by comparing it to the next worst thing in the headlines.

originally posted by: RedmoonMWC
a reply to: Wisenox

I'll call it a set up.
Because that's what it looks like to me.

People love set ups. That's how TikTok challenges became so successful.

edit on 2-1-2022 by TzarChasm because: (no reason given)


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