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Vaccine Toxicity by Batch

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posted on Dec, 31 2021 @ 08:49 PM
a reply to: sirlancelot

So sorry I will be praying for her & your family.
Thank you so much for sharing your info because
all info helps & is important!

I hope the New Year will bring you much Peace
& good health.


posted on Dec, 31 2021 @ 09:36 PM
1139 ADRs and 8 deaths with mine. I had a sore arm.

posted on Jan, 1 2022 @ 12:23 AM
a reply to: Wisenox

I have heard a bit about batch numbers but if the Docs in some areas are keener on reporting adverse effects than in others all the batch numbers will be skewed. No doctor really wants to report anything to do with an adverse vaccine event as they are under political pressure to push the jab. Since this is more about propaganda than facts that's a big red flag. Since the average raw death rates pre covid are easy to get, as are the ones during covid but pre vax. Virtually no change. one could ask why are the post-vax average raw death rates hard to get? we only have anecdotal evidence they are way up. But it is fair to say they are being obscured for political reasons. If you were a politician who pushed a vaccine that increased the average death rate you would do anything to hide the figures, even by getting the nonvaxed control group vaccinated by any means, then you would be clear to declare a rise in the death rate as a new variant.It all simply means no government statistics can be relied on anymore.

posted on Jan, 1 2022 @ 02:41 AM
a reply to: anonentity

If you were a politician who pushed a vaccine that increased the average death rate you would do anything to hide the figures

They do have incentive to hide the reports. One of the familiar lawyers (bald guy) mentioned in a recent video that it is a statutory regulation for the drug companies to maintain an updated and accurate VAERS in order to get liability immunity. The drug manufacturers have already admitted that VAERS is inaccurate, so your point about skewed results is a good one to consider.

posted on Jan, 1 2022 @ 02:42 AM

originally posted by: nugget1
Our rural area was given a large batch of vaccines to inoculate patients in assisted living, staff and pharmacy workers. That batch would yield a lot of data for the different age groups; they could find out how strong a dose was harmful to the compromised individuals.
It's possible that different batches had varying strengths, I suppose. I have no idea what I'm talking about as far as the realm of scientific possibilities; just thinking out loud.

Also think out loud, the batches could also be tailored to create different effects based on individual genetics and this could account for the bad batches not injuring or killing the whole group or even the majority who were given them.

posted on Jan, 1 2022 @ 03:15 AM
edit on 1/1/2022 by semperfortis because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 1 2022 @ 08:52 AM

originally posted by: Mantiss2021

originally posted by: marg6043
a reply to: Wisenox

For what I have read around in the net, this batches are not a mistake in doses is all part of the experimentation in human subject agenda.

This one of the reasons why some people get horrible side effects and even death after the jab while others have not problems or just mild side effects.

Is also a reason why CDC is tracking every single person that gets the jab.

People just do not take the time to really understand what is going on.

The pharma cannot kill or make too many sick with side effects from the jab to be too obvious, plain and simple.

Could explain your post in a bit more detail?

Either a "batch" (lot) is toxic, in which case everyone receiving a dose from said batch will be adversely affected, or the dosage is being incorrectly calculated for each dose administered mm resulting in both adverse and non-adverse effects from the same batch lots.

As I stated in my response to th OP, the first possibility does not seem to be the case since I suffered no adverse side-effects from what is claimed to be one of the most "toxic" of the Moderna lots.

For the second hypothesis to be correct, it would mean that individual Healthcare providers, acting either on their own, or in concert are choosing to over, or under dose, their patients; essentially choosing, individually, who is to survive and who is to quite possibly die.

So this whole idea of "toxic batches" is either another load of "hooey"; or your doctor is deciding whether or not you deserve to live.

Also the fact that they have to properly dilute each vial that comes in, I asked a doctor, he said that each little vial of Pfizer equals six properly diluted shots.

Could it be that some lazy or non informed healthcare worker didn’t dilute the shot, and gave it straight from the vial?

posted on Jan, 1 2022 @ 09:14 AM

originally posted by: 38181

originally posted by: Mantiss2021

originally posted by: marg6043
a reply to: Wisenox

For what I have read around in the net, this batches are not a mistake in doses is all part of the experimentation in human subject agenda.

This one of the reasons why some people get horrible side effects and even death after the jab while others have not problems or just mild side effects.

Is also a reason why CDC is tracking every single person that gets the jab.

People just do not take the time to really understand what is going on.

The pharma cannot kill or make too many sick with side effects from the jab to be too obvious, plain and simple.

Could explain your post in a bit more detail?

Either a "batch" (lot) is toxic, in which case everyone receiving a dose from said batch will be adversely affected, or the dosage is being incorrectly calculated for each dose administered mm resulting in both adverse and non-adverse effects from the same batch lots.

As I stated in my response to th OP, the first possibility does not seem to be the case since I suffered no adverse side-effects from what is claimed to be one of the most "toxic" of the Moderna lots.

For the second hypothesis to be correct, it would mean that individual Healthcare providers, acting either on their own, or in concert are choosing to over, or under dose, their patients; essentially choosing, individually, who is to survive and who is to quite possibly die.

So this whole idea of "toxic batches" is either another load of "hooey"; or your doctor is deciding whether or not you deserve to live.

Also the fact that they have to properly dilute each vial that comes in, I asked a doctor, he said that each little vial of Pfizer equals six properly diluted shots.

Could it be that some lazy or non informed healthcare worker didn’t dilute the shot, and gave it straight from the vial?

A while back, they came out with unit dosing.

Prior to that, way back when, all medicines were in stock doses. They thought unit dosing would prevent miscalculations when administering medications, and save lives.

I am sure that it did save many lives. This was to assist nurses who had received skilled training in pharmacology, and the administration of medications. Miscalculations happen. Even among the skilled.

To expect people with fast tracked training for the administration of the vaccines, to take on the task without error, seems a little irresponsible.

But since we know they don't give a damn about us, I am not surprised. In fact, I guess it should have been expected.

posted on Jan, 1 2022 @ 03:27 PM

originally posted by: Mantiss2021

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0

originally posted by: Mantiss2021
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

When should I expect them, then?

I have annual check-ups, I'd like to give my doctor a heads-up on what to expect.

Pretty sure you're trolling, but it could take years. Cancer rates are astronomical already. But if something happens to you, how will you know to blame the vaccine?

I imagine it would depend on what "happens" to me.

Then again, if "it could take years" as you say, how we know not to blame the vaccine?

Are suggesting that all illness and medical conditions that develop henceforth be tied to these vaccines?

Isn't that just as baseless and irrational?
Okay I’ll play.

So when your doctor refuses to acknowledge when a possible adverse affect does arise as soon as you mention you’ve been “extra-vaxxed”, is his refusal to listen to your concern baseless and irrational?

I’ll wait.

posted on Jan, 1 2022 @ 06:36 PM
a reply to: LordAhriman

Based on every single post you've made recently, you definitely have some ADR's.

posted on Jan, 2 2022 @ 02:34 AM
a reply to: slatesteam

My vaccination record is already a part of my medical history, since I received my vaccinations through my primary care provider.

If/when, in the extremely unlikely event that a possible adverse effect should arise, calling his attention to the malady, and questioning its possible relationship to the vaccines I've received, will be his responsibility to treat appropriately, as is his duty as a health care provider, at the risk of his personal malpractice obligations.

Whether a direct linkage between the condition I present and any vaccination I might have received can be drawn will depend entirely on the mechanics of the condition I present. The same is true of all current vaccines.

I know it does not support your agenda, but, again, to simply assume/claim that, henceforth, any and all illnesses or medical conditions encountered by COVID vaccinated persons are directly the result of the vaccines themselves is irrational and most likely unsupportable; demonstrating a large degree the holder's lack of understanding with regard to the operation of the vaccine.

posted on Jan, 2 2022 @ 03:50 AM

originally posted by: Mantiss2021
a reply to: slatesteam

My vaccination record is already a part of my medical history, since I received my vaccinations through my primary care provider.

If/when, in the extremely unlikely event that a possible adverse effect should arise, calling his attention to the malady, and questioning its possible relationship to the vaccines I've received, will be his responsibility to treat appropriately, as is his duty as a health care provider, at the risk of his personal malpractice obligations.

Whether a direct linkage between the condition I present and any vaccination I might have received can be drawn will depend entirely on the mechanics of the condition I present. The same is true of all current vaccines.

I know it does not support your agenda, but, again, to simply assume/claim that, henceforth, any and all illnesses or medical conditions encountered by COVID vaccinated persons are directly the result of the vaccines themselves is irrational and most likely unsupportable; demonstrating a large degree the holder's lack of understanding with regard to the operation of the vaccine.
Ha! My agenda? Nice try.

I’m asking you hypothetically because it’s happening in reality. Maybe just not to you or I.

Just because doctors aren’t entertaining the idea doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be.

posted on Jan, 2 2022 @ 07:10 AM
a reply to: Mantiss2021

The other option you might have failed to consider is that certain batches of vials are placebo, just saline or something harmless.

Don't forget, this is an experiment, and neither you nor I nor the public know the terms and parameters of the experiment. Yes, a number of vials have been examined by microscopy, and the results were not pleasant to contemplate.

A month or two ago, a nurse in Serbia went public claiming that when she had injected various public officials, it was from a certain batch, but when injecting ordinary citizens it was from another batch.

posted on Jan, 2 2022 @ 07:48 PM

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