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Why COVID vaccines cannot work, & irrefutable evidence of their causative role in deaths after vaxx

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posted on Jan, 3 2022 @ 10:35 AM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
in reply to: tanstaafl

If you read my comment I said that they explained everything in detail, I didn't say that I agreed with all of their conclusions.

Very unclear from your words, and everything I've seen you post says otherwise... for example:

On the other hand, Covid has killed more Americans than WWII,

This makes it perfectly clear you are woefully uninformed, and believe and continue to spread their lies.

The vast majority of people they (and you) claim to have been killed by Covid were murdered due to intentionally withholding safe and effective treatments, or only allowing extremely toxic treatments (like Remdesivir).

and I'm not even sure that anybody has yet been able to calculate how it has cost citizens to pay for things like critical care.

None of which would have been necessary had the safe and effective treatments been used.

Again, if you go back and read the actual comment that I made it's very clear that I'm telling somebody that all of the information that they are asking for was given out during those briefings, and that I didn't comment on the restrictions in that comment.

The idea that people who dedicate their entire lives to saving people would deliberately withhold something that might save someone isn't really even worth discussing. It's also worth noting that it's only really been demonstrated to help shorten the length of sickness of people with moderate to serious covid infection. AKA people who would likely survive anyway.

It's specifically not advised to give to people in the most critical conditions as there is no evidence that it would help Link. This is a link from the UK, and is therefore free from partisan politics.

The fact of the matter remains, as per my original comment, the government told everybody what they were doing and explained why they were doing it, and cited their sources. Which is what I was originally saying.

posted on Jan, 3 2022 @ 10:48 AM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
in reply to: tanstaafl

If you read my comment I said that they explained everything in detail, I didn't say that I agreed with all of their conclusions.

Very unclear from your words, and everything I've seen you post says otherwise... for example:

On the other hand, Covid has killed more Americans than WWII,

This makes it perfectly clear you are woefully uninformed, and believe and continue to spread their lies.

The vast majority of people they (and you) claim to have been killed by Covid were murdered due to intentionally withholding safe and effective treatments, or only allowing extremely toxic treatments (like Remdesivir).

and I'm not even sure that anybody has yet been able to calculate how it has cost citizens to pay for things like critical care.

None of which would have been necessary had the safe and effective treatments been used.

Again, if you go back and read the actual comment that I made it's very clear that I'm telling somebody that all of the information that they are asking for was given out during those briefings, and that I didn't comment on the restrictions in that comment.

The idea that people who dedicate their entire lives to saving people would deliberately withhold something that might save someone isn't really even worth discussing. It's also worth noting that it's only really been demonstrated to help shorten the length of sickness of people with moderate to serious covid infection. AKA people who would likely survive anyway.

It's specifically not advised to give to people in the most critical conditions as there is no evidence that it would help Link. This is a link from the UK, and is therefore free from partisan politics.

The fact of the matter remains, as per my original comment, the government told everybody what they were doing and explained why they were doing it, and cited their sources. Which is what I was originally saying.

Nobody believes you or anything the government says. Doctors are being threatened with losing their license if they speak out. Your propaganda doesn't work anymore.

posted on Jan, 3 2022 @ 11:01 AM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

Which is why I'm primarily using sources from Israel and Europe.

You are remarkable quiet when I use links from other countries, you don't even comment on the data. I wonder why that is?

posted on Jan, 3 2022 @ 11:25 AM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
in reply to: tanstaafl
Again, if you go back and read the actual comment that I made it's very clear that I'm telling somebody that all of the information that they are asking for was given out during those briefings, and that I didn't comment on the restrictions in that comment.

No, you merely parroted them, and the words you yourself used made it abundantly clear that you were in full agreement with their sentiment.

If that actually isn't the case, you should go back, re-read what you actually wrote, then reword it for clarification.

The idea that people who dedicate their entire lives to saving people would deliberately withhold something that might save someone isn't really even worth discussing.

And as I have said multiple times, deliberate ignorance is the only true sin - in my opinion.

The fact of the matter remains, as per my original comment, the government told everybody what they were doing and explained why they were doing it, and cited their sources. Which is what I was originally saying.

Yes, and your wording made it clear you were in agreement with their insane, life/economy destroying recommendations.

posted on Jan, 3 2022 @ 12:04 PM
a reply to: tanstaafl

you merely parroted them

You do know that "parroting" simply "repeating", yes?

It's clear that you didn't read my original comment, because if you did then you would know that what I actually said was that the information was in the briefings, so what was it that I am supposed to have "parroted". I don't know why you bother to respond to my comment when it's clear that you've not read them. You're just making yourself look silly for not putting in even the most basic of effort. At least you could try to find something that contradicted me, but no, you aren't even taking 10 seconds to Google.

And as I have said multiple times, deliberate ignorance is the only true sin - in my opinion.

Technically, what you're suggesting would be gross negligence, or professional misconduct. Do you sincerely believe that hundreds of thousands of highly educated and highly trained professionals are knowingly allowing millions (and yes, it is millions) of people in dozens of countries die?

Yes, and your wording made it clear you were in agreement with their insane, life/economy destroying recommendations.

Tell me, why didn't you actually quote the bit where I'm supposed to have done that, come on?

Surely you can at least find the original comment, it's like 2 pages back.

posted on Jan, 3 2022 @ 01:05 PM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
a reply to: tanstaafl

You parroted them. It doesn't mean 'repeat with utter 100% precision', it just means mimic...

It's clear that you didn't read my original comment, because if you did then you would know that what I actually said was that the information was in the briefings, so what was it that I am supposed to have "parroted".

You parroted what was in the briefing. Maybe you should go back and actually read what you wrote.

I don't know why you bother to respond to my comment when it's clear that you've not read them.

I've read them, apparently you haven't, but yeah, I agree - I'm not sure why I bother either.

At least you could try to find something that contradicted me, but no, you aren't even taking 10 seconds to Google.

I'm not trying to contradict you, just pointing out the ridiculousness of your words and the fact that you actually believe what you are saying is true.

"And as I have said multiple times, deliberate ignorance is the only true sin - in my opinion."

Technically, what you're suggesting would be gross negligence, or professional misconduct.

Rotflmao!!! You think I was talking about what they did or said?

Dude, I was talking about you - the fact that you believe their nonsensical lies. You, sir, are engaging in deliberate ignorance, sticking your head in the sand, refusing to recognize and call out evil when you are actually faced with it.

Do you sincerely believe that hundreds of thousands of highly educated and highly trained professionals are knowingly allowing millions (and yes, it is millions) of people in dozens of countries die?

Of course not. It doesn't take hundreds of thousands... only a few dozen, maybe a hundred or two at most.

And yes, I believe there are that many power/money hungry petty-tyrant-wanna-be's running this insane clown show.

The rest of the medical mafia is just following along.

Your suggestion that this can't happen, if true, would mean that Hitler, Mao, Stlain, Pol-Pot, etc etc ad nauseum could never happen.

Again - deliberate ignorance, the only true sin.

"Yes, and your wording made it clear you were in agreement with their insane, life/economy destroying recommendations."

Tell me, why didn't you actually quote the bit where I'm supposed to have done that, come on?

Surely you can at least find the original comment, it's like 2 pages back.

Oh, ok... you asked for it:

If people had bothered to watch those covid briefings made under Trump they would know that there are multiple steps that you can take, and that each step will REDUCE your level of risk. Mask wearing reduces your risk a little, social distancing reduces your risk a little, hand washing reduces your risk a little, ventilating rooms reduces your risk a little. And so on.

Each measure that you take might on it's own only be somewhat effective but when you combine them they make a real difference.

For example, I don't believe that having motion activated lights in my yard will give me 100% protection form a home invader, but that doesn't mean that they're not worth putting up.

Those are your words (bold/italicized for emphasis is mine)... not the words of any government agency, just you, parroting what they are saying, and making it clear you believe their lies.

Got it now?

posted on Jan, 3 2022 @ 04:00 PM

originally posted by: whereislogic
I'm not that fond of the usage of the term "idiots" though

No arguments here!

With hindsight the word 'idiots' was indeed a little harsh in this context. Folk have had a very tough couple of years and shouldn't be harshly judged for wanting to believe the political peddlers of spin when they tell them that having their sponsors' vaccines make you tickettyboo, whilst mumbling the fine print about social distancing still being necessary despite being jabbed with experimental GM voodoo in a vial.

Not least because i was one of them, having to find that extra will power needed to 'look up' and keep on being careful after the 2nd dose.

posted on Jan, 3 2022 @ 05:24 PM

originally posted by: McGinty
However, I don’t know if the science his invalidated this, but there were theories that how many covid particles one came into contact with -the viral load - could determine how severely the virus effected you. Of course the individuals existing health status and other variables are involved, but these would be exacerbated by the size of the ‘viral load’.

If this is indeed the case, then however imperfect, would it not be the case that a mask may indeed somewhat lower that viral load?

Even though covid particles are smaller than the weave of most masks, might they not still catch some of those particles, therefore lowering the viral load, leading to a less severe infection (if viral load is a factor) ?

The point is that perhaps it’s not as binary as masks not being able to prevent infection so they are pointless.

That's not really how viral load works. Viral load is not about how many SARS/CoV-2 viruses you catch. Viral load is how many SARS/CoV-2 viruses are in your body at any given volume of fluid, and how much of the virus your body is replicating.

Viruses replicate once they get in a host, it doesn't matter if you get just 1 of the viruses SARS/CoV-2 you get infected with. Depending on how healthy you are, how strong your immune system is would determine if your body would successfully help fight the virus. It doesn't matter if you get infected with 5 of the viruses, or 500. Once the virus is in your body it will replicate the virus to quantities that are much higher than what you were infected with.

Remember also that the vaccine itself causes your own body to produce more of the spike protein of the virus, and as I stated before it was even known the spike protein itself causes COVID-19 and depending on your immune system, how healthy you are, how strong your immune system is, etc, it will determine how strong the virus will attack your organs/body.

In fact the COVID-19 vaccines causes every single cell in your body to produce the spike protein of SARS/CoV-2. At first it was thought the vaccine will only cause the area close to injection to produce the spike protein. But now it is known that the vaccine causes every cell in your body to produce the virus' spike protein. The more vaccines/boosters people get, the weaker people's immune systems become until the body can't handle the infection.

edit on 3-1-2022 by ElectricUniverse because: add and correct comment.

posted on Jan, 3 2022 @ 05:42 PM
a reply to: whereislogic

Except that many experts, virologists, immunologists, former bioweapons experts, etc all have a similar message after they have investigated not just the virus itself but the vaccines. The COINTELPRO has been the fight against early and inexpensive treatments, as well as the false claims about the vaccines being able to stop people from getting infected, or from infecting others, or the latests claims that the vaccines stops people from getting worse symptoms, or keeps you from being hospitalized.

If none of this was true then why the disinformation from the start of the "pandemic"? Why has there been a campaign to stop people from using inexpensive treatments that have been proven to work and cause no side effects unlike the COVID-19 vaccines?

Every single claim the "COINTELPRO" have been making has been false. People keep forgetting that on this website we have been discussing the fact that world leaders have wanted not just population control, but depopulation through vaccines programs and other programs.

I have made threads showing actual documents from the 1940s, and we have had threads showing the statements of elitist globalists for the last few years which prove they have wanted a depopulation program and have actively been using vaccines to sterilize people in third world countries and even in the U.S.

Bill Gates himself in at least one of his Ted Talks was talking about how to reduce the amount of people on the planet, or reduce the activities/programs people normally use, reduce the amount of CO2 etc, and he mentioned vaccines as one of those ways.

At 4:32 he was specifically talking about "population" and if we do a really great job on new vaccines, etc "we could lower that(Population) perhaps 10 to 15 percent..."

UK aid helps to fund forced sterilisation of India's poor

edit on 3-1-2022 by ElectricUniverse because: add comments, add links.

posted on Jan, 3 2022 @ 06:11 PM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

Can you show us peer reviewed research papers that prove that being exactly 6 feet away from people stops people from being infected with SARS/CoV-2?...

BTW, I am sure you can find a couple research papers that argue without any real evidence that social distancing works. But I can find dozens that will say the opposite.

Washing your hands don't stop a virus that is airborne.

Masks don't stop viruses.

You are using the same false claims used by Fauci, the same Fauci and company who have ignored their own "mandates."

AOC and liberals without masks during plandemic...

Obama and hundreds of liberal elites without masks, and without using social distancing during plandemic...

Pelosi and liberal rich elites without masks and no social distancing...

If there was any truth that "social distancing", using masks, etc stopped or lowered the chances of anyone getting infected with COVID-19 then why is it that the world's elites have been all caught ignoring such measures?...

BTW, trying to compare a virus to a "home invader" just proves how absurd your arguments are. Home invaders can't fly/float without you noticing and can't replicate themselves once inside your home...

Home invaders that notice a home has strong defenses will move on to other targets. Viruses don't care about your preventive measures that don't work and the only way to stop being infected with a virus is to completely isolate yourself from society and from all hosts a virus uses to replicate itself, and even then it is possible for you to be infected more so when a virus is airborne.

edit on 3-1-2022 by ElectricUniverse because: add comment.

posted on Jan, 6 2022 @ 03:56 AM

originally posted by: ElectricUniverse
a reply to: whereislogic

Except that many experts, virologists, immunologists, former bioweapons experts, etc all have a similar message after they have investigated not just the virus itself but the vaccines. The COINTELPRO has been the fight against early and inexpensive treatments, as well as the false claims about the vaccines being able to stop people from getting infected, or from infecting others, or the latests claims that the vaccines stops people from getting worse symptoms, or keeps you from being hospitalized.

If none of this was true then why the disinformation from the start of the "pandemic"? Why has there been a campaign to stop people from using inexpensive treatments that have been proven to work and cause no side effects unlike the COVID-19 vaccines?

Not sure if you were asking me or if you were just making a point, but I would agree that there has been a "fight against early and inexpensive treatments" (well, only 1 in particular actually) and that vaccines have been marketed as being way more effective than they actually are, if at all (on all fronts that they claim they are effective at, including the latest, which involve statistics that can be easily manipulated by means of hospital admission protocols).
edit on 6-1-2022 by whereislogic because: (no reason given)

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