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Lemme Get This Straight Healthcare Workers

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posted on Dec, 30 2021 @ 03:09 AM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Dec, 30 2021 @ 01:24 PM
a reply to: MapMistress

Wow. Imagine that. PPE only works for sick and vaccinated healthcare workers but PPE doesn't work for naturally immune unvaxxed healthcare workers. So only if you get a shot, only then does a mask work. Wow. I'll have to remember that.

Every single thing about Covid has been like this.

Test everyone, but all of a sudden testing isn't good enough for employees
Mask everyone, but masks aren't enough for employees

It's a farce!

posted on Dec, 30 2021 @ 07:27 PM

originally posted by: generik

originally posted by: VinMan

Shoes are essential. Especially the specialized work shoes. The kind Chinamart doesn't sell.

so, you are saying you will die without those shoes? that is what "essential" businesses being allowed open were about. things you actually NEEDED to survive. things like food, and medicine for example, things that people would literally die without. shoes may possibly be important, but they are not at all "essential" to living. you can live without a brand new pair of shoes.

No one needed Mc Ds and Burger Queen to survive either.

posted on Jan, 3 2022 @ 12:11 AM
a reply to: generik

first if you knew ANYTHING about business you cant just "change" what your selling on a dime.

it takes lots of time AND MONEY to do so.
this is presuming what you want to change to is economically viable given other sources selling the same things.
you know the reason someone picked XX product for YY area.

why what narcissistic right do you have to determine what is a "necessary" product?

what is one mans "necessity" is another mans "luxury"

now add to that people (like myself) with a special needs child
during this "pandemic" she could not go to school, see family , go to any events and hell even go to a playground.

her world and condition needs contact with outs to which "skype" doesnt cut it.
there is only so many things to see on tv/streaming.

so getting a new toy, some new music/dvd movie and even some special "non essential" foods are needed for her and others like her.

i could go on about the same for our elderly and even "normal" people.


alot of "mom and pop" provide THE IDENTICAL THINGS the "box stores" provide

but i dont see you demanding oh wal mart shut down their stores or parts of them because they also sell "non essential" things now do you?

all in all your whole concept reeks of hypocrisy , arrogance and narcissism .

if you allow the big box stores and other big business to say open as "necessary" they you allow EVERYONE and let THE PEOPLE DECIDE what is "needed" or not.


posted on Jan, 3 2022 @ 12:13 AM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: scrounger

Oh really? It took you that long?

I knew it was nothing the moment the politicians refused to go into bunkers for continuity of government.

naw knew it (as i stated in posts for a long time) its a doom porn nothing burger.

but what i could not stand is the blatant hypocrisy from a MAJORITY of the medical community and now to the level

felt time to call this out


posted on Jan, 3 2022 @ 12:22 AM
Just to make sure you are aware of this:

"Health care workers" are not a homogenous group of people. Not all think alike.

um if you READ WHAT I POSTED I did state
as an industry, with some exceptions who BRAVELY spoke out
end quote

you not make this comment.

try READING what someone wrote in its entirety.

BTW care to show the MAJORITY (or hell even a large outcry) against the clearly unscientific covid mandates from the "medical community".

hell i cant even find in the complaints about forced vaccination on them calling for EVERYONE to have the choice.


posted on Jan, 3 2022 @ 10:03 AM
Its Obvious.
They are Making covid-x or whatever they call it now!
Spred as much as posible.
Get it from some one coughing
or from a needle.

We live In STUPID times.

I wonder if this is how cows and chicking Feel?
oh and Sheep.
the bible calls YOU Sheep!
sheep to the slaughter!

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