a reply to:
The last few minutes of this video talking about how The Ark of the Covenant was found
That was a movie.
Or do you really want to make the claim that The Ark of the Covenant was 'found', as you put it? How can you just casually mention something so big
when talking about something so much smaller?
It doesn't make sense that some manufactured disease would be any 'mark of the beast' for multitude of reasons.
1) Who is the beast in this case? A bat? Fauci?
2) How exactly does a disease live in the hand or the forehead, isn't something like a virus more prone to infect your bloodstream more
3) According to the prediction, only those with the mark can buy and sell. How exactly are only people with a virus inside of them capable of buying
and selling?
4) How is a virus, which is so tiny you can't see it, a MARK of any kind, especially on hand or forehead? Wouldn't they have used some other
terminology for something like a virus?
It would make more sense if the microchip is the mark of the beast, because:
1) There's a clear beast, which can be interpreted to be 'supercomputer(s)', 'technology', 'the system', the moloch demon that controls TPTB that then
control the system that only allows people to buy and sell if they have that mark. It all fits SO much better and logically.
2) The vaccine leads to vaccine mandates, which leads to vaccine passports, which have microchips in them, and eventually ALL things that have
microchips in them, bank cards, IDs, passports (vaccine or otherwise) will be combined to one 'superchip' that everyone will either want, or they will
be made to want it.
This logical progression of control methods turning from 'lifesaving' and 'convenience' to a 'tool of tyranny' is perfectly logical and fits
seamlessly. If this happens, no one will be able to buy or sell without this piece of chit [sic] in their body. Prophecy realized.
3) Chips have numbers, so they can easily be made to have the number of the beast. How do you make a virus express or contain numbers?
Sorry, but this virus theory doesn't hold water.