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JK Rowling's Name Being Erased, Woke Activists Harassing & Threatening Her

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posted on Dec, 24 2021 @ 04:13 AM
I support her right to an opinion.

I do NOT have any sympathy for the members of the Trans community stalking, harrassing and threatening people who don't automatically worship, praise and lavish unconditional support and tolerance for their lifestyle.

They're overreacting in a threatening (and hopefully not violent) manner.

I have a cousin and a friend who recently came out as trans and they are the sweetest, most gentle people I know.

These individuals who are harassing and sending death threats are openly reviled by the Trans Community at large, and they claim their stance and behavior is not representative of the Community as a whole.

They are, frankly, embarrassed by these "woke" individuals giving them a bad name by association.

Most genuine Trans individuals just want a quiet peaceful life in their transition, they are not looking for conflict or drama.

The people who are attacking and calling for the heads of those who don't agree with their lifestyle are obsessed with their self identification, many are fetishists and sexual abusers within the community at large, and drama queens desperate for attention.

There are legitamite cases of Transgender persons, but the majority of this "movement" are simply deranged and possibly dangerous individuals who should be closely monitored and hopefully taken into treatment centers to help them with their violent and hateful tendancies and rhetoric.

They are, quite simply, mentally unstable persons.

edit on 12/24/21 by GENERAL EYES because: spelling errors amended

posted on Dec, 24 2021 @ 06:07 AM
a reply to: Zanti Misfit

If she was smart?

Fairly certain she is. What's her net worth now, several billion dollars, or somethin' of the sort??

Pretty damn smart if you ask me...

That she has opinions shouldn't shock anyone. That some numpties (it is England, after all) disagree with her shouldn't be a shock either.

Good for her for not backin' down an inch.

posted on Dec, 24 2021 @ 08:33 AM
a reply to: LoneCloudHopper2

Anyone who believes the gay press speaks for the gay community these days needs to look at how corrupt the mainstream press is in recent years. The gay press blasts propaganda and divisiveness 24/7 now and those who listen to their lies will find their personal pronouns were and was.

posted on Dec, 28 2021 @ 03:10 PM

originally posted by: LoneCloudHopper2
a reply to: TzarChasm

I suppose so, but they won't stop trying to get her name removed from everything. Kids are being taught this stuff is good and normal (or the new normal.) What may look petty and pathetic to us may be winning in their eyes, and will help influence kids into thinking this is the way forward.

There's always that percentage of society who can't be bothered to do their own fact checking and critical thinking. That's why I wear earphones when I'm out in public. Too many people who think having a mouth is the most important part of forming an opinion, so naturally they got confused between the hole on their face and the one on their backside.

posted on Feb, 11 2022 @ 08:45 PM

originally posted by: projectvxn
Trannies are really good at displaying male aggression. Especially toward actual women.

I find myself at the receiving end of this right now. I have been cancelled from a Twitch community for standing up to misogynistic trans people, and standing up for my femininity. I committed the cardinal sin of agreeing with JK Rowling. I simply do not wish to be degraded to a "person who menstruates" because that is an incredibly insulting and offensive term. Of course that resulted in me being banned from a majority of streams in the community, while also receiving abusive and very unladylike messages both on stream and in DM. Unsurprisingly, the actual abuse I received went entirely unpunished. But, the most telling part about this situation is that Twitch did not ban me. If I was transphobic, as these bullies claim, then Twitch would have yeeted me.

The most hurtful thing about this is how many people (who were not even present) were quick to virtue signal and forego any critical thinking, and simply ban me on the word of these lying bullies without even asking me for my side of the story. The few people with a backbone who did stand up for me received similar treatment to me. I am terrified for the future of the human race, because if this is how it is now, there is no hope for us.

posted on Feb, 12 2022 @ 01:54 PM
a reply to: MetalChickAmy

The first thing we have to do is refuse to affirm their sick version of reality.

There's no such thing as "trans women."

It's just men wearing women as a costume and expecting you and I to take part in their self delusion.

Keep fighting.
edit on 2 12 2022 by projectvxn because: (no reason given)

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