posted on Jan, 10 2022 @ 01:10 PM
a reply to:
It's safe to say the "intelligence community" as you put it; Are people that live and work by The Constitution and it being the Federal Constitution
as if there are no state constitutions? Politicians don't know what to do or say having chosen one side or the other in separatism of state
constitution(s) from the federal constitution and not the unification of all people under the one in the freedom that it brings.
%1 constitutions means perpetual chaos and unrest.
The ONE starts out as "We The People" the: in order to form a more "Perfect Union" means to keep the states united under the ONE from forming their
own laws and rule then subjugating the people born to it as if the ONE didn't exist. Cronyism is what takes place in politics that tries to form
fraternal orders in all of those states to try and control it for their own personal purposes whether it is constitutional or not then statute against
the people using congressional lobby claiming to represent them sometimes states work in triads to hold a large seat of power in an attempt to bully
the federal such a thing changes and gets called the several states... or the one's dragging their heels for one reason or another.
Typically it is some ponzi scheme using federally unconstitutional statutes to extort money out of the citizens of those states, then target those
individuals using profiling what many refer to as a "legal RICO" such as what arose out of prohibition... others just play the markets on both sides
investing the same amount and watch it like scales or what occurs in the justice department buying and selling accordingly based on the states and
also lobby using their cronies directly to state lawmakers building tremendous amount of wealth and power in doing so.
This occurs in a rinse repeat fashion and has been what has ruined the US economy several times as a total stock market collapse or federal shutdowns
to try to rally the market before the closing bell rings for all of those vested in whatever scheme it is or was.
Well, the current holders of stock in food are playing that market causing the costs of meat and other staples to rise globally... of course using
covid as the new crony or get rich/richer quick scheme. Stuck at home? People are going to go out less going out less have to source food from the
grocery and cook it at home... there's a lot of idealism and programming about the erosion of the family unit to spin such a thing as good but also
making that a very expensive option as the proverbial cash cow.
The people making all those masks? The poor Richard as it has wasted materials and most of that will turn into waste materials so of course people
invested higher as in the materials used to make those not the masks themselves same with the plastics etc to go into the disposable needles.
Ir is also exactly that and why other countries sympathize with US citizens and call the government that does that or allows that? Capitalist. Oh a
bunch of children died? How can we spin it into making money... that's what they do and just how sick such a "system" is. Such things are also
manufactured or what gets called false flags and fake news.
Unfortunately, even mentioning this? There's going to be pro's and con's for it but considering the people that are already pro's at such a thing
...Cons? Is the better pathway to a healthy functioning society.
edit on 10-1-2022 by Crowfoot because: editing