posted on Mar, 29 2005 @ 09:50 AM
Hi guys, you know me. BSB, ATS, and like many others here I LOVE to watch "Newsies" on Disney, almost every June; when they air it. Anyway, I was
going through some old (1998/99/2000)VHS tapes of mine, and found I taped on one b4 they seemed to stop showing it. I'm wondering if (1) they are
censoring it b/c(it gets high ratings) teens, young adults, tweens, and even young kids will consider rebelling, (2) Ppl have stopped watching it, or
(3) They moved it to another channel or will?
Also, I have the 2 most famous songs from that movie "Sieze The Day" &"The World will Know" on a few CD-R's.