posted on Dec, 19 2021 @ 03:09 AM
So i saw this dream, where i was a Chinese person, living in a western country, i went to this place of business, this fancy building, walked right
trough the building, now in the end of this building things got weird.
I was greeted by a Chinese woman in her 40s 50s, and she asked me to follow her, she led me to a space in the building that was filled with flawless
antique furniture and asian looking wood statues depicting people and dragons and such, there where other Chinese people too, casually sitting in
fancy chairs reading newspapers and wearing suits, everything was so lovely and i felt like i was home.
Then she led me down some stairs, and what followed was quite confusing, the walls and the floor was this same pattern psychedelic looking carpet,
like in some hotels, and it was this weird fractal maze, i had to keep following the lady, making these turns around the corners, the space repeated
itself many times, at one point i tried to take a couple of steps in other directions, but it just ended in a wall, and i got almost lost, i had to
run a bit to catch up with my guide.
Next we came to a dark space, looked like it was outside beside a temple, there she showed me these piles that were scattered all around, as i got
closer to them, i saw that the piles were composed mainly of worms and all kinds of bugs, and as i got even closer, the insects retreated and revealed
the bones of those who had died as newborns, there was a bone in the ground, she lifted it up and placed it to a skeleton that it belonged to, then i
took a step back, and the insects came back and engulfed the remains once again.
Dream ends.
Ok so, pretty wild, had a dream where i was a Chinese person, got to a building that actually was the entrance to the underworld, got a tour guide. i
am not Chinese, i do not know about any newborns that have died.
Thanks for reading!