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Immunity As A Service

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posted on Dec, 13 2021 @ 11:46 AM
I just want to add a little meat to my theory.
If you have never heard of Blackrock, you will be horrified to know this company basically owns the world.

BlackRock is the world's largest asset manager, with US$9.5 trillion in assets under management as of October, 2021

When you talk about Blackrock, you talk about Vanguard as well. They own each other (strange concept, I know) and essentially sit at the top of the pyramid.

Blackrock and Vanguard

Interestingly, Vanguard is the largest shareholder of BlackRock, as of March 2021

According to Simply Wall Street, in February 2020, BlackRock and Vanguard were the two largest shareholders of GlaxoSmithKline, at 7% and 3.5% of shares respectively.10 At Pfizer, the ownership is reversed, with Vanguard being the top investor and BlackRock the second-largest stockholder.11

Take this, their levers of control over governments, media and pharma, and you get a disturbing picture.

posted on Dec, 13 2021 @ 11:53 AM
a reply to: deltaalphanovember
You're out of your mind. Nothing like this could ever happen in the United States. Next you'll be telling me a dementia patient is the President.

edit on 12/13/2021 by Klassified because: oopsie

posted on Dec, 13 2021 @ 12:11 PM

originally posted by: Klassified
a reply to: deltaalphanovember
You're out of your mind. Nothing like this could ever happen in the United States. Next you'll be telling me a dementia patient is the President.

Isn't it odd that me saying "something is wrong" is blindingly obvious to most of us here on ATS, yet considered abhorrent, even hateful in most parts of society these days?

I know your post was meant in jest, but I am rather proud that my point-of-view is considered "wrong-think" in mainstream society. It means I am on the right track as a human.

posted on Dec, 13 2021 @ 12:20 PM
a reply to: deltaalphanovember

It's a scary but not implausible thought.
It's also along the lines of privatisation of basic needs... Food, shelter and Water already went.
I once postulated, more in jest, that the carbon scare is a way to make us pay for breathing.

It's a sort of hostage situation with pharma... They are not entirely but sort of responsible for one achievement we are very proud of as a society, which is the increased life span.
so we kind of want to trust them as they can keep us alive longer.
Sorry gran...
We should ditch the snake oil sales man all together.

Want to do health/pharma department your funding will be percentual to the healty people, the more with ailments the less you get.

Since ever it's the other way around, totally absurd, and some realy trust them to work in our best interest, the same that knowingly ship some aids infested plasma to some 3rd world country. It's all about money and your scenario is very lucrative...

posted on Dec, 13 2021 @ 04:06 PM

originally posted by: deltaalphanovember
Those of us who work in the IT field are generally aware of Cloud Computing concepts. To the uninitiated, cloud computing is, in broad terms, the renting of things like Infrastructure and Software from a service provider. This is opposed to owning your own data center as well as the software and operating systems they run on.

Lately I have noticed a curious thing. Everyone I know, who is fully vaccinated is coming down with bad flu, colds, and even bronchitis.
Two things to note here: 1. It is not flu season 2. The unvaccinated don't appear to have the same issue. It's almost as if the vaccinated no longer have natural immunity.

So a thought occurred to me.

Remember the days when you could but a box with a cd to say something like Microsoft Office, install it and then use it for years and years? I recently had to buy MS Office 365. It's a yearly license now. It has to be renewed. And most things are like that these days.
The idea is that everything is rented. You no longer own anything outright and certain companies using this model have seen huge increases in their profit margins

WHAT IF ... the vaccine is a way to help achieve that goal for big pharma ? In order to keep your bodies immunity up-to-date, you are now required to pay them to provide booster shots on a regular basis. Immunity As A Service.

Further down the rabbit hole, perhaps in the future, you might be denied your booster if you don't have a high enough social credit score or as some form of punishment. Without the booster, you get sick from every encounter with any innocuous germ.

Imagine a world where you get denied access to shops because you dont have the right passport? Oh wait that's already happening.

Uh, yeah. That's the critical error in allowing corporations to "own" essential materials or access to them. You wake up one day and your basic human right or legally purchased property is now a temporary rental/subscription service.

posted on Dec, 13 2021 @ 11:16 PM
a reply to: chiefsmom

Took two Moderna shots and just tested positive today , got a moderate cold with some coughing and sore joints . M wife also got it but is now close to recovery . We will have the antibodies and will take no boosters . I don't understand why I should take a lesser dose of a vaccine that didn't work in the first place .

posted on Dec, 14 2021 @ 12:58 AM
a reply to: deltaalphanovember

I really thought that this was a given from a few months back. Clearly somebody wants total dependence on the big pharma leading to total control. That's been obvious for awhile.

posted on Dec, 14 2021 @ 12:39 PM

originally posted by: incoserv
a reply to: deltaalphanovember

I really thought that this was a given from a few months back. Clearly somebody wants total dependence on the big pharma leading to total control. That's been obvious for awhile.

It's becoming increasingly obvious to a certain group of people like you and I. We are a tiny minority.

But what is obvious to you and I, is incomprehensible to most of society. It's why people like Louis Rossman, and the right to repair movement are so important.

People need to push back, and realise this is not just an Apple problem. The fundamental right to own the "things" (home, devices, vehicles, privacy etc.) that we paid for, or take for granted, is only one battle in a war where they want to own your very dna.

posted on Dec, 16 2021 @ 07:13 AM
Obviously part of the reason I'm here on ATS is in part because of conspiracy theories. However I think most in this thread are wrong, it's more like right wing propaganda versus any facts. Sometimes a rock is just a rock

posted on Dec, 16 2021 @ 07:22 AM
a reply to: deltaalphanovember

The flaw in that plan is that the laboring poor who keep places like amazon and Walmart going would probably skip the shots due to cost unless the state pays for them.

This would put up costs due to staff sickness and the businesses that depend on cheap labor would call big pharma out on it in 10 seconds flat.

Remember tptb aren't all on the same side, they're fighting ech other half the time.

posted on Dec, 29 2021 @ 06:58 AM
a reply to: deltaalphanovember

Ok, these are valid points. However, I am what they call "vaccine-hesitant" on the news lately. Yes, I am fully vaccinated (unboosted), my wife and one of my children are also. Some of my kids are not comfortable with it and one is not old enough. Before anyone in my family got this new mRNA shot I did about a 10 month deep dive into learning about it. Here is what I learned: it contains material which viruses use to replicate themselves, but only for the s1 sub-group of the virus protein spike. That's the part that works like a plug. See, different viruses use different plugs, like how different devices use USB a, b, micro, 3, 3.1, c etc. However this mRNA produces a ton of protein spikes, because it's not using resources to make the rest of the virus. Now the mRNA degrades at human body temperature within roughly 12 hours. Any effects after 12 hours is not the vaccine, but your immune system which can take months to clear out these spikes. Additionally, due to the number of these things and your own immune cells it has an effect on your kidneys, but not to bad so long as you don't take Tylenol which can push you over the edge into kidney failure.

Now, what's the point of all this that I just wrote? It's a massive load on the immune system. This makes it a good vaccine for the coronavirus of a matching subgroup, but your immune system is very busy and in overdrive making reactions more accute. The next sentence is not true but an analogy. It's like you become "allergic" to microbes. Keep in mind that the coronavirus is evolving from technically being a plague (animal cross to human microbe) and will soon be just another cold.

With all this said, I recommend the vaccine and trust it, pfizer at least. However I am whole hartedly against any entity (government, church, website, police, etc) trying to force or push people to get it if they do not choose to. You do you and have a blessed day.

Edit: If you live in America where it's become political, I wish to add that Donald Trump cleared the way to produce it quickly and Joe Biden worked to distribute it quickly. Both these men on opposite ends of the spectrum agree that it's good and important. Just something to consider.
edit on 29-12-2021 by Jeremiah33three because: Trump Biden comment

posted on Jan, 7 2022 @ 05:39 PM
since we're looking at anecdotal evidence, just want to throw in that my fully vaccinated and boosted mask-wearing friends and family (at least 12 people) have not come down with a single illness of any note lately.

not sure i'm aware of a mechanism by which the vaccines would cause a decrease in immunity to other things. the only thing i know of that can do that is a good old fashioned measles infection, which will reset your immunities to some degree.

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