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UK court permits Assange extradition to US on spying charges

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posted on Dec, 11 2021 @ 11:08 PM
if he was American and only leaked what he did to the American public then I'd see no issue and neither would the US federal government i'd imagine but he was a foreigner and he exposed it to the whole world with the explicit intention to hinder American military, economy and diplomatic actions by tipping off our rivals and enemies, and he succeeded in what he did, costing who know how much money and lives, all because he believed himself some moral paragon hero destined to protect humanity. he did what enemies would do and is lucky its not the 60's or prison would be the least of his worries.
edit on 11-12-2021 by namehere because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 12 2021 @ 05:14 AM
a reply to: 727Sky

Anticoagulants are used to prevent ischemic strokes which are the most common.

Then there is "Alteplase" which is also used to treat ischemic strokes.

If they get to you really fast after a stroke there is plenty they can do and it will affect the way most people recover.
edit on 12-12-2021 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 12 2021 @ 05:41 AM

originally posted by: namehere
if he was American and only leaked what he did to the American public then I'd see no issue and neither would the US federal government i'd imagine but he was a foreigner and he exposed it to the whole world with the explicit intention to hinder American military, economy and diplomatic actions by tipping off our rivals and enemies, and he succeeded in what he did, costing who know how much money and lives, all because he believed himself some moral paragon hero destined to protect humanity. he did what enemies would do and is lucky its not the 60's or prison would be the least of his worries.

His intentions were to expose US war crimes and cover-up. If you think that's wrong, you're part of the problem.

posted on Dec, 12 2021 @ 02:35 PM
Not that the loss of our freedoms needed another canary in the coal mine, Americans are currently up to our necks in dead canaries and most have yet to notice. When you can be imprisoned for exposing the illegal activities of your government, you're not in a free society. When the government can hide their activities from you, but every text and transaction must be exposed to them in case they decide to frame you for a crime, that is tyranny. Hitler, Stalin and Mao had wet dreams about access to this level of opression and control. Assange is a hero, he didn't burn a list of high ranking spies embedded in the CCP, he shined a light on utter contempt for the First, Fourth, and Fifth Amendments by those traitors sworn to defend them.

They call for weakend encryption but will use 'parallel construction' to invent charges against private citizens.

They enforce Biden's crowning legislation, civil asset forfeiture to steal private property they say could be connected to a crime. Good luck being a person of color carrying $1000 cash during a traffic stop regardless of how you earned it or for what purpose you choose to carry cash rather than putting it in a Federal Reserve affiliated bank.

Your goverment is irrevokably evil; corrupt beyond your imagination. Your government hates you. They exist to simultaneously bleed you to death while preserving the status quo for corporate oligarchs. No government should have secrets from their own citizens at all without strict limits and effective oversight. The people defending the secrets of the corrupt are traitors who deserve a traitors' lot. Secrecy is the antithesis of freedom.

edit on 12-12-2021 by SentientBunnySuit because: spelling hard.

posted on Dec, 12 2021 @ 02:47 PM
the US drew up plans to assassinate Assange. Why did he run? Ask Seth Rich.

posted on Dec, 12 2021 @ 11:09 PM
While you're waiting for Assange to get his Epstein treatment, you can see if you made the FBI's watch list.

posted on Dec, 12 2021 @ 11:47 PM
My opinion on this is the man has been persacted enough.Leave him alone..

posted on Dec, 13 2021 @ 05:28 AM
a reply to: SentientBunnySuit

I don't think ile make you FBI's watch list son.

Im not in the USA, nor lightly to be anytime soon.

You realise that i don't want Assange to be handed over nor extradited to the USA just on principle because they wont reciprocate where Sacoolas is concerned.

And if you go back and read the thread in its entirety that may become clear. LoL

posted on Dec, 13 2021 @ 06:06 AM

originally posted by: paraphi

originally posted by: andy06shake
Canny understand why we are giving them Assange when we would not give them McKinnon.

The Home Secretary of the time (a certain Theresa May) said McKinnon was too ill, and cited his human rights, which would be compromised because of his illness.

Assange has another appeal to lodge, so the legal process is not yet complete. Then it will be up to the Home Secretary (currently Patel) to confirm, or reject Assange's extradition.

Extradition to the US is often unsuccessful, so it's not a dead cert he'll be "on his way".

Any thoughts on how succesful the appeal may be? Seems very unfair that the UK denied extradition to the US of dozens of arms dealers to Iraq in the late 80s/early 90s, yet it's granted for someone exposing such crimes.

I may be wrong but I have a vague memory that Assange's rape accuser has dropped the accusation sometime around August this year.

Wikileaks released heavilly redacted documents to remove any names and potentially identifying information of agents, sources etc..they held back on publishing over 15,000 documents at the request of the US Government.

The ruling and upcoming changes to the Official Secrets Act remove Public Interest defence and distinction between journalist/whistleblower and foreign spies. It would mean any journalist in the UK who recieves a confidential/leaked document or releases stories that embarass government will get 2 to 14 years in jail.

posted on Dec, 13 2021 @ 07:57 AM
Wikileaks has released all the content from their files with a link to it, this seems to be a pay out

Can we post the link in here or is not allowed,

posted on Dec, 13 2021 @ 08:15 AM
This site have a great article on what is going on with Assange

Assange: The Masks are Crumbling This ruling also comes on UN Human Rights Day.

This ruling comes on the same day two journalists formally received the Nobel Peace Prizes they’d been awarded and demanded protections for journalists in their acceptance speeches.

This ruling comes as the U.S. government pledges hundreds of millions of dollars in support for “independent media” around the world in coordination with British state media.

This ruling comes after it was revealed that the C.I.A. drew up plans to kidnap and assassinate Assange in the Ecuadorian embassy after the 2017 Vault 7 releases embarrassed the agency.

This ruling comes after it was revealed that C.I.A. proxies spied on Assange and his lawyers at the Ecuadorian embassy, thereby making a fair trial in the United States impossible.

This ruling comes after it was revealed that the U.S. prosecution relied on false testimony from a diagnosed sociopath and convicted child molester.

Soo it seems millions of dollars pledge by the US have a lot to do with the decisions of the UK court, very interesting.

posted on Dec, 14 2021 @ 01:47 AM
Well, here is the ruling on 10 December...

USA v Julian Assange

The whole history of Assange's various appeals and charges and appeals etc., is a matter of the public record. It's quite fascinating stuff. Certainly worth a read as it helps cut through much of the crap out there.

99. For those reasons we reject Grounds 1, 3 and 4, but allow the appeal on Grounds 2 and 5. We accordingly quash the order discharging Mr Assange....

Source detailed ruling - second PDF.
edit on 14/12/2021 by paraphi because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 14 2021 @ 08:24 AM
a reply to: face23785

Pure sophistry you offer sir, not convincing in the least.

Assange has exposed just a few of the many crimes of the US and other governments. That is every citizen's duty, and he fulfilled it.

As Andrew Napolitano has noted, it's dangerous to be right when the government is wrong.

By their actions, the US and British governments have been shown to be the criminal organizations they are.

posted on Jan, 13 2022 @ 01:36 AM

edit on 1/13/2022 by semperfortis because: (no reason given)

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