posted on Jan, 3 2022 @ 11:05 PM
Tobacco. Cigarettes. Cigars. Pipes.
This is an interesting topic, as you can see it from many sides, and it is more complex issue than one would immediately think.
There was a brilliant 'Yes, Prime Minister'-episode about how complicated it is, in the early eighties.
The tobacco corporations are a big evil, of course. But it's an evil that could not exist without - again - people's stupidity. People's stupidity
causes the most horrible things to exist in this world, and nothing can permanently improve until we can get rid of the stupidity of people.
Otherwise, it will just cause more and more problems. People are so stupid, they hurt themselves intentionally by smoking, practicing extremely
dangerous activities without proper protection, eat extremely unhealthy, downright poisonous food, stimulant drinks and such, and then dim their last
brain cells from being able to connect any major dots by drowning their brains in alcohol and drugs.
Then they hop into their archaic-tech, super loud vehicles so they can both pollute the air and destroy the silence while driving to their wave
slavery location for a job that could probably be done remotely anyway, but isn't. Although bicycling would be a much better option (if the cities
were organized to support it, like Netherlands has shown) anyway.
Electric cars and motorbikes are seen as some kind of 'sissy' vehicles, and these primitive half-animals somehow can't live without super loud sounds
from their commuter vehicles, and no self-respecting macho idiot animal wants to drive something that doesn't puff like a magic dragon everywhere they
go so no one behind them can see 10 cm forward until they're gone - or breathe, for that matter.
Tobacco fits SO perfectly to this animalistic stupidity lifestyle mentality where arteries are full of toxic components, bowels full of rotting
carcass bits and bloody, poisonous flesh, that I am not even surprised people defend it.
There's the whole 'smokers die younger so they won't drain the healthcare system as much' argument as well.
Then again, there's the 'why would a smoker be allowed to pollute and poison a non-smoker's breathing air'-question. THAT makes it 'everyone's
business'. With vaping and coffee drinking, I would agree that it's the individual's own business, and no one else's (even if they do have a terrible
coffee breath, etc.)
Tobacco corporations are SO powerful and evil, they would never agree to any forced limitation of people's right to smoke, UNLESS they gain something
even better in return.
That 'better' is the evil agenda coming to its final stage and eventually, 100% completion. At that point, population will be culled, and the people
that are left, are completely and utterly mind-controlled - with their own consent, too. THAT is world domination; to 100% control every single
individual every second of their whole incarnations.
Would nothing less ever do for the megalo-maniac minds? Of course not. Nothing less then 100% will be satisfactory, any freedom people are left with,
must be removed.
I have no idea what they are going to do after they reach this sickeningly evil goal, though, but I am sure we can all imagine that horrible
The thing about tobacco and controlling it, is indeed what many here have already realized it to be - it's opening the door for the 'authority'
(however this manifests in actual reality - there are more powerful forces than governments, but governments are useful tools for them) to eventually
control every single facet of every single individual's life.
I am a smoker myself. I haven't voluntarily inhaled cigarette smoke for ten years or so, but I never officially 'quit' - this is just an extended
'pause mode' that can break any second. So far, I have been able to prolong it, but as the world is becoming more and more stressful and weird, who
knows what might eventually happen.
Having said that, I hate cigarette smoke. I hate ANYTHING I am forced to breathe that feels or smells unpleasant or worse. I especially hate having to
breathe something that is unhealthy, dangerous, toxic or poisonous to my body or its health.
I want to only breathe fresh, natural air, and nothing else. Anyone that shares this wish SHOULD have the right to limit their breathing to only
healthy, fresh air as well. People have the right to take care of their body's health, right? So why SHOULD they be able to forced to breathe
unhealthy smoke just because some a-hole doesn't understand the dangers of smoking, or is too weak-willed to pause their ridiculously toxic and unwise
I hate cigarette smoke probably as much as anyone can, but having the government force stupid people to behave more intelligently in ANY area is only
going to lead to a disaster, where eventually government controls everything, even the intelligent people.
Also, those stupid people that choose to damage their body by becoming addicted to smoking, knowing they're too weak to get rid of or pause the habit,
do die younger, but the price is polluted air every time you go where there are lots of people (bus stops are especially annoying, as you can't really
always avoid the smoke there, or using them when your hands are full of grocery bags and such).
Governments shouldn't make ANY individual choices for people, but people shouldn't be stupid enough to pollute my damn breathing air, either, so it's
a difficult, multi-sided issue, with no satisfactory solution.
Perhaps the only real, ethical, permanent and good solution would be to just simply ban Tobacco Corporations altogether, and use their facilities for
something healthy. Then people can make their own cigarettes and getting those cancer rolls would become so difficult, the 'man on the street' would
probably stop smoking anyway, or at least new smokers would find it too much of a hassle to even start.