posted on Dec, 19 2021 @ 01:52 PM
Social conditioning
Some people are well adjusted in public no matter the topic or situation. The very same people when out of that social setting are not well adjusted
in private depending on the topic or situation.
Some people are known as well adjusted no matter the topic or situation public and private.
Some people are not well adjusted meaning a problem in public and private.
There are many social institutions that treat all sides of the spectrum and are typically always looking for the well adjusted in both public and
private as they are seen as healthy individuals to help others that are not.
When it takes a lot of work to be that oneself due to many pressures due to self and others sometimes it becomes all too much to ask. In such cases it
is better to take care of oneself so that one remains a well adjusted individual in both public and private not welcoming in those that are not.
The social face or mask is putting on that well adjusted facade either in public or private or both public and private or neither public or private
just for kicks.
Such a mask is an illness to all of those wanting needing and desiring to be well adjusted or in both public and private where it does not not seem
awkward and where it is normal to just be oneself.
Acceptance as many have stated in the past is key... if it is in a negative direction to one's goals of healthy and normal? Then regression occurs and
not the progress they were looking for.
Such a thing occurs quite often in relationships, and sometimes going it alone until others not conducive to the environment one is looking for public
or private clears up... sometimes that can make one seem or come off awkward or weird due to a lack of social interaction with their peers.
edit on 19-12-2021 by Crowfoot because: editing