posted on Dec, 5 2021 @ 10:41 AM
Short, quick and to the point. Apologies if it's too short.
Vast snow has come at last. Spy the endless stream of white dots falling from a darkened sky. Perhaps evening, maybe a little past midday. Gray smears
of sun glow while giving a cold shoulder to the ground below.
I miss the spring. I miss the sun. I miss the leaves that blow past the swing.
In these fond thoughts, the warmth of colored spots light silently in the perpetual night. No dancing in the cold, save for the sight.
Now the voices sing loudly to break the ice in my veins as the snow continues to drown the air as much as the ground. Looking to the sky I see not
sadness but a reminder. In the air the color of the season tells me to celebrate the warmth now. In the clouds the gray tells me to have: Great
Relations All Year.
edit on 2021125 by oddscreenname because: two uses of light