posted on Nov, 29 2021 @ 04:44 AM
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If they have "pork barrel" study grants every year for Ketchup and Catsup and others like Rice... for economy. Then the taste of wood has to be one
likely more local to the US for workable pesticides; There's a Southern Tree huge Maple really green that they've called a Sycamore even though it's a
maple ants/termites won't go near it. They also call one a Birch when it is one that gets eaten too it's basically a cherry tree that doesn't produce
cherries, might just be sick and becoming endangered from the ants/termites...
in the Southern US ants eat them rotten really quick starting in at the root then all the way to the top and then it crumbles nearly to dust leaving
the bark as they don't like the taste(mother calls them sugar ants) They can even bivouac living dormant under frozen ground. I am sure the University
system enjoys such a thing as state by state colleges go as their own unique independent system, from each other to see what the results are on the
whole as field study, lab study, departmental study... for and from the department of the interior. There were moth studies here for a few decades one
of them in the green maple branch really big looks like the leaf attracted to greens reds and oranges as colors go... the system was trying to go by
scent markers alone in their studies.
The Azalea is a tea tree even though it presents itself as a shrub, it is part of the roach/water bug cycle in it's range. As most small flowering
shrubs are; flowering plants are typically herbs good for whatever ailed you the previous season if not from the area familiar with the pollen
I met someone that passed down never shave anything in my travels by her family to the women in it... they didn't have hairy legs, arms arm pits with
fine silky hair where it does grow. Some women wear pantyhose and tight long sleeves 24/7 to remove their leg and arm hair without shaving.
I told a friend about the shave cream before he looked like a walrus with stiff and coarse beard hair later when he grew it out. I typically just use
bar soap and after shave and if there was a beard contest mine would probably be considered pitiful but I don't care for having facial hair as it gets
unsanitary rather quickly.
The earth turns roughly 1000 miles per hour or so, so once at altitude it's adjusted to co-ordinates either by the pilot or auto pilot or the tower
too many course correction it needs an emergency field for a layover to refuel and try again. Small planes like Cessna are flown like a car in the
sky; drones "Chinese lanterns" balloons etc are most dangerous to them... Geese etc to no alter their courses being "magnetically" homed in on where
they are going like a seasonal compass. Humans don't have that unless "diagnosed" with the "seasonal effective disorder" they are just more "in-tune"
not really disordered and get depressed when locked down by the seasonal changes. I hibernate during the winter not liking cold it gets in down to the
marrow, seven months of summer if not more is a paradise to me.