for those interested in blood clothing and spike proteins antidote, there are 2 topics in ATS, to compare:
So It Is The Injection Is Gene Therapy
With the Opening Ceremony world Health summit 2021,
by the Bayer's pharma director, in their depopulation report, he opens the conference saying that bill gates is taking its anticoagulant.
(then, the population will take their blood-related products).
and the second topic:
Would this work as an anti spike protein antidote ?
they named suranim. saying that " it was created by the German pharmaceutical company Bayer in 1904 from a dye called trypan blue, commonly used in
laboratories for cell staining."
the same product
the same company
with two different topics and visions...
then pharma is using those products already for it in their goal.
but dont expect to be an antidote, nor your solution from the same one who are killing you early.
an already-controlled and deployed step.
it is like the cartoon:
where to get rid of a mouse, they get a cat,
then to get ride of the cat they get a dog,
then to get ride of the dog, they get a lion,
then to get ride of the lion they get an elephant.
it is like when the invermectine's component appears in a bottle in a below deck show..
problem-solution, more problem, more solution...and so on.
money and earnings between.
controlling both sides, as usual.
in a long time planning.
"the only winning move is not to play"
edit on 11111111 by lux666 because: (no reason given)