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Want to buy a house Don't send a Love Letter in Oregon

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posted on Nov, 22 2021 @ 06:15 PM

originally posted by: scraedtosleep
a reply to: Bunch

This is all super weird. First I think it’s a little strange that homebuyers want to send a letter to the seller but whatever.

Even weirder is that anyone would sue.

This country has gotten so comfortable that this is the kind of silly drama that people have to create because they’re bored.

I have heard several stories of prospective buyers sending letters along with their formal offer. Some people feel it might enhance their chances of having their offer selected if they introduce themselves to the seller. The market here in Connecticut is white hot, with inventory of homes evaporating, and sellers often receiving multiple offers, sometimes over asking price. IMO most people are not interested in who is buying their home; they care about offer amount, and if it's a ca$h offer.

Yet, I have heard stories about sellers who consider the situation of their prospective buyers when selecting an offer, e.g. do the buyers have children, are they planning on starting a family, etc. If one were very close with their neighbors, maybe they take that into consideration. Usually though, either an all-cash offer or offer over asking price will be the determining factor of who's offer is picked.
edit on 22-11-2021 by SleeperHasAwakened because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 22 2021 @ 06:20 PM

originally posted by: JAGStorm
a reply to: Edumakated

Real estate industry is under constant surveillance and regulations by woke bureaucrats looking for any appearance of discrimination whether real or imagined.

I've always been a seller that wants the most $ and easiest transaction.

I've had a couple of realtors that were actually the racist ones. One realtory tried to nudge me away from selling to a lesbian couple even though their offer was significantly better than all others. I told her she was crazy and I was taking it. She was upset because she wanted me to sell to a young newly married couple. She told me she couldn't sleep well at night thinking something might come up from that offer. She was nuts and I would have fired her one the spot if I was able. Don't want to go into it, but I had to use this realtor.

That is the position I am in now.....I want and need the most $$ for the house I am selling. It will be for a down payment on my next home, paying off some things and savings.

However, now it will be: selling to a family vs selling to a corporation. Because it will be the corporation who offers the most. And I really DONT want to sell to a corporation. Ugh.

posted on Nov, 22 2021 @ 06:22 PM

originally posted by: DISRAELI
a reply to: JAGStorm
My first thought on reading this was "isn't any prospective buyer visiting the house first anyway, to see it at first hand and perhaps grill the current owners?" I suppose the necessity of purchasing houses "blind" is one of the side-effects of living in a larger country and working over longer distances.

I think normal buyers and sellers don't personally meet until an offer is given and accepted; assuming they meet at all. I never met the people I bought my first home from until the day of the walk through.

Selling that house a year ago; I got more offers from people who did not see the house except in pictures than I did from people who saw the house.

My wife and I put in an offer on our current home with out seeing it first.

Reviewing the house with any certainty comes after the offer is accepted. Thats when the buyers have their engineer come in to inspect the house and the when the appraisal is done. If the house doesn't stand up to scrutiny the buyer walks away (or renegotiates).

posted on Nov, 22 2021 @ 06:23 PM
Who would purposely move to Oregon?

Jesus, what a backwards arse hate filled crap hole….even Kentucky looks down on them.

posted on Nov, 22 2021 @ 06:32 PM

originally posted by: dandandat2
I think normal buyers and sellers don't personally meet until an offer is given and accepted; assuming they meet at all. I never met the people I bought my first home from until the day of the walk through.

I assume you mean "normal in America", so I've been learning something in this thread.
I don't think normal purchasers in England would consider making an offer without physically visiting the house first, and probably (as I did) looking over several before deciding on a preference.

posted on Nov, 22 2021 @ 07:15 PM
on a serious note - if everyone's going to die of pandemics, race wars, religion vs scientists then why you need to buy a house?

should be plenty empty... just saying.

posted on Nov, 22 2021 @ 07:27 PM
a reply to: DISRAELI

That's normal in North America, but the homeowners usually aren't there.

posted on Nov, 22 2021 @ 07:47 PM
a reply to: shaemac

However, now it will be: selling to a family vs selling to a corporation. Because it will be the corporation who offers the most. And I really DONT want to sell to a corporation. Ugh.

Tread carefully. I avoid corporations because there are things they do that are unethical but not illegal.

For example, they have inspectors that will absolutely find something, then you are stuck. This is not like a normal inspector if you catch my drift. I had someone with mafia ties try to buy a house from me. I did not even respond to the offer. Research every single buyer.

posted on Nov, 22 2021 @ 07:47 PM

originally posted by: DISRAELI

originally posted by: dandandat2
I think normal buyers and sellers don't personally meet until an offer is given and accepted; assuming they meet at all. I never met the people I bought my first home from until the day of the walk through.

I assume you mean "normal in America", so I've been learning something in this thread.
I don't think normal purchasers in England would consider making an offer without physically visiting the house first, and probably (as I did) looking over several before deciding on a preference.

Yes I am only speaking about the US; I don't have experience buying homes elsewhere.

In the US people look over the house before making an offer. But I see a difference between looking over several houses before making an offer and the real evaluation that comes from an engineers report and appraisal. Most people aren't intelligent enough to look over a house at that level on their own.

And in the US that initial period where you look over several homes the buyer rarely meets the sellers. The sellers are often represented by a realtor while they are out for the day. The sellers doesn't normally want to meet all comers; just the one person they accept the offer from.

Currently the market is very hot. So buying homes you don't even see is happening a lot.
edit on 22-11-2021 by dandandat2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 22 2021 @ 09:18 PM

originally posted by: dandandat2

originally posted by: GeoBricks
a reply to: JAGStorm

Bought my house 2 yrs ago. I actually met the owners and the only reason they accepted my bid which was 5k below asking was because I was a vet. If we didnt meet, they probably would have rejected my bid.

We bought our house a year ago; we offered 8% above asking; such are the times.

We came to find out that we were not the highest bidder and their realtor didn't like us as a prospective buyer; she thought we would not be able to make the deal happen. So their realtor tried to talk them out of selling to us.

Talking to the sellers before the one open house they had is what got us the house. The sellers liked us.

You actually got to talk TO the sellers? Wow.

posted on Nov, 22 2021 @ 09:20 PM

originally posted by: JAGStorm
a reply to: shaemac

However, now it will be: selling to a family vs selling to a corporation. Because it will be the corporation who offers the most. And I really DONT want to sell to a corporation. Ugh.

Tread carefully. I avoid corporations because there are things they do that are unethical but not illegal.

For example, they have inspectors that will absolutely find something, then you are stuck. This is not like a normal inspector if you catch my drift. I had someone with mafia ties try to buy a house from me. I did not even respond to the offer. Research every single buyer.

Oh, I wont sell to one. I absolutely love all of my neighbors. Even the ones on opposite political sides. I could not do that to them. But, the temptation is there because in my town, they are buying up homes (with zero inspections) for 50-100k over asking....then, they turn around and rent them out. Temptation is high.

posted on Nov, 22 2021 @ 09:27 PM

originally posted by: shaemac

originally posted by: dandandat2

originally posted by: GeoBricks
a reply to: JAGStorm

Bought my house 2 yrs ago. I actually met the owners and the only reason they accepted my bid which was 5k below asking was because I was a vet. If we didnt meet, they probably would have rejected my bid.

We bought our house a year ago; we offered 8% above asking; such are the times.

We came to find out that we were not the highest bidder and their realtor didn't like us as a prospective buyer; she thought we would not be able to make the deal happen. So their realtor tried to talk them out of selling to us.

Talking to the sellers before the one open house they had is what got us the house. The sellers liked us.

You actually got to talk TO the sellers? Wow.

It happened by chance; we where in lin for the open house; an half hour early and second in line. My wife chatted them up as they left the house.

posted on Nov, 23 2021 @ 02:50 AM
to me this whole making "love letters to home sellers" illegal is just people having sour grapes.
that they didnt get the home THEY FELT THEY DESERVED and use any EXCUSE they can.
then to "give it legs" attach the "race card" to it
i have not found ANY CREDIBLE EVIDENCE PROVING that the "love letter" was viewed under the eyes of race.
in fact had they been able to PROVE THEY WERE DENIED ONLY (key word ONLY) BECAUSE OF THEIR RACE they have a whole load of laws against this with a ton of lawyers willing to take the case (for a really good payday to be fair and honest).
They COULD NOT prove this but because there may (key word MAY) be a few (again FEW) cases out of hundreds of thousands of home sales they passed this assinine law.

Look alot of home sellers are not motivated ONLY by the highest bidder and this creates an enemy out of a very powerful group known by the name of "relators" .

they (with a few exceptions) are in it for the commission and the more the house sells for, the more money they make.
both the sellers AND buyers relators.
while there may not be open collusion between them (that is VERY ILLEGAL btw), they both want the most money they can get and to be honest will definitely (maybe not all but enough) "steer" particular people to specific types of houses they know will maximize their profits.

being on both ends (selling and buying) a few houses (as my family grew) been though this and even rejected relators who tried this game.
i also accepted deals where i might have held out for more because i liked the family (ex had kids) , they were willing to fall in my time frame and RACE DIDNT PLAY A DAMN PART OF IT.

there are also alot of things that direct contact with sellers help them and buyers benefit.
Ill use my experience for example.

my first house because we were a newly married and wanting to start a family they wanted to sell to us to help us like they were helped.
then we helped them (due to not buying a house in decades) by them seeing what a "home inspection" was and wanted it for their out of state pending deal... found out though it they were gonna get screwed big time and because we were willing to delay our closing they could legally break their contract .

on our second house due to our buyer didnt lock in their rates we had weeks of delays in closing (living out of boxes with two kids (one special needs) sucked).. but the seller knew our situation and we were able (by the skin of our teeth) to get the house.

selling our second house we directly negotiated a week "rental" to move by offering to leave some appliances they wanted. win win that our agent just needed to put in the contract, not spend days back and fourth communications.

in our third we had such nice people we could have done the deal with a lawyer over a cup of coffee but due to the relator hold on most markets (by making it hard to see houses without them unless they are "for sale by owner") we had to use them
ours was GREAT because found out about it before hit the market (their agent was in same firm) and first to see it.
they fell in love with us (due to same family makeup of kids/pets) .
we wanted to match their asking price (it was fair) and they didnt want the hassle.

because we talked to them directly we ...
avoided a MAJOR MISUNDERSTANDING thanks to their agent..
they had a hot tub in the outside deck.. we didnt want it removed but could not afford to offer more to keep it
their agent told them we didnt want it and that would leave a huge hole in the deck.. they thought that was strange and also strange we would demand they remove some basement couches and projector system
they called us directly and over a nice conversation we explained we wanted such things but didnt have extra money to add them..
they realized their agent was (to put it bluntly) A MORON who didnt check into a damn thing.
they (note was a dentist and building a brand new house with updated things) were more than happy to leave those items for us for nothing.. they were getting better stuff (good for them) , we were getting things we didnt have and they didnt have to hassle with it..

we then talked about some bar stools made for the basement rec room , desk (note the husband wanted to just leave it but the wife demanded some cash ) and the washer/dryer. made a deal and all sides were happy..

hell they were willing the friday (weekend) before closing just to give us a key to help speed moving in..
very nice people

all these deals with them and all the deals with other houses between us and seller and buyer would NEVER have been possible or very long agonizing process had we only could go though the relators.

what i am getting at is this.
the only people benefiting from this assinine law is realtors who want the biggest commission they can squeeze out and to satisfy some jackhole that didnt win and cries "racism" but CANT PROVE IT.

Maybe if we had more direct contact we have less stress in home selling
along with WHAT RIGHT DO YOU HAVE TO TELL ME WHO I CAN SELL TO, WHY I SELL IT TO THEM (outside of only because of race/racism) and FOR HOW MUCH..

dont like my choice? as my british friends would say to that "sore looser".... PISS OFF


posted on Nov, 23 2021 @ 04:42 AM
a reply to: scrounger

any way you can use less words?

That text wall this early is way too TLDR

posted on Nov, 23 2021 @ 04:52 AM

originally posted by: infiniteMeow
a reply to: scrounger

any way you can use less words?

That text wall this early is way too TLDR

LOL yea can be
but either do all the truth in one shot and someone complain too long
or many short ones and same person complain too many to read.

either way if your interested someone will read it
if its too long for them to read then cant help them

on a side note maybe people (not saying you) must realize not everything in life can be summed up for you in a "tweet"


posted on Nov, 23 2021 @ 05:27 AM
a reply to: scrounger

I only use this site and news n weather.
Completed rest of Internet.

Can't be helped jeeh how many times I have heard that.

posted on Nov, 24 2021 @ 12:08 PM
a reply to: shaemac

This right here, if I were to ever sell this place (which I fully intend to die here), it's going to an individual not a company. I can't begin to tell you, which I'm sure everyone else gets them too, how many of these pop-up scam shops are trying to buy houses. I figure they're overseas purchasers and quite frankly I'm not interested in them owning anything in this country unless they're a citizen.

posted on Feb, 3 2022 @ 05:39 PM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 06:22 AM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


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