It seems the virus having been manipulated in a lab somewhere (bioweapons research), is about the only viable explanation. The real question is not
only whether it was an escapee or a "releasee" (did I just coin a new word? lol), but where and when it first appeared.
I no longer accept anything our "expert" class has to say on this matter on faith in their claimed expertise. They have shown with few exceptions to
be corrupt, politically motivated and or just plain stupid people with letters after their names (and on whom an education was wasted). It's difficult
to imagine such incompetence
en masse from a branch of scientific "experts", but we saw exactly that during the pandemic.
I can see where the entire "Wuhan" thing is also just a convenient part of the narrative. There are so many other options, including some we will
probably never be aware of. For instance there has long been at least some evidence that it was circulating in
Europe (March 2019) long before it appeared in Wuhan.
The amount of data fraud used to sustain this "pandemic" and the accompanying fear mongering propaganda was surely immense and unprecedented in scope.
I'm now wondering if we simply lived as normal for the last few years without having been told of this "deadly pandemic" if it wouldn't have appeared
as just a bad flu season.
You could certainly be forgiven for thinking the destruction from the initial "waves" didn't follow the pattern of a circulating virus, but instead
followed a pattern of iatrogenesis, where the ignorance and fear based reaction to the virus took on a more destructive force of its own.
It was also either a truly miraculous piece of good fortune for certain companies who had been failing to get mRNA treatments that "turn the body's
own cells into ad hoc drug factories" accepted, because safety concerns had always scuppered them, or something else entirely. Something possibly
planned and executed quite well.
This whole episode has more than a little appearance of being "manufactured" in so many ways. Though I doubt drug company malfeasance and
political/academic/science corruption and profiteering was all that was at play. While these things were and still are rife, there's more to it I
think, not sure exactly what no explanation I have heard beyond that seems to make sense...