posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 01:31 PM
Update -- Day after my post I become unwell symptoms
I began feeling like I had the flu but .. My tongue felt like I had eaten something really hot like it was burned for a couple days swollen a bit
also .
My sinus began to pop and crackle my ears began to ring
My chest felt heavy and I did cough a bit and had trouble breathing
The front of my body felt like it was on fire like not the back of my legs but the front my face chest and arms legs the feeling you get when facing a
hot fire .
My chest felt really heavy last night and I was wheezing --
But today I'm fine chest is clear head is clear slight runny nose --- I thought I was coming down with Covid .
Oh internet history phone everything stopped at the same time like I just passed out and woke up .
There's the follow up I find it kinda strange but who knows right ?
edit on 26-11-2021 by Ravenwatcher because: (no reason given)