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Based on Pastor Martin Niemoeller

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posted on Nov, 13 2021 @ 07:26 AM
First of all, his original quote:

Als die Nazis die Kommunisten holten, habe ich geschwiegen; ich war ja kein Kommunist.

Als sie die Gewerkschaftler holten, habe ich geschwiegen, ich war ja kein Gewerkschaftler.

Als sie die Juden holten, habe ich geschwiegen, ich war ja kein Jude.

Als sie mich holten, gab es keinen mehr, der protestieren konnte.

When the Nazis brought the Communists in, I was silent; I wasn't a communist.

When they called in the unionists, I was silent, because I wasn't a unionist.

When they got the Jews, I was silent, I wasn't a Jew.

When they came for me, there was no one left to protest.

Since Event201 i had to think again and again of this quote, especially when i noticed the behaviour of some of my fellow citizens over the last, nearly two years now. Suddenly i realized how the Third Reich could arise and thrive. I couldn´t understand this my whole life but now i see it with my own eyes. And i had to rewrite this quote to make it fit to our time right now. Don´t forget that it´s written from a german perspective and originally in german:

When the Great Resetters / WEF Transformists put the media in line with almost all of them, almost at the same time, I was silent, I hadn't consumed mainstream media for a long time.

When they warned with fake news about the spread of the "fake news" that the Federal Ministry of Health / the federal government would not soon announce massive further restrictions on public life and did exactly this three days later, I was silent because politicians always have the well-being of all tax-paying citizens in mind and definitely have a good reason to lie here and there.

When they fetched the tobogganers from the slopes, I was silent; I wasn't a toboggan runner.

When the vacationers had to give the bogeyman, I was silent, because I wasn't a vacationer.

When they prescribed dust masks as protection against a virus infection, I was silent, because as a social phobic I could now hide nicely behind the mask and as a hypochondriac it gave me a healthy amount of placebo effect.

When suddenly the flu was on vacation in another universe and everything was just Corona, I was silent, everything will probably be right what the experts like Lauterbach, Merkel, Spahn, Wieler, Söder, Drosten, Buyx, Brinkmann, Priesemann and Co tell like us.

When they made the children responsible for everything and they had to bear the greatest burden of this plandemy, I was silent, I was no longer a child and I had none myself.

When they only imposed measures on the tax-paying population and exempted themselves, I was silent, I was already sitting voluntarily, covered with 50 family packages of toilet paper, 25kg of yeast and 100kg of flour, in solidarity in my Corona bunker.

When they sent around 83 million tax-paying citizens to the open prison for no reason, I was silent, I lived my existence anyway without friends, social contacts and any zest for life, always within my meager four walls.

When they redefined one-way solidarity as solidarity and imposed it on everyone, I was silent, for a long time I had no social contacts to whom I could have shown solidarity.

When they destroyed the small medium-sized companies, I was silent, I didn't have a medium-sized company.

When they portrayed warners and reminders as confused conspiracy theorists and pushed them to the right corner, I was silent, I wasn't a warner or admonisher.

When they defamed and marginalized the critics of the measure, I remained silent, I was not a critic of the measures.

When "conspiracy theories" became reality faster and faster, I kept silent because I wasn't a confused conspiracy theorist.

When they closed 21 hospitals in the middle of the plandemy year 2020 and more than 4000 intensive care beds "disappeared", I was silent, there was still a hospital with intensive care beds around the corner.

When they applauded the nurses on the balcony but they still had to suffer from poor working conditions and even worse than before because of imbecile measures, I was silent, I wasn't a nurse.

When they dismissed renowned scientists, who expressed a different opinion and expertise than the court experts around Schwabs and Davos Darling Merkel, and portrayed them as ignorant oath idiots, I was silent, I was not a scientist.

When they tried to divide society into good and bad and to incite both sides against each other, I remained silent and even enthusiastically joined in, because I was on the good side.

When they branded the unvaccinated as scapegoats and tried to create a two-class society / vaccination apartheid, I was silent, I wasn't an unvaccinated person.

When they then began to force vaccinated people like me to more and more senseless vaccinations and, contrary to all promises, vaccination was not making people free again and possibly made them sick but in any case did not help as promised, there was no one left who would now have wanted to protest for me.

It´s translated with google translate so forgive me any mistakes please. Hope it is ok, at least to understand a bit of what i wanted to say.

posted on Nov, 13 2021 @ 07:47 AM
a reply to: DerBeobachter

Thank you for putting things into perspective. I'm sure many have entertained your thoughts, but your expression is most eloquent.

Until the majority stand up to the medical tyranny and condemn it publicly, nothing meaningful will change. Clearly elected leaders are in on the scam.

With Friday's court decision to sustain the striking down of Biden's mandate there is a shred of hope.

People must resist with all their might.

posted on Nov, 13 2021 @ 08:25 AM
a reply to: DerBeobachter

Well put.

I was thinking something similar but from an entirely different angle. People are obviously getting more angry at the groups who are assisting with the current situation and enabling those in charge.

I can see a point coming when people are going to seek revenge. I can also see good people wanting to exit certain professions and distance themselves from those who seem happy to be on the side of the authorities.

As their numbers dwindle they'll become less comfortable and vocal with their current stance.

There is always hope.
If there wasn't, they wouldn't have to put so much effort into making you belive there wasn't.

posted on Nov, 13 2021 @ 09:50 AM
a reply to: DerBeobachter
To be honest I saw your name for the thread starter and I almost passed it by...
I am glad I read it, well said.
Scary how easily we all can be manipulated until it is too late, is it too Late?

At this point I wonder.

posted on Nov, 13 2021 @ 10:09 AM
a reply to: DerBeobachter

Beautiful, and wonderfully expressed !!

A Grand-Slam, to clear the bases, and bring all home safe.

Words of wisdom and guidance, to reach some that are difficult to reach.

Words of Peace, and Love for Humanity, that we don't hear from the voices we are told to listen-to.

Peace and blessings.

posted on Nov, 13 2021 @ 10:24 AM
a reply to: DerBeobachter

Your translation is fine. It would take me most of a day to craft something like that in German, and even then, the grammar would not be ordnung


posted on Nov, 13 2021 @ 10:56 AM
a reply to: DerBeobachter

Unbelievable. The shepherds need to do little or nothing. Protected from the rain, they watch as their dogs lead the huge herd. Where to ... ??

posted on Nov, 13 2021 @ 11:23 AM

originally posted by: DerBeobachter
There was no one left who would now have wanted to protest for me.

And this was with a senile gaffing president, a complete idiot VP, and a drunk Speaker.

Imagine if/when some capable folks get their hands on power.


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