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Liberal Mobs

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posted on Nov, 12 2021 @ 01:01 PM
Well, I'm due for my second Pfizer shot now, but I first went for my HIV blood-work today.
I'll only have the results next week, but if there's a major difference since my first jab in November (and my treatment earlier this year was so successful my CD4 count was over 1000, and my viral load undetectable) I'd be very hesitant for the second.
I have a slight fungal infection I haven't had in yonks, and before I do anything, I'd like a baseline of what's going on.

Well earlier this year my HIV-specialist advised that since I've had Covid one shot should be enough for me.
And then that jab did not make me feel well.

Of course now goal-posts are shifting, and it seems two shots will never be enough anyway.
Although we're still seeing adverts in SA where mainstream doctors say, yeah you might still get Covid when fully vaxxed, but you won't be hospitalized, and definitely won't die, when we now know both those statements are blatantly false.
So what worries me is that what these people say is not medically accurate, but part of a huge lefty, globalist bandwagon.
And a lot of those bandwagons today are sponsored and puppeteered by big companies the left once eschewed.
edit on 12-11-2021 by halfoldman because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2021 @ 02:05 PM
Book burning. Read your own link. Removing porn, even soft porn, from a school library isnt book burning. That you dont know that goes directly to your credibility. You screed is just as bad on multiple points im not bothering to belabor.

Lying about ‘book burning’ is enough.
edit on 11/12/2021 by BrujaRebooted because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2021 @ 02:18 PM
a reply to: Edumakated

Liberals, according to The American Journal of Political Science, carry psychotic traits. That is, psychoticism is associated with traits such as tough-mindedness, risk-taking, sensation-seeking, impulsivity and authoritarianism. This hits the nail on the head, especially when you look at how aggressive they are towards you when you don't do what they tell you to do.

posted on Nov, 12 2021 @ 02:21 PM
a reply to: Edumakated

It's so true, the dangerous and radicalized liberal mobs are exactly like what happened in Nazi Germany. They jumped on board with all the deceitful government agendas believing their government actually cared about them just like in today's America. Then came gun control and confiscation. After that, the labelling of all the "bad humans" which could include anything dreamed by the nut jobs running Germany then, (or like in America right now).

And then comes the demonization of the "bad humans" You know , like the unvaxxed, those who won't wear masks, etc. Whatever their demented minds decide (because only they know what is good for everyone else, but hypocrites that they are, exclude themselves from their own rules, but will still come after you with every kind of degrading punishment up to, and including lethal force.

History IS repeating again. Just in different ways that are still fully lethal, destructive and just as twisted. I have to work at a place with liberal "mob" types. When someone fights back against them like I do, they go cry to their mommy's.

posted on Nov, 12 2021 @ 02:35 PM

originally posted by: MiddleInsite
I could say the same about the Right and Trump supporters. All talk alone, but when in a mob, they become insurrectionist.

Lol, for 4 years we saw lone Trump supporters get attacked by leftist mobs. Goes right back to the psychotic traits found in the leftists.

Try again.

posted on Nov, 12 2021 @ 02:45 PM
a reply to: cameos

If you watched the Rittenhouse trial, after he was forced to shoot Rosenbaum, there was silence. Then a voice was heard saying "GET HIM!", then suddenly everybody started screaming it. They were running aimlessly in different directions and looking around for someone to show them which way to go while they hollered "GET HIM!" over and over, not knowing who or why they were hollering it, they just following everyone else. Kyle Rittenhouse could have literally ran with them and hollered the same thing and they wouldn't know he was the one they were unknowingly chasing. These people are beyond ignorant, reliant, and dependent. That's why when Biden says the inward, the news overlooks or says it's ok and they continue to wander aimlessly repeating whatever they hear someone scream aloud.

posted on Nov, 12 2021 @ 02:51 PM

originally posted by: jimmyx

originally posted by: DBCowboy
a reply to: Edumakated

Leftists demand obedience.

Masks are the symbols of obedience.

Don't use logic, science, rational thought when debating the efficacy of masks.

Just obey.

So….why do doctors and nurses wear masks?

I can't believe you're even asking this, but doctors, dentists, and nurses often wear masks while treating patients. These masks prevent large droplets of bodily fluids that may contain viruses or other germs from escaping via the nose and mouth.

Still looking for answers?

posted on Nov, 12 2021 @ 03:53 PM
a reply to: Vroomfondel

If congress has gotten such a free pass, why has MTG managed to rack up such a massive amount of fines for refusing to wear a mask??
Funny, reading through the posts and comments both on ATS as well as other places, the "slippery slope" line is one of the least argued. And, as far as magnates, dictates, laws, and govt policies that force people to do things they don't desire to... we have slid down plenty of slippery slopes over the decades, centuries even. Just as many had Republican support as had dem support.. many had much worse repercussion to those affected I bet than a mask or vaccine even.

It is illegal to leave a newborn baby alone on a cold windowsill in a closet to die and it isn't happening! Tell me, if a loved one of yours was to have something happen that resulted in them being in a coma, basically braindead and on life support..
With virtually no hope of improvement, how long would you want them to be kept alive? How long would you keep visiting them? How long would you keep paying the medical Bill's? A week? A month? A year?.. a few more years? Why should newborns be treated differently when they are born with the inability to survive without extreme medical intervention with no hope of future improvement? And, just who do you think is more qualified to decide when that intervention should end and the patient allowed to die, the patient's loved ones with their doctor's expert advice, or a bunch of lawmakers, lawyers, and judges? Here's a slippery slope for ya, a nice crop of harvestable organs just waiting to be picked when the need arises!!
And your killing babies moments before birth is just as bogus!
I can point to examples where similar laws and policies have placed pregnant women and girls have endangered their lives, and led to more serious conditions. In other countries, I can point to where they caused lifelong organ damage and death. Can you show me one case in recent times where a baby was left in a closet to die alone? or where babies have been killed in the birth canal moments before birth? I don't believe you can. The extremes you raise seem to be not based on facts... sooner or later, someone is gonna die needlessly because of these laws. That is a slippery slope no one should want to slide down..

posted on Nov, 12 2021 @ 03:55 PM
a reply to: BrujaRebooted

Didn't read far enough? Two republicans said that was what they wanted...

posted on Nov, 12 2021 @ 04:02 PM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Nov, 12 2021 @ 05:12 PM
a reply to: dawnstar

It was made very clear that the WH, staffers, congress, etc, do not have to get the vax if they don't want to. The rest of us, with a mandate, will be left with no choice. It is also no secret that congress and the like are largely ignoring the mask mandates. obama birthday party maybe? Or the video of high ranking dems getting ready for a press conference where they are all standing there shoulder to shoulder talking with no masks, until someone says its camera time. Then they all put their masks on to continue the lie for the great unwashed masses. If the threat is real, why aren't congress and the WH worried about it? If they aren't worried about it, why are they pushing it on us? Answer: its one more step in a process, the continuous erosion of rights and essential liberties.

Your examples of babies with severe illnesses or birth defects are tragic, but not the norm. I don't know anyone opposed to what you are describing. However, a perfectly healthy baby that is aborted at the moment of birth because the mom changed her mind, different story entirely.

posted on Nov, 12 2021 @ 05:14 PM

originally posted by: dawnstar
a reply to: BrujaRebooted

Didn't read far enough? Two republicans said that was what they wanted...

No, the article doesnt say two republicans. Again you twist truth, i.e. agenda driven lie.

Its very rude and irritating to manipulate someone into reading your entire link on a lie. Stop it, have respect for other people's time.

posted on Nov, 12 2021 @ 05:33 PM
a reply to: Vroomfondel

So, where in the states have they mandated everyone get vaccinated?
They haven't, and my bet if they ever do, it will include everyone with only a few exceptions and being an elected official won't be one.

Ninth month abortions of any kind is so rare, they don't even show up as a statistic! It comes in at 0.

posted on Nov, 12 2021 @ 05:38 PM
a reply to: BrujaRebooted
It names the two!!!

posted on Nov, 12 2021 @ 05:48 PM

originally posted by: dawnstar
a reply to: BrujaRebooted
It names the two!!!

Go read it more carefully. Two boardmembers are named, the context isnt given, nor their party. One says they should burn the books, the other said we need to read them first to be able to set a standard. The author of the article wrote badly.

Oh, and one was a mother that objected, but did not say burn the books. Her party wasnt mentioned either.

Go find the word republican, ‘k?
edit on 11/12/2021 by BrujaRebooted because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2021 @ 06:27 PM

edit on 11/12/2021 by BrujaRebooted because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2021 @ 08:50 AM
a reply to: BrujaRebooted

Before Rabih was on the school board, he worked on the staff for a republican state congessmen and a republican us congress representative. His facebook page also seems to suggest that he leans conservative.
Twigs is harder to track down and all I could find on him is that he ran as an independent. Other news sources say they are both conservative.
Both said they wanted to burn the books, twigs just said her wanted to read them first, and share them with the community so they know what kind of crud they are finding offensive. This was the week that they centered on sexually explicit content. I believe they are also objecting to books they see as teaching "critical race theory" . And, they also may be included in any book burnings dreamed up in these two imaginations, or reality who knows.
Ya know, I am sorry but one could find a whole mess of sexually explicit content in the bible if on were to sit down and actually read it. Just saying.

posted on Nov, 13 2021 @ 07:12 PM

originally posted by: dawnstar
a reply to: BrujaRebooted

Before Rabih was on the school board, he worked on the staff for a republican state congessmen and a republican us congress representative. His facebook page also seems to suggest that he leans conservative.
Twigs is harder to track down and all I could find on him is that he ran as an independent. Other news sources say they are both conservative.
Both said they wanted to burn the books, twigs just said her wanted to read them first, and share them with the community so they know what kind of crud they are finding offensive. This was the week that they centered on sexually explicit content. I believe they are also objecting to books they see as teaching "critical race theory" . And, they also may be included in any book burnings dreamed up in these two imaginations, or reality who knows.
Ya know, I am sorry but one could find a whole mess of sexually explicit content in the bible if on were to sit down and actually read it. Just saying.

I would not be surprised to find Rabih is a fundamental Jew or Muslim. so what if these people dont agree with you? When my mom found mylittle brothers Hustler mag, she threw it on the BBQ. I think she was being a good parent. You see a Nazi.

Nowhere in that article linked said anything about CRT. You try but you just cant help twisting everything to your bias. So for your next trick, you lie about the bible having explicit sex. Just stop.
edit on 11/13/2021 by BrujaRebooted because: (no reason given)

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