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More on school shootings

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posted on Mar, 28 2005 @ 12:56 AM
It seems like a lot of people including the media blame music, specifically gothic music, on school shootings. Some school shooters just happen to listen to that music. It's really not the music at all or the way the dress.

What many people fail to see is that its other people. How people treat other people. The majority of the school shooters were victims of bullying and mistreatment. What brings the kids to this level of anger? It's the continuous mistreatment from other students. Not just students, too. It can also be from siblings and parents. The school shootings dont stop here, there's, of course, more to come.

If anyone has seen the movie Bowling For Columbine, Michael Moore sits down and interviews Marylin Manson himself. Near the end of the interview...

Michael Moore: What would you say to Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold if you were to sit and talk with them right now about what the did.

Manson: I wouldn't say anything. I'd sit and listen, and thats what nobody did.

I agree with him on that. I dont know if anybody saw in another forum someone posted about their depression and they let it out.

posted on Mar, 28 2005 @ 03:53 AM
That is because, media and the establishment, are ignorant beyond fixing.

When I was a kid, 100% of the time the "authority" believed every word of the liar and the bully, and the fight instigator, every single time.
When I was ganged up on, by teams larger kids, and fought for my life, I was asked "what are you trying to prove" and given suspensions over and over again.

I didn't realize the connection until later in life, but the "authorities" and the scumbag instigators of violence all went to the same catholic church. Their religious bias for each other allowed countless crimes against personal liberty to be perpetuated. May they all rot in hell, because our nation is so very much a carbon clone of these people, and it sucks because of this.

Has anyone read the ABC report about the reservations? Something like 47% of the girls have attempted suicide. The one kid who died was a father at 14. The statistics on chemical abuse, suicide rates, and criminal conviction are outstanding. The kids that survived this attack, most of them, are walking dead, and don't even know it yet.

Perhaps its time for the indian nations to spread to the winds instead of dying on the cursed prison of land they have settlted on.

posted on Mar, 28 2005 @ 10:21 AM

Originally posted by thislibertine

Michael Moore: What would you say to Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold if you were to sit and talk with them right now about what the did.

Manson: I wouldn't say anything. I'd sit and listen, and thats what nobody did.

I found this to be one of the most striking parts of this movie. Now sure, one could sit and debate Mr. Moore's fact checking, but that really isnt the point of this post.

Anyway, yes the media is partly to blame for the whole "we need to find someone or something to blame this on", but people's fear of what they do not understand is also to blame. Some might say "Well why didnt they just stick up for themselves and fight back, instead of shooting up the school?" - but just as Legalizer had said kids tend to gang up, and when that happens it can seem as if you've really got no options.

By no means do i think this gives ANYONE the right to murder another person, but clearly something needs to be done to prevent this cycle of violence.

sigh. this is such a touchy subject imo.

posted on Mar, 28 2005 @ 04:59 PM

Originally posted by Legalizer
I didn't realize the connection until later in life, but the "authorities" and the scumbag instigators of violence all went to the same catholic church. Their religious bias for each other allowed countless crimes against personal liberty to be perpetuated.

Isnt that just the same thing as someone sticking up for someone else if they are "best friends" or whatever, even if they knew what the other person did was wrong?


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