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I have had enough and its time for sweeping changes.

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posted on Nov, 8 2021 @ 12:59 AM
I had had it up to here with what the govement is doing to this country. I have been thinking about this all week.

I will be putting my name in on the 2024 president ticket and just some of the first things i will do is fire our deparment of education and get people in there WHO GIVE A CRAP ABOUT OUR CHILDREN.

I will make sure teachers are paid and taken care of as they are the ones who CHOSE to put our children first.

Then i will try to tackle this abortion issue by sitting down with all 50 states governors. I would suggest that they all make it a choice in their state (the federal goverment should not take away state rights.)where a female at the age of 14 has a right to make her choice about her body and make it available if they want free of charge and with their consent if they wanted a IUD to stop them from getting pregnant. ( most of the time it stops the period completely)

Then the next thing on my list i would fire the entire VA department and take care of our veterans. I would also make it where if your a homeless vet that you have somewhere to go to get help and get you back on the road to civilization. YOU FOUGHT FOR THIS COUNTRY YOU WERE WILLING TO SACRIFICE YOUR LIFE FOR THIS COUNTRY, I WILL FIGHT TO MAKE SURE YOU GET THE HELP YOU NEED. ( I suffer from PTSD and know the struggle)

Then i will revamp the entire health system and build more hospitals were they care about you and your health and not how to line their pockets. Most drs have forgot the hypocritical oath they took to help the sick and dying not to get rich.

Then the biggest change would be to to the be to federal taxes i would cut them by 50% you work hard for your money and the government has been robbing us for years.

Then i would hold a special election where the american people can vote on wether congress and senate have term limits. You are there to serve your country not make a career of public service.

I fully expect to be killed in office but it is a sacrifice i am willing to make for this country!

Its to take this country back and get it back on the road to be a world influence!

I would hold up the constitution and the declaration of independence and protect this country from all enemies DOMESTIC and foreign terrorist (this means if you commit treason you will be held responsible for your actions)

This means the very first thing i will do is fire Anthony Fauci
edit on 8-11-2021 by holydarkness because: added 1 line

posted on Nov, 8 2021 @ 01:03 AM
You forgot one thing, put Depends Joey boy in prison for Treason.

posted on Nov, 8 2021 @ 01:37 AM

originally posted by: musicismagic
You forgot one thing, put Depends Joey boy in prison for Treason.

Last i checked treason leads to death by firing squad

posted on Nov, 8 2021 @ 02:04 AM

originally posted by: holydarkness

originally posted by: musicismagic
You forgot one thing, put Depends Joey boy in prison for Treason.

Last i checked treason leads to death by firing squad

Not if you belong to the D.C. gang Club in Washington D.C.

posted on Nov, 8 2021 @ 02:47 AM

originally posted by: holydarkness

originally posted by: musicismagic
You forgot one thing, put Depends Joey boy in prison for Treason.

Last i checked treason leads to death by firing squad

Only High Treason and there are no wars.

posted on Nov, 8 2021 @ 02:57 AM
a reply to: Gothmog

There was when Joey surrendered kabul afghanistan and left weapons to aide the enemy!

AND the murder of 13 Marines whilst leaving Americans behind enemy Lines
edit on 11/8/2021 by IceHappy because: To add the second line which replaces "Second Line" remark

posted on Nov, 8 2021 @ 03:06 AM

originally posted by: IceHappy
a reply to: Gothmog

There was when Joey surrendered kabul afghanistan and left weapons to aide the enemy!
Second Line

High Treason it is.

posted on Nov, 8 2021 @ 11:12 AM
If I was president...

I'd be elected on Friday.

Assassinated on Saturday.

Buried on Sunday...

You'd need a minimum of 30% support of America to get anywhere, doesn't matter how fed up you are.

How does one get that support?
TV time, which is basically money.
Then you'll have to get into bed with the fat cats to get that money.

Alternatively, you could start a grassroots campaign but those get hijacked or forgotten about, since the toys of distraction are so effective in our culture.

They go back to work on Monday.

If I was president...

posted on Nov, 8 2021 @ 11:45 AM
a reply to: CloneFarm1000

I put it in my orignal post, i fully expect to be killed either on the campaign or if i make it to office

posted on Nov, 8 2021 @ 11:52 AM
a reply to: holydarkness

Half the things you listed aren't handled by the Executive, it's the Legislature that is responsible for them.

That's the problem we have now, the Unitary Executive is too powerful and is well outside the scope of what the Founders intended.

posted on Nov, 8 2021 @ 06:41 PM
a reply to: holydarkness

Is that you Donald

posted on Nov, 8 2021 @ 08:18 PM

originally posted by: musicismagic
You forgot one thing, put Depends Joey boy in prison for Treason.

Think ya mean Donnie Depends.

posted on Nov, 8 2021 @ 08:20 PM
a reply to: holydarkness

by sitting down with all 50 states governors.

You, um, know that governors don't make the laws?

Legislatures do.

posted on Nov, 28 2021 @ 02:52 PM
a reply to: holydarkness

I had had it up to here with what the govement is doing to this country.

"Holy darkness"? What are you trying to say or do here? Darkness doesn't exist, so it also can't be holy.

Would people of "this country" (groan) PLEASE stop for a second to think that they're writing a post to an INTERNATIONAL forum that's accessible from any country that has internet available - any country in the world?

So when you say 'this country', you are being quite egotistical and narrow-minded, not understanding just HOW many countries your post can be read in.

The only reason I know what country you are talking about, is because only ONE country harbors people that are that close-minded that they won't even stop to consider how international the internet is even for one second when posting things. They just ASSUME everyone knows what country they mean, of hundreds of countries.

Please, PLEASE stop doing this - what do I have to do to inform people of "THIS COUNTRY" (far away from where I live though) that NOT EVERYONE LIVES IN YOUR COUNTRY, so you should possibly use terms like 'the world', 'the actual name of that country', 'the west', and so on. It's not ONLY your country that's suffering from all these things, it's all happening elsewhere, too.

Please open your eyes and see that there's a whole WORLD out there, not only 'this country'.

Also, the implication of 'this country' is always that ONLY 'this country' matters, but not the other countries, or the planet as a whole. How patriotically brainwashed do you have to BE to have this kind of mindset, where you can write 'this country' in an international forum and see NOTHING wrong with it?

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